Babydoll NCNS 260-225-2196

soakmeu's Avatar
So I called her the day before and asked if she'll be available today during the day, she said yes. I called her today told her I was ready to go, and could get a room in the area that she says at. she agreed, when I got there before I got the room I called again, she said she will be there in 15min. I got the room tex her the room #, she text me back "what is the room #", I called and told her the room (thinking may be the text didn't get trough).

a few minutes later this dude comes around with a map of Houston in his hand, and is specifically looking for my room number, trying to peer into the room. A few more minutes past, now its 15 minutes pas the time I gave her the room number, I called, when strait to the answering service.

I go out, the dude is still in the parking lot with the map I asked where her was looking for he takes a few second then finds the name of a neighborhood on the map and said "yeh thats where I'm trying to go" I told him he is the wrong side of town.

Anyway I called her again and NCNS. this is the number 260-225-2196
oilfieldscum's Avatar
My first NCNS....



It's not me...
soakmeu's Avatar
This is her? Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
I think so its the same number, this is where I found her
  • Taint
  • 01-18-2012, 04:18 PM
Now I'm not saying that this girl is fat and ugly. I am saying that her dumb-ass manager did you a huge favor by, in Jersey Shore parlance, falling on his own grenade.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 01-18-2012, 05:05 PM
Me thincks she did you a favor.