ladies guide to succesful escorting

(1) Reply to in some manner to all inquiries. A short I received the message and "thank you for your interest" would be better than nothing.
(2) Look like your pictures... You can put on some lipstick and brush your hair once in a while. Clean and smelling good are a given as well.
(3) If you are running late or not going to make it send a message to that effect. Do not wait till showtime to send that info. If the world events cause you to fail to make the appointment, you should offer a discount or some manner of making it right. These fellows have often driven far and redone their schedules to be there on time.
(4) Be aware crummy taking care of business by independents fills the amps on a daily basis. They will be there and they will be clean and available. Why send the business to them?
(5) Try to be consistent in your menu. Do or don't do there is no try.
(6) Smile in your pictures for gosh sakes. Be friendly the bitches are civilians
(7) If you are high volume -empty the trash can and pick up the towels . Allow a reasonable time between clients. Never hollar next!!! Let the fellow think it has been a slow week.
(8) If you have management you will both make more money if said manager is never seen or heard.
(9) Try to find the "good guys" and make them feel welcome back. Value your regulars.
(10) If you are a clock watcher have a damn clock in the room for all to see. Gently point out when time is getting short. No surprise extra charges.
(11) lastly remember the tricks are human beings. Some (not all) are actually nice fellows that are involved in the hobby because life circumstances and a basic human need for companionship. Try not to hate them.
Men's Guide to Successful Hobbying

(1) Use your dick. Don't be one.
(2) See #1
Laura Lynn's Avatar
Zee, you are spot on with every thing you said. Sadly the ladies that need to read this, won't.

#7 is my pet peave. Nobody needs to know they weren't the first for the day. Everyone deserves and should expect to be treated like they are the one and only.

But i think you forgot a couple of small things. Not in any particular order:
*A thank you note. Saying thank you for choosing to spend your time (and money) here, when there are 1000+ ladies in the dfw metroplex to pick from. So a simple thank you and I'd love to see you again goes a long way
*smile when you open the door and greet your friend warmly with a hug and kiss (again, picked you when had so many orhers to chose from)
*Clean your incall. Clutter is such a turn off. If he feels the need to keep his socks on because your floor is disgusting, why should he come back?
*BATHE in between clients!!!

I could probably go on and on. Bottom line is as long as the gents keep going to the girls with horrible tcb, nasty incalls and bad hygiene practices, the providers won't change. Just my 2 cents
And the beat goes on n on n on....if you don't want to play with a lady that sees other dudes....then don't. Smh heaven forbids if she is a smoking hot lady
There are plenty of examples right here on eccie why a guide doesnt make any difference
tornado82's Avatar
12) when a client arrives, always act like you are glad to see him. get a running start and hop onto him as soon as he walks in the door.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Zee Man & Laure are 1000% CORRECT (I'm # 11) just saying
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
The women who need to read things like this won't. They just don't care, because for every client who doesn't come back, there's an endless succession of first-timers who are going to call. Even regulars are replaceable, and with little effort.

"How can I improve my business?" ranks right up there with, "That was fun; can we do it again?" and "Can I bring a friend?" as sentences that just don't emanate from a provider's mouth.
(12) If you are lactating please tell the hobbyist. Pictures with titty milk spewing everywhere makes for an interesting conversation. Sadly, the last lady that I did a double with decided this way okay.

(13) Always stay sober. A glass of wine is fine, but becoming inebriated and/or not having control of yourself is never acceptable and dangerous. Same goes for hobbyists.

(14) Never provide on your period, ecspecially if the hobbyist does not know. Its tasteless. I did a double with a provider who decided to stuff a sponge up her cooter right before the date. Yuck.

(14) TCB is a must. Have all lines of communication open and try your best to respond in a prompt matter.

(15) Listen to your clients first and foremost, even if its negative feedback. They are the ones who put food on your table and nice clothes on your back.

Nonetheless, there are many things that I could write here from experience and trail and error. I wouldn't be where I am if it weren't for any shortcomings that I sought to improve upon.

It's definitely a learning curve . . .
Overall, not a bad list
(12) If you are lactating please tell the hobbyist. Pictures with titty milk spewing everywhere makes for an interesting conversation. Sadly, the last lady that I did a double with decided this way okay.

(13) Always stay sober. A glass of wine is fine, but becoming inebriated and/or not having control of yourself is never acceptable and dangerous. Same goes for hobbyists.

(14) Never provide on your period, ecspecially if the hobbyist does not know. Its tasteless. I did a double with a provider who decided to stuff a sponge up her cooter right before the date. Yuck.

(14) TCB is a must. Have all lines of communication open and try your best to respond in a prompt matter.

(15) Listen to your clients first and foremost, even if its negative feedback. They are the ones who put food on your table and nice clothes on your back.

Nonetheless, there are many things that I could write here from experience and trail and error. I wouldn't be where I am if it weren't for any shortcomings that I sought to improve upon.

It's definitely a learning curve . . . Originally Posted by Adrienne Baptiste
Really appreciate #7....I understand this job ain't easy but c'mon! No alcohol or tobacco please
Laura Lynn's Avatar
A agree with BSB. A drink or 2 is great, but getting drunk isn't cool.

I also think, if you have to drink to provide, then it's probably time to find a new gig.
Lindsay Lee's Avatar
Great thread!