Miss new bootys DEFENSE ON LAST REVIEW- he came unannounced

Did that guy mention in the ROS thst he came to my house UNANNOUNCED!?? He spring up on me when I CLEARLY told him to call before he headed this way - his excuse was I was Already in the neighborhood- I had no time to get dressed- although I still managed to open the door in a formal black dress with my hair properly done In An UPDO. And make up was on point. Also- nowhere so I advertise multiple pops but gave him his chance to go agai
And asked him if he would like to see the lingerie I had picked out for his visit? He said No he couldn't wait to get out of here and go blast me on here. You guys don't realize thus is my job. I am FAR ftom perfect but dang it I try- he came unannounced. How am I supposed to be all decked out when I do t know you even coming?!?!? I can appreciate if it was all my fault and horrible- but I can't please everyone .. So please take into consideration thd things I did do right.

Amy/Gwen. Miss New Booty
I for sure would never hold that against you.
Seeing how there is more than 1 No review... someone would hold it against an individual.
When you are working, you should always be at your best, if you aren't... simply don't work. Opening the door sets a date and from there on it is to be handled no matter if someone shows up early or not, kick them out. I had people show up, that's why I live in a gated private area and do not give out my password. I have ran into miscommunication and misunderstanding over my years of learning the trades of the game and never let one leave you unhappy. I turn dates down a lot, not because I do not want to see them but because it comes from within for me, I adore my clients for respecting when I want to see them and when I need me time being a S/B I do not work every single day, back to back. I have and I do not enjoy it as much... Maybe try booking them on different days or spaced apart so nobody get's hurt or runs into this situation.

Don't let all of this get you down, get your stuff together or ask for help if you are wanting to do well in this business.

Good Luck Babe!

Miss Dreams
Cpalmson's Avatar
Dreams-- good advice!
Doodle23's Avatar
Dreams nailed it. If you had 1 new review and the rest of your reviews were completely positive then you would get a lot more slack, but there seems to be a pattern of clients not being satisfied with their visit. Pointing the finger at the clients when you have so many no reviews is NOT going to gain you favor with many people.Although hobbying is fun this is also something that we as clients pay our hard earned money for. If you treat clients like you would a boyfriend and not as someone who is paying several hundred bucks a pop then you will get a bad rep. We both know there is probably way more to the story than you not being dressed properly.

Own up to your mistakes and handle your business better. The common denominator with so many poor experiences seems to be you.Its your attitude and the way you are approaching things. Look at all of the reviews of Dreams and how they are all positive reviews and how there are so many of them. If you have your shit together and treat clients right then we return the favor via word of mouth... If not then good luck on backpage.