Driving and shaving your hoohah at the same time don't mix!

EJunkie's Avatar
I'm not sure if this is hilarious or scary.

You'd think there might be a little more than razor burn when she is shaving and hits another vehicle
There are a few other articles about this on the net (surprise surprise) and the ex-hubby kills me! He apparently tried to say he had been driving at first after the crash but the airbag burns on his chest deflated that story! He sounds as loopy as her lol...

C xx
notanewbie's Avatar
I ran over a cat once, does that count?
awl4knot's Avatar
This makes getting a BJ while driving seem rather pedestrian, don't you think?
The ex-husband is driving while she's shaving for her boyfriend? Hilarious!!!
rotflmao :-)))))))))) ...... hehehehehe ........ reminds me of Einstein`s quote: There are two things unlimited: The Universe and humans stupidity, but with the universe i am not sure :-)
The ex-husband is driving while she's shaving for her boyfriend? Hilarious!!! Originally Posted by jc13373
hey that`s polyamory :-)))) true love shows when the "apes" groom each other
Oh my! I thought doing my make-up while driving was bad. Good lord, I hope she was on her way to get those roots fixed!