Next Meet and Greet

JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Last night was so much fun, it got us talking about the next meet and greet. Pencil in something for the third week in May on the Coast. We'll work on making that happen.
Sounds great. My schedule bit me in the ass and I did not get to make the HBurg M&G...hated it because I had planned on meeting everyone. Got stuck in a conference in New Orleans and could not get away. But I SHALL make the next......thanks for the update...keep me updated on pm if necessary. Captain Blade.
clarkkentglasses's Avatar
i was thinking about getting one together for may also. i would'nt mind tossing my hat in to assist.
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
CKG- you're on, my friend. I'm sure I'll find something for you to're in trouble now...LOL!
DallasRain's Avatar
awesome--always ready for a party!!!
The party was a blast! It was great seeing some new faces and some old Make sure you keep me in the loop for the next one!
I'm definitely in for the next one. I truly enjoyed getting to know everyone. I hope to see more of all of you very soon!


sandpro's Avatar
It will be a hell of a lot easier for me to hit a coastal M&G. Count me in!!
I am for that too. Costal is easy for me. Hope to see all soon. Victor
Lea Madisson's Avatar
Of course, with a Coast M&G in May, that means a return to Jackson will be in the making for this summer!! Probably July if we keep having these things every 2 months!!

See everyone in May!!


biomed1's Avatar
Please add me to the list of those that are willing to assist. I would also like to be added to the list of those wishing to receive an invitation.
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Hmmm, M&G every other month? Lea, I think you've got a great idea. But, the next one will be in my back yard, so I'll get to work on that. Biomed, you're on for helping.
sandman227ahb's Avatar
I certainly wouldn't mind helping as well!

Just a thought: since this one will be taking place on the coast, what would be your thoughts on expanding invitations to areas like Mobile and New Orleans? The benefit would be that there would be more people attending, but the drawback would be....that more people would be attending, lol. Just curious as to y'alls feelings on it...

Hey every one!!! Just dropping in to say hi and that it was nice to meet all of you the other night. I can't wait till the next meet and greet. If there is anything I can do to help with the next one just let me know!
Hope every one has a great week!
Smooches <3
Lea Madisson's Avatar
I certainly wouldn't mind helping as well!

Just a thought: since this one will be taking place on the coast, what would be your thoughts on expanding invitations to areas like Mobile and New Orleans? The benefit would be that there would be more people attending, but the drawback would be....that more people would be attending, lol. Just curious as to y'alls feelings on it...

Thanks! Originally Posted by sandman227ahb
The last one we had on the Coast, there were some Mobile guys who came. New Orleans guys and gals would be welcomed but it is a drive!