Go Big Blue!

I B Hankering's Avatar
Yesterday I posted that IBM enjoys receiving about $1.3 billion per annum from U.S. government contracts. I finally found that $401 million of this business was garnered from DOD contracts. Go Big Blue! Just a little FYI to let y’all know that not all of your hard earned tax dollars are going towards DOD human resources—soldiers, sailors or Marines: past, present or future.

I found some other interesting tidbits. For instance, did you know Harris County, TX, received about $64 billion in DOD contracts over the last ten years? Fort Bend scored $600 million and Montgomery almost $200 million. It would be interesting to know just how many defense dollars are going directly or indirectly into your company’s coffers. There are over 1,600 contractors in the Houston area. Their employees are no doubt paying local taxes to support your community schools, roadways and sewers. Y’all might know some of those depending on those DOD contracts. For instance, do y’all do any business with: Raytheon, Coastal Refining & Marketing, Aggreko Lmtd, Air Liquide, 3D Intl, Rice University, Shaw Environmental, Exxon-Mobil Corp., Shell Marine, University of Texas, Continental Airlines, Thermocontrol Inc, Weston Solutions, Aurora Power, Laughlin-Thyssen, Inc., URS Group, Total Gas and Power, BMC Software, etc.? There are hundreds more in the Houston area, and I might have missed those y’all are more familiar with.

But as I recall, even TTH posted that he might get in on some of that Exxon-Mobile action.

Plus, the U.S. is the world’s largest consumer of copper. DOD is probably one of the reasons why the U.S. consumes so much. There’s beaucoup expensive metal in those $1 million dollar Cruise Missiles we’re sending Khadaffy Duck’s way. So if y’all managed to make a few cents off your copper stocks, y’all might see your way to blaming the DOD. But then, there are those damned, pesky Chinese with their cheap copper: it keeps screwing with the world market price.

BTW, one of this forum’s members seems to be a DOD subcontractor—he just spent a “couple of weeks in hell” with the troops; who, BTW, were there before he arrived and were still there after he has gone home. He eschews the pedestrian Timex for the Zenith El Primo. I know he likes air taxi service, but what was it he said he drives? A Fiat?! I never hear anyone (except for WTF) complaining about the DOD dollars sent his way?! He certainly doesn’t! I’m still driving an eight year old Ford PU. I’ll buy a new one when this one quits running. I'm at a point in life where I don't have to impress anyone anymore. The bonus is that the seat now conforms perfectly to my butt, and I don’t have to worry about the first scratch anymore.

Anybody else out there benefitting from the DOD budget?
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Death is the solution to all problems. No man - no problem.
Joseph Stalin.

atlcomedy's Avatar
I don't mean this in a sarcastic way, but is there a point to this other than most all of us count on the govt as a customer in one form or another?
I B Hankering's Avatar
I don't mean this in a sarcastic way, but is there a point to this other than most all of us count on the govt as a customer in one form or another? Originally Posted by atlcomedy
No offense taken, and your surmise is real close. The point is that several folks, on this board and otherwise, benefit directly or indirectly from the DOD budget in particular, not just those who wear or have worn the uniform.
BTW, one of this forum’s members seems to be a DOD subcontractor—he just spent a “couple of weeks in hell” with the troops; who, BTW, were there before he arrived and were still there after he has gone home. He eschews the pedestrian Timex for the Zenith El Primo. I know he likes air taxi service, but what was it he said he drives? A Fiat?! I never hear anyone (except for WTF) complaining about the DOD dollars sent his way?! He certainly doesn’t! I’m still driving an eight year old Ford PU. I’ll buy a new one when this one quits running. I'm at a point in life where I don't have to impress anyone anymore. The bonus is that the seat now conforms perfectly to my butt, and I don’t have to worry about the first scratch anymore.

Anybody else out there benefitting from the DOD budget? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
TFF on many points! I have to disagree on the Ford thing though - I love fast cars .

I would like to benefit from the DOD's budget with one of Team Six. I can just imagine.....................

Interesting post.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I have fast cars woman.
I B Hankering's Avatar
TFF on many points! I have to disagree on the Ford thing though - I love fast cars .

I would like to benefit from the DOD's budget with one of Team Six. I can just imagine.....................

Interesting post.
Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
I met a young lady a while back who was doing real well around Ft Hood. It sounds like Team Six is residing at Ft Campbell—SEALs on an Army Base: IDK? If so, you’ll need to move to Kentucky, but those guys might have groupies—but that means the other guys there will be looking around for some action.

You don’t know what you’re missing. A cool night, a bottle of wine, a couple of blankets and pillows in the back of a PU parked off some back country road under a starry night sky is a pretty nice experience.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
I benefit from a DoD budget. Unfortionately, BO is cutting some budget and the sector I'm currently working in by consolidating under a single banner to offshore the product we make. Thanks BO, our division in the Dallas area has already let ~100 people go. And lets be sure to give the chinese the means to create a tool that could be used by our adversaries. BTW, the execs from the company in the NE who are consolidating us to offshore our product are all BO supporters and they are very vocal about it. How's that for ironic.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
I met a young lady a while back who was doing real well around Ft Hood. It sounds like Team Six is residing at Ft Campbell—SEALs on an Army Base: IDK? If so, you’ll need to move to Kentucky, but those guys might have groupies—but that means the other guys there will be looking around for some action.

You don’t know what you’re missing. A cool night, a bottle of wine, a couple of blankets and pillows in the back of a PU parked off some back country road under a starry night sky is a pretty nice experience. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
According the Navy, ST6 HQ is in Virginia. They were ordered to KY which fits in the scheme of the ever-changing story of the operation and makes the reasoning a bit odd. The only thing I can surmise is that the "stealth helocopter" was an army asset.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-08-2011, 10:39 AM
The point is that several folks, on this board and otherwise, benefit directly or indirectly from the DOD budget in particular, not just those who wear or have worn the uniform. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Exactly and they will squeal the loudest when government cuts come their way. People that cry about the government have no clue just how much the government is intertwined into their lives.

Below is a glaring example:

I benefit from a DoD budget. Unfortionately, BO is cutting some budget and the sector I'm currently working in by consolidating under a single banner to offshore the product we make. Thanks BO, our division in the Dallas area has already let ~100 people go. And lets be sure to give the chinese the means to create a tool that could be used by our adversaries. BTW, the execs from the company in the NE who are consolidating us to offshore our product are all BO supporters and they are very vocal about it. How's that for ironic. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Exactly and they will squeal the loudest when government cuts come their way. People that cry about the government have no clue just how much the government is intertwined into their lives.

Below is a glaring example: Originally Posted by WTF
You didn't read the context of what I said. First of all, JOBS GOING OFFSHORE, secondly DURING A D ADMINISTRATION with cronyism. Get with the program and wake the fuck up to what your parties' politicians are doing, which are very similar to the last administration. You pro-big gvmt types are such hypocrits. My last job was not DoD and I lost it due to BS going on in a R administration, cronyism, and offshoring.