My girlfriends case of being stalked, tortured and thrown out of the window

This article is unfortunately in german, but google translate, or any other internet translation tool should be sufficient

The awful scenario happened in 2009 and the court proceedings started february this year and the last hearing was just a few weeks ago. My girlfriend was lucky to survive the incident, she was in a coma for a while.
She got involved privately with a client, when she realized she did not want to date him anymore, he lured her into her appartement, and tortured her for 21 hours with all cruelties possible (drowing her in the bathtub, beating her up, threatening to cut her face and her bodyparts away from her when she makes a peep, he repeatedly told her no one will miss her when she is dead).
finally she tried to escape thru the window fearing for her life, when she did so, she realized how high it was and held on to the window, that was when this guy slapped her on the hand so she finally fell down a three store floor.
Lucky her fell first on a small roof and then hit the grass, otherwise there would have been no chance whatsoever to survive.
Her mother and me were accompagnying her to court and the strange thing was that the investigation method did not work at first, so they had to postphone the hearing (the camera and speakers did not work - she was in a separate room to not face her torturer). Another incident on the side was that the female "secretary" of the defense-attorney for the accused torturer began to laugh because the attorney wanted to know what "deep throat" is (she had to describe all acts of the rape) and the judge told her , if she thinks this is funny she has to immidiately leave the court.
Its a surprise that a woman can laugh about such sexual acts put on another woman. No man found that to be funny?

Detail on the side: The guy has already stabbed to death his former lover who also wanted to leave him. He got sentenced to 9 years in prison, went free after 6 years and then got to know my friend (her name is changed when she agreed to do the interview).
Great justice system, Germany!
Another detail: if she had not survived that case would have been treated as a random suicide. No one - even after repeatedly asked by the mother and all friends - would have bothered to investigate that case.
But thank god escorts also have friends and a very very very good attorney who is friends with her and me took over the case and investigated it - til this breakthru happened.
The decision is not due yet, but chances are he will never be set free at all anymore.

I wanted to post this as a token to see that justice finally can happen and that escorts are treated with respect. The newspapers mentioned her to be a luxury callgirl from switzerland and him being a client, but in no way ever was it the typical (yes sure that happens w ith whores treatment the medias usually give) . A very respectful article seeking justice.
Also the husband of the lover he killed before was actively seeking the court and wants justice to be done. Everyone is horrified and the fact she worked as an escort does not matter to anyone. The court people were beyond friendly and helpful even though they knew we all were escorts and Leipzig is a small conservative town.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-06-2011, 08:39 AM
he lured her into her appartement, and tortured her for 21 hours with all cruelties possible (drowing her in the bathtub, beating her up, threatening to cut her face and her bodyparts away from her when she makes a peep, he repeatedly told her no one will miss her when she is dead).
finally she tried to escape thru the window fearing for her life, when she did so, she realized how high it was and held on to the window, that was when this guy slapped her on the hand so she finally fell down a three store floor.
. Originally Posted by ninasastri


Half the folks in this forum do not consider drowning torture.
TravelingManTx's Avatar
this guy obviously went mad.
Simulated drowning is not torture.......... Originally Posted by Marshall
I'm sure anyone exposed to the terror and physical suffering of simulated drowning would disagree. You can always give it a go yourself, and see what you think

Half the folks in this forum do not consider drowning torture. Originally Posted by WTF
Thank you WTF for your very thought thru response to my post. I am not native speaker , so elaborate my brain on how you would call it, if a person is held underwater against her will?
Plus, does it really matter? From you - who i consider a friend - i would have expected a little different reaction, and i am actually very pissed at you that you have nothing more to say except such stupid things? Seriously?

As to Mr. Marshalls stupid comment, i mean what else could be expected from someone like him? Do you realize there is a difference between actively being trained with simulated drowning and be capable of knowing you actually will survive it BECAUSE its just a training?
If you do not understand THAT difference than i assume something went terrible wrong with your military training and some of your peers forgot to give your brain some air.

Thanks Lauren for stepping in, i appreciate it! ((((Hug))))
whitechocolate's Avatar
Nina, thanks for the informative post. I have professional experience with erotic obsessions and I would certainly agree that all providers who deal with providing intense sexual experiences to clients need to be very careful and vigilant of all clients and look for early signs of obsessional behavior in all clients. Fortunately it is unusual to have situations go on to physical assaults and torture as in this case but there is a lot of stalking and other forms of harassment out there and a lot of mental pain and suffering by women. I think many providers are clueless and careless about these issues and dont recognize potentially problem clients whom they need to get rid of asap.
Thank you for this story from 2009. Very timely.
Thank you for this story from 2009. Very timely. Originally Posted by Pflugerbill
The court proceedings are RIGHT NOW!
The article is dated from 2nd of may 2011.
For all these who don?t know that the date in europe are day/month/year unlike in the USA.
Timely enough for you?

