Search engine

How about a search engine for each area so we can find exactly what were looking for before spending money and not being sure what were getting in to.
DFW-E's Avatar
  • DFW-E
  • 02-04-2014, 08:34 PM
You can use the "Search Providers" link.
DFW-E's Avatar
  • DFW-E
  • 02-05-2014, 09:16 AM
Another tip.

You can also search information that Google harvests.

keyword + site:url

You only have 1 post.

So if I search "luv2eatvag32", the only result I will see is this thread.

You can separate with commas to add names, phone numbers, etc to narrow your search.

"female, latina, incall, dallas provider, 2014"

Or whatever. Thought that may help, although vBulliten should have a search bar, unless they disabled it. This does the same thing.

This can also help when researching a girl.

(phone number) for example will get you more results than going to the website and using their search bar/
There is a search function. It's in the black navigation bar up top at the end. lol
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 02-05-2014, 02:51 PM
Or, in each sub-forum, there is a search drop-down in the title bar to the right, just above the list of threads, and also in each individual thread.