There is one provider name that literally disgusts me. It sounds like bodily functions to me.
And incest related names creep me out a bit.
Then there are a few that just sound like dumpy grandma names...
Originally Posted by LilMynx69
I just scanned thru a few pages of the provider ads and really didn't see anything that stood out as "bad." But what LilMynx listed, especially (it's TRUE!) the last one, is something that's crossed my mind a few times before LOL
I guess I'm so used to reading message boards and online forum comments, that the more "unconventional" ones just seem normal to me.
I guess you could say that the classic "Jillian Price" type names might seem more "classy," whereas the Sw33tSugarT!ts of the world, might be seen as more "playful". Ultimately, I think the lady's actual personality has more to do with that perception, though, and then it either seems to "fit" or it doesn't.
I feel like the names really don't tell you as much as the Ad titles, though. So, I generally pay more attention to that part.