Recline or not?

I see there have been at least two physical altercations on airliners in the past week relating to a passenger's use of the seat recline feature. Good.

I am 6'2", 195 lbs. and have to suppress a nearly irresistible urge to bash anybody who is sitting in front of me on an airplane who reclines their seat into my lap. It is absolutely beyond me why airlines still allow this feature on their airplanes. We are crammed into tiny little seats with inadequate leg and arm room anyway and then the person in front of us can recline their seat until it is almost touching the tip of my nose? It is bullshit.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I see there have been at least two physical altercations on airliners in the past week relating to a passenger's use of the seat recline feature. Good.

I am 6'2", 195 lbs. and have to suppress a nearly irresistible urge to bash anybody who is sitting in front of me on an airplane who reclines their seat into my lap. It is absolutely beyond me why airlines still allow this feature on their airplanes. We are crammed into tiny little seats with inadequate leg and arm room anyway and then the person in front of us can recline their seat until it is almost touching the tip of my nose? It is bullshit. Originally Posted by timpage
Well, I feel the same way, but how is this political? Good sandbox material....
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'm sure you can find a way to link this to Obama's FAA...faggot.
Well, I feel the same way, but how is this political? Good sandbox material.... Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Well, there will be somebody that will eventually blame the airlines' policy on reclining seats on Obama at some point....right?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I just wish someone had invented the JUNK defender...
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Well, there will be somebody that will eventually blame the airlines' policy on reclining seats on Obama at some point....right? Originally Posted by timpage
Maybe the airlines tried to put a seat sensor in the seats, so if someone is seated behind you you cannot recline, but I heard Obama vetoed the change!!

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Well, there will be somebody that will eventually blame the airlines' policy on reclining seats on Obama at some point....right? Originally Posted by timpage
How's that?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-29-2014, 05:04 PM
People who recline their seats, especially those who do so rapidly and without looking, should be immediately tossed from the plane at whatever altitude the plane is.
I see there have been at least two physical altercations on airliners in the past week relating to a passenger's use of the seat recline feature. Good.

I am 6'2", 195 lbs. and have to suppress a nearly irresistible urge to bash anybody who is sitting in front of me on an airplane who reclines their seat into my lap. It is absolutely beyond me why airlines still allow this feature on their airplanes. We are crammed into tiny little seats with inadequate leg and arm room anyway and then the person in front of us can recline their seat until it is almost touching the tip of my nose? It is bullshit. Originally Posted by timpage
The problem isn't the recline feature. It is the seat spacing.

We are the same height. I have been on some AA flights where premium seating has several inches of space in front of my knees and the recline is no problem.

On the other hand, I made the mistake of taking a random seat assignment on Spirit and got crammed into an extra small seat in the back. I had to split my legs in a V to avoid crushing my knee caps. When the woman in front reclined, there was less than a foot of space between my chin and the top of her seat. Fuck Spirit. Never again.

This is one case where the government clearly DOES have a role to play. There should be a regulation on the minimum seat spacing so that people up to about 6'4" can sit without knees hitting. And seat widths should be at least 21 inches, not 19.

Seat size should be standardized. Let the airlines compete on price, service, on-time arrivals, not losing luggage, convenient routes and times.

They shouldn't be competing on how many seats they can cram into a plane in order to lower fares. That isn't going to be something a consumer will be able to find out easily. No airline is going to advertise that their rows are all two inches closer so they can squeeze an extra row or two on the plane.

I never would have taken that seat on the Spirit flight if I had known how small it was. It was not worth the cheap airfare. But how am I supposed to know that if they don't list the seat spacing when you buy the ticket?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Amazing how many of our Idiot Klan, er, Clan will rate a thread based on who posted it.

It's an indication that all of them are 5-6 trolls who will NEVER have an issue with diminishing legroom on an airplane. Like IBHomo. Or, in the case of those who are institutionalized, like Slobbrin and IBIdiot, that they'll NEVER know what it's like to sit in an airplane.

Grow the fuck up assholes.
Who the fuck rates thread any way? Looooosers
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Who the fuck rates thread any way? Looooosers Originally Posted by ExNYer
Bunch of 'em in Upset liking posts and ending every sentence with a smilie. L

Not sure about regulating seat size though.
pyramider's Avatar
If I bought the seat, I also bought the ability to recline. I will quit reclining when the airlines do not allow brats on flights.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I need a JUNK defender for those flights in and out of Kansas...
Ninety percent of the time, it can be a royal pain the ass being a 5'1" girl trying to live in a 5'6" world. But this is one of the few situations when I am so glad that I am only 5'1".

Leg room on an airplane has never been a problem for me. My feet don't even touch the floor most of the time. Being the polite flyer that I am, I usually make a point of leaning forward and letting the person in front of me know that they can recline their seat because even if they recline all the way, there will still be several inches between my knees and the seat in front of me. It is nice to see the look of surprise and appreciation on someone's face when I tell them that they can recline to their heart's content.