Obamacare quietly deletes free healthcare from website

Libtards highly depend on ignorant low information voters!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
what vote is pending, idiot?
flghtr65's Avatar
Libtards highly depend on ignorant low information voters!

http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/...re_757348.html Originally Posted by therock18
You are jealous because McCain lost by 10 million votes and Mitt lost by 5 million votes. The republicans better learn how to do better in the swing states like Ohio, Penn, Florida, Wisc, Iowa or it will be a long time before a republican sees the White House again. Hopefully, that will be the case!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Actually I was just up there. You're lying for a change.
LexusLover's Avatar
what vote is pending,...? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
2014 and then 2016.

The WH thinks they got both of them sewn up.

Otherwise they would agree to kick the can again, and their puppets would too.
And along with that notion of "free health care" will go the notion of "everybody will have insurance".

I would wager that in 5 years, 11 million people will still be "uninsured". Why? Because they live on the fringe of society, have no visible means of support, and don't even know who the President is, much less what the "Affordable Health Care Act" is.

So what would we have accomplished? We created a massive new beaurocracy, caused a major hassle for most hard working Americans, turned the healthcare industry upside down, all for 11 million people who could care less in the first place and don't give a shit.

Jimmy Kimmel had a neat spot last night. He sent his man out on the street to ask regular Americans which they preferred, "ObamaCare or "The Affordable Health Care Act". Everyone said they preferred the Affordable Health Care Act over "ObamCare", most stating that "ObamaCare" was overly instructive, forced people to buy something, socialism, etc.

They didn't even know that they are one in the same.