false review

Zara Sharif's Avatar
I never saw this hobbyist by the handle of bad apple he claimed he saw me which I never received a pm from him, and I never received a text
that is all
xoxo zara��
Did you see cosmic77?
SelenaAce's Avatar
Um, scaaary. That's not okay. This freaks me out.
Boltfan's Avatar
Zara do you require all clients you see to PM you through ECCIE?
Zara Sharif's Avatar
Yes I did see cosmic77, but the chemistry wasn't right I guess I thought we had an okay time he even sent me an okay on p411 saying we had a decent time, then wrote a harsh review about me.
Now this Badapple character, I have never seen or even got a pm or text nothing at all
Zara Sharif's Avatar
Yes either through Eccie or p411.
Boltfan's Avatar
You do realize people might have different P411 and ECCIE usernames
KittyLamour's Avatar
Wow Selena you are such a cutie!! Love your pics!
Um, scaaary. That's not okay. This freaks me out. Originally Posted by SelenaAce
Yes either through Eccie or p411. Originally Posted by Zara Sharif
It is a smart idea by getting the hobbyists who contact you by Eccie or p411 to ask if they have an account on the other site, especially if the initial contact is through p411.

If a p411 member states that he has read your reviews on Eccie, get his handle there, cuz he has one or he could not see your reviews, and ask him to PM from that handle to be sure. You always want to be able to tie handles together since they are different and very few list their handle on adult boards they are members of. That way, when a review gets posted, you will know who the reviewer is.

Also, most guys who will not reveal both handles have something to hide, mainly so that they can be two faced. They can be real nice on their p411 handle, and possibly maintain a good rep so they can see you for a session, while he can be a condescending asshole and someone you would not want to see BCD with his personality on Eccie. A big clue that they are deceiving ladies are when the guys who claim they have a p411 account in posts on Eccie, possibly have double digit OKs, but do not review ANY of the ladies they see through p411.
FunInDFW's Avatar
Yes I did see cosmic77, but the chemistry wasn't right I guess I thought we had an okay time he even sent me an okay on p411 saying we had a decent time, then wrote a harsh review about me.
Now this Badapple character, I have never seen or even got a pm or text nothing at all Originally Posted by Zara Sharif
How was the review harsh?
cosmic77's Avatar
Yes I did see cosmic77, but the chemistry wasn't right I guess I thought we had an okay time he even sent me an okay on p411 saying we had a decent time, then wrote a harsh review about me.
Now this Badapple