KSM knew he was not going to drown. When water-boarded he counted down with his fingers exactly how long each round of WB lasted [guess he was showing off just a bit]....he knew they weren't going to continue doing it beyond a set time limit......tolerating WB is not that difficult once you know what to expect and know what you need to do....thank you for helping me make my point that WB is not torture and the US does not torture........ Originally Posted by Marshall
What are you talking about? My girlfriend did not know she was not going to die?? Who is KSM and what does it have to do with my post?
What are you actually talking about?? Did you forget to take your meds today? I think you need to see a doctor.....but thanks for posting it obvious for everyone that something is seriously wrong with you...
Good thing you edited your first response....that version was a bit have very interesting internet friends....... Originally Posted by Marshall
you are still incapable of explaining what WB has to do with my girlfriend? or do you usually only open your mouth when no one wants you to? What does any of your stupid out of line comments have to do with my post?
Nina, thanks for the informative post. I have professional experience with erotic obsessions and I would certainly agree that all providers who deal with providing intense sexual experiences to clients need to be very careful and vigilant of all clients and look for early signs of obsessional behavior in all clients. Fortunately it is unusual to have situations go on to physical assaults and torture as in this case but there is a lot of stalking and other forms of harassment out there and a lot of mental pain and suffering by women. I think many providers are clueless and careless about these issues and dont recognize potentially problem clients whom they need to get rid of asap. Originally Posted by whitechocolate
Well in Europe it is not so easy to screen. Besides criminal records are not always visible. She started dating him private and he became obsessive pretty quick and when she started to break it off again he asked for "one last word" in his appartement. She made a few mistakes i would not have made, but still, i think her case is pretty extreme too, i am not sure if anything she did or did not do would have prevented that outcome. Professionally i never visit clients at home, but what if you start dating one :-(??

Same scenario with his first ex he killed. The first victim was NOT an escort btw. So its not the case such things only happen to escorts, as one might believe.
I think it was a mistake to release the guy from prison in the first case. But the first victim was dead, so there was only his word. And no one elses.That is why the husband of the first victim was so supportive of this case . It also took my friend a while to agree to give an interview to a newspaper, but finally she did, I think she deserves the attention, because such a creep should not be set free again ever.

The court decisions is not out yet, but the chances are good he will never set free foot outside of a prison and a mental health facility again.
But it shows you can`t be careful enough with who you date or invite into your private life. Not only for escorts that is.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-06-2011, 12:33 PM
Thank you WTF for your very thought thru response to my post. I am not native speaker , so elaborate my brain on how you would call it, if a person is held underwater against her will?
Plus, does it really matter? From you - who i consider a friend - i would have expected a little different reaction, and i am actually very pissed at you that you have nothing more to say except such stupid things? Seriously?

Thanks Lauren for stepping in, i appreciate it! ((((Hug)))) Originally Posted by ninasastri
My comment was directed at Marshall and his ilk.

They think because they have been waterboarded that it is ok to do it to others.

How fucking stupid.

It is like petting a pet Lion and petting a wild one.

He and people like him are bragging about petting a tame Lion. They then try and say that petting a wild one is ok. ( As long as they do not have to pet the wild muther fucker!)

Nothing could be further from the truth.

When one party does not know if they are going to drown or not it is torture.

So Marshall is correct, he knew he wasn't going to drown.

Where he and his cronies error is by then thinking that it is ok to act like you are going to drown a person that does not know if it will be their last breath. That is what happened to this escort. So really , I doubt Marshall response was directed at you or your post, it was directed towards mine. I am just exposing his slight of hand trick to all those that think it is ok to torture people.

I am on your side. You did not understand my point. I am sorry for hijacking your thread.
Wakeup's Avatar
We may have both been subjected to it as part of SERE training Marshall, but even you will agree that it's not the most enjoyable experience...deadly, no...downright unpleasant, yep...
I'm not addressing your girlfriend's situation.....I'm addressing WTF's comment [see above]. Originally Posted by Marshall
Then there is something seriously wrong with your quotations! Because why quote MY post when you answer to something someone else said??

Can you people stop discussing waterboarding in my thread please and open up another one? its pathetic and lacks empathy. I don`t see the correlations between acts of war and acts of lunatics?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-06-2011, 12:38 PM
I'm not addressing your girlfriend's situation.....I'm addressing WTF's comment [see above]'s unfortunate what happened to your girlfriend....I feel bad for her.....

..... Originally Posted by Marshall
See, he is not such a bad guy.

I'm not in the least implying she did anything to deserve what happened to her.....I looked at the article you posted and looked at the picture of the attacker. Assuming your girlfriend is of similar age and looks to you, it leaves me puzzled as to her reasons for entering a personal relationship with this individual. My puzzlement is a general puzzlement for which she is just one example. A lot of times I just stratch my head at women's romantic selections. I always avoid entering relationships with women who have a history of making poor selections in partners......this post requires no response on your part unless you can't help yourself..... Originally Posted by Marshall
Now that is funny....Many might scratch their heads at a woman entering a relationship with you