In a sense all his lies, deceptions, dishonesty, began with this Sen. Obama running for the office of President:

“The bargain that any president strikes with is, you give me this office and in turn my, fears, doubts, insecurities, foibles, need for sleep, family life, vacations, leisure is gone,” Obama said. “I am giving myself to you...the American people should have no patience for what’s going on in your head because you’ve got a job to do and that people should only run for president if they’re willing to make that sacrifice."

Read more:”
Dana Milbank: Obama Vacations As The World Burns
The Washington Post.

184 rounds of golf and climbing...

"I am not going to rest............(fill in the blank)"

"We will not rest...........(fill in the blank)"

"My administration will not rest....(fill in the blank)"
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Is this before or after he focusing like a laser on the economy?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Really? I mean, what did you expect?

Now enter the fools...........
Is this before or after he focusing like a laser on the economy? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

JDIdiot, we know that you and your Klan, errrr Clan just want to hate Barack Obama for some reason. Why is that? You don't really articulate this hate, but we can see it plainly.
Dems did the exact same thing to Bush.. so sick of this both Parties suck ass!
LexusLover's Avatar
JDIdiot, we know that you and your Klan, errrr Clan just want to hate Barack Obama for some reason. Why is that? You don't really articulate this hate, but we can see it plainly. Originally Posted by bigtex
Yet another "enlightening and informational" post by the race baiting apologist for the Obaminable Roadshow!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-12-2014, 07:21 AM
Dems did the exact same thing to Bush.. so sick of this both Parties suck ass! Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
Ssssshhh! You can't say that! Don't you know only ONE party is evil! I'm not sure which one (it seems to change poster by poster) but the vast majority on here are convinced their heroes are divinely inspired and therefore have no flaws.
I don't know anyone who says "only ONE party is evil".....that kind of attitude sounds like a rational to give your guy a pass............but glad to hear you don't dispute the premise of the post - Obama is a lying POS.

BTW, Bush was a terrible president and the GOP is rudderless.......Obama is worse, far worse than Bush.

Wouldn't you agree ?

Ssssshhh! You can't say that! Don't you know only ONE party is evil! I'm not sure which one (it seems to change poster by poster) but the vast majority on here are convinced their heroes are divinely inspired and therefore have no flaws. Originally Posted by Old-T
I don't know anyone who says "only ONE party is evil".. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

HEADUPHISASS always says "only ONE party is evil"
As President Obama has discovered, there is a big difference in running for President and being President.

He demagogued his way into convincing people to vote for him. His performance has proven that being the true Demagogue, he does't have a clue how to actually govern.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Carter promised not to come out if the White House until the hostages were freed.

You probably whined about that too.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-12-2014, 04:37 PM
I don't know anyone who says "only ONE party is evil".....that kind of attitude sounds like a rational to give your guy a pass
Your logic is fundamentally flawed. Read some of the common posters on here, starting with JD and IB. If it is a Dem they are wrong. Only after that do JB or IB even bother to read what the issue was. There are also those who seem to have a similar love-fest with all Dems.

But I suspect where you can find a lot of places I have strongly supported obama. I did say I though he was the lesser of evils at times. I did call out some on here when they made what I felt were irrational criticisms. That is a far cry from me saying he has done well. Even in this thread I have said he and Bush-2 were both bad and ill prepaired to govern.

............but glad to hear you don't dispute the premise of the post - Obama is a lying POS.

BTW, Bush was a terrible president and the GOP is rudderless.......Obama is worse, far worse than Bush.

Wouldn't you agree ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I would agree both are bad--in somewhat different ways. I don't really distinguish between failing grades--they both fail. I didn't vote for Clinton either time, and still think he is a sleazy excuse for a human being, but by comparison he was a pretty good president. Similar in many ways to Nixon, another despicable human who as president (not as candidate) did a reasonable job.