Fore! Who took more presidential vacation days?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'm surprised none of you Obama haters didn't post this before.

Fact check: Who took more presidential vacations?
Lori Robertson, 12:41 p.m. EDT August 29, 2014

Q: Is it true that George W. Bush took more vacation days than Barack Obama?

A: Yes. Before his two-week trip to Martha's Vineyard in August, Obama's count was 125 full or partial days and Bush's total at the same point in his presidency was 407.

Our inbox is chock full of questions about who took more vacation days, Obama or Bush. (The short answer: Bush. The long answer: There's no such thing as a true non-working vacation for the president.)

The recent barrage from our readers coincides with Obama's 15-day family vacation on Martha's Vineyard — he returned to the White House on Aug. 24 – which occurred during major news events including the beheading of a U.S. journalist by Islamic militants and protests in Ferguson, Mo., after a police officer shot and killed an unarmed 18-year-old black man. The vacation also occurred during the funeral of Maj. Gen. Harold J. Greene, the only general officer killed in Afghanistan.

Obama faced criticism for being on vacation during these times, but those types of complaints are nothing new — either to Obama or presidents in general.

Readers may recall the criticism directed at Bush for the August weeks spent at his ranch in Crawford, Texas. Others may remember Democrats chastising Dwight Eisenhower for spending time on the golf course.

We last dealt with the who-took-more-vacation question in January 2010, at which point Obama had spent 26 days on "vacation" during his first year in office, fewer than the first-year totals for George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush or Ronald Reagan. Our numbers are all courtesy of CBS News White House Correspondent Mark Knoller, who has covered every president since Gerald Ford and tracks the commander in chief's travel.

But, as we noted then, presidents never fully escape from the job. Knoller told us he doesn't consider these days away from the White House real "vacation" days. He said then in an e-mail: "I have long held the view that a US president is never really on vacation. The job — and its awesome powers and responsibilities — is his wherever he is and whatever he's doing."

Bush officials called the Crawford ranch the "Western White House" to emphasize the days there involved plenty of official business, and Obama's recent Martha's Vineyard break included several presidential statements and two days spent back at the White House in the middle of the "vacation." Presidents may clear brush or hit the links, but they are never actually off the clock.

Still, much is made of these presidential vacation days — and how to count them. Knoller doesn't include visits to Camp David, the presidential retreat in Maryland often used to host foreign leaders. On Aug. 8, the day before Obama left for Martha's Vineyard, Knoller tweeted that Obama had spent 125 full or partial days on vacation, and at the same point in Bush's presidency, he had spent 381 days at his Texas ranch plus 26 days at his parents' home in Kennebunkport, Maine, for a total of 407.

When we e-mailed Knoller on Aug. 26, Obama was up to 140 days by his count. Bush's total for his two terms in office is 533 days, which includes 490 at the ranch and the rest at Kennebunkport. For comparison's sake, Bill Clinton's total is 174 days, and Reagan hit 390 (349 at his ranch and 41 in Palm Springs), according to Knoller.

Adding in Camp David visits would bring Obama's total to date to 223 (that's 83 days at Camp David) and Bush's total for his entire time in office to 1,024 (491 days at the presidential retreat). Note that Obama still has more than two years in office to narrow the gap.

Deciding how to count these "vacation" days can create some confusion. CNN recently listed a count of 879 days for Bush and 150 for Obama, numbers that came from a Washington Post "Outlook" piece on "Five myths on presidential vacations." (Myth No. 1: "Presidents get vacations.") The 879 figure, it turns out, is from March 3, 2008, at which point Bush had spent that many days at the ranch and Camp David (but it doesn't include days in Kennebunkport). The numbers are in a 2008 Washington Post piece and attributed to Knoller.

If readers want to make an apples-to-apples comparison, the best solution is to use Knoller's figures as of Aug. 8, cited above: Bush, 407; Obama, 125. But the numbers say more about how many days the presidents spent away from the White House than they do about how much time the presidents spent not working.
Nobody cares. It's not important anyway.

Bush went home for 349 days... not on vacation... Hissy Fit... LMAO
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The President is never on vacation. His/her job goes along wherever s/he goes. The job can be neglected, ignored or performed wherever the President is. Can we argue substance, rather than form?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
It like arguing executive orders. Who had the most without looking at the order. Saving the Thanksgiving turkey was an executive order. Bush issued at least eight of those. Revoking the deadline for part of Obamacare was a single executive order. Honoring a dead congressman is also an executive order but cost this country nothing except the cost of printing a certificate. Adopting a climate change resolution is an executive order but can cost this country billions of dollars and thousands of jobs. Like you said, Bush went home for a working vacation. Why don't you breakdown those numbers. How many times Bush went someplace that cost the taxpayers millions of dollars compared to the times that Obama went home to where ever he thinks home is.
It like arguing executive orders. Who had the most without looking at the order. Saving the Thanksgiving turkey was an executive order. Bush issued at least eight of those. Revoking the deadline for part of Obamacare was a single executive order. Honoring a dead congressman is also an executive order but cost this country nothing except the cost of printing a certificate. Adopting a climate change resolution is an executive order but can cost this country billions of dollars and thousands of jobs. Like you said, Bush went home for a working vacation. Why don't you breakdown those numbers. How many times Bush went someplace that cost the taxpayers millions of dollars compared to the times that Obama went home to where ever he thinks home is. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Hard to see when you have your nose buried in Bush's ass 'eh Judy.
pyramider's Avatar
It does seem that Michelle and the brats have done a lot of vacations at luxury resorts...
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Michelle and the brats... Originally Posted by pyramider
One of the three most expensive packs of cunts this country has ever seen...

the other two being the intemperance union and the women's suffrage movement.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-31-2014, 12:43 PM
Nobody cares. It's not important anyway.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

The President is never on vacation. His/her job goes along wherever s/he goes. The job can be neglected, ignored or performed wherever the President is. Can we argue substance, rather than form? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

One of the dumbest things to keep track of ever.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Hard to see when you have your nose buried in Bush's ass 'eh Judy. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Respond to the post of shut up dumbass.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nobody cares. It's not important anyway.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I made no commentary on this story. However, judging by the amazing amount to Obama golfing photos posted by the Googlers of Idiotville, I'd say they do care and it is important.

If it's not important, with which I agree btw, then the Googlers of Idiotville need to stop mewling about it.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I hear Obama isn't going back to Chicago, crime is too bad.
I am surprised since one of the biggest criminals is working, wait, I mean filling a position as AG.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
HA HA. Good one.
BigLouie's Avatar
It does seem that Michelle and the brats have done a lot of vacations at luxury resorts... Originally Posted by pyramider
I guess you never did any research on the trips that Laura Bush took to the fashion capitols of Europe with her daughters in tow. They made it a point to have lunch with some flunky from the local embassy so people would not complain about the tax payers paying for their trips.
I made no commentary on this story. However, judging by the amazing amount to Obama golfing photos posted by the Googlers of Idiotville, I'd say they do care and it is important.

If it's not important, with which I agree btw, then the Googlers of Idiotville need to stop mewling about it. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Although I am not a big fan of Obama's, he still has interests outside being president if Golf is one so be it. Secondly most of those Golf Pics were probably taken on a Golf Course ten miles away from the White House.
