Krispy Kreme blasts Boehner and GOP House do-nothings

Fucking Republicans. It's funny how they suddenly evolve into caring compassionate conservatives who become believers in the power of the federal government when it's their house that has been washed away.
Idea is because he complemented Obama on speedy relief and coming to look he was campaigning for Obama.
I have been scanning the Net trying to find out how much Government Aid has been offered up to the Tx Gulf Coast due to the devastaion brought on by Hurricane Ike.
Does anybody know?
For some reason, I doubt it is anywhere near 60 billion.

As for Gov Good Bar, what goes around, comes around. You got played like a cheap fiddle by The DNC. Live with it.
Only did $12.50 damage in Texas...LOL
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I have been scanning the Net trying to find out how much Government Aid has been offered up to the Tx Gulf Coast due to the devastaion brought on by Hurricane Ike.
Does anybody know?
For some reason, I doubt it is anywhere near 60 billion. Well, fatboy was talking about Katrina so you're 0 for 1 in facts but 1 for 1 in apples/oranges. See the link below. See if you can figure out how to read it - YOU'LL need good luck.

As for Gov Good Bar, what goes around, comes around. You got played like a cheap fiddle by The DNC. Live with it. This is typical Teawipe stupidity. As the duly elected Governor of his state, he is mandated and obliged by his state's Constitution to fight for what he thinks is right and the best for his state. This is Governing 101 (1103 in modern parlance), but one can't expect those such as you to even remotely grasp this concept. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Here's the link to a report on US Government spending on Katrina and a couple of concurrent storms that Jackie S(tumblebum) couldn't find because of mental incompetence:

This threadlike incoherent ramble is yet ANOTHER example of the complete lack of intelligence grounded in reality which 99.99999999% of the time is the basis of Teawipe "contributions" to this forum. Big Fu*king Surprise!

However, the big takeaway from this is how chickenshit both the tone and content of this posting are. Again, in Teawipeland, there's no news here.

Even further, delusional Texas arrogance has set in as well. I guess when anyone refers to the term "red states" it automatically means only Texas. How weak, pitiful and sad.
  • Laz
  • 01-02-2013, 06:16 PM
A good example of why the federal government should get out of the flood insurance business. Most of the financial cost of this should have been handled by private insurance and the feds should not need to pass billions of dollars in aid package.

I have read that the senate package was loaded with pork. I hope that the house would not consider bills like that anymore. The problems we have are because of business as usual. It sickens me every time I hear Obama talk about old policies that were what drove us into the ditch and he is as bad as or worse than any of his predecessors in continuing those policies. The republicans and democrats in Congress for the most part are just as guilty.
Here's the link to a report on US Government spending on Katrina and a couple of concurrent storms that Jackie S(tumblebum) couldn't find because of mental incompetence:

This threadlike incoherent ramble is yet ANOTHER example of the complete lack of intelligence grounded in reality which 99.99999999% of the time is the basis of Teawipe "contributions" to this forum. Big Fu*king Surprise!

However, the big takeaway from this is how chickenshit both the tone and content of this posting are. Again, in Teawipeland, there's no news here.

Even further, delusional Texas arrogance has set in as well. I guess when anyone refers to the term "red states" it automatically means only Texas. How weak, pitiful and sad. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
That's not Ike.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Christie wasn't talking about Ike, genius.
One of Christy's primary points is the gap in "Makers vs Takers" math -- and he's right. The NE generates a huge gap between the revenues it creates vs the funds that it rightfully expects for a storm of this magnitude.

Not saying it's right or far . . . but he has a mathematical and logical point.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
That fat yankie can go fuck himself to!

I'm beinging to like Boehner.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Timpage do you know what you are talking about? Most of the GOP voted against Boehner for a pork laden senate bill. So who are the do nothing republicans? Since you targeted Boehner it must be the establishment GOP and not the conservatives.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-02-2013, 10:49 PM
That's not Ike. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Harris County stats are in there too ... pretty much as you expected anyway
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-02-2013, 10:52 PM
Timpage do you know what you are talking about? Most of the GOP voted against Boehner for a pork laden senate bill. So who are the do nothing republicans? Since you targeted Boehner it must be the establishment GOP and not the conservatives. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Can you read? This is from the OP link.

According to a Republican leadership aide, the legislation was not taken up in part due to timing: After months of fraught negotiations, Congress yesterday signed off on a bill that many Republicans opposed, in part due to new hikes in tax rates for the wealthy.

Do you understand wtf that means? No, well let me help you. It means the speaker did not want to take up more legislation that the Tea Nuts would oppose. He is trying to get reelected Speaker and he wants to appear tough to the Tea Nut supporters. Fat chance but that was the plan. God, can even follow the simplest of bouncing balls?
That fat yankie can go fuck himself to!

I'm beinging to like Boehner. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Perry cried like a stuck hog for Federal aid after the drought and fires a couple of years ago here in our home state of Texas.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I was only criticizing Timpage's idiotic headline. He needs to think this stuff out.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-02-2013, 11:24 PM
I was only criticizing Timpage's idiotic headline. He needs to think this stuff out. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

yeah, like going to class strapped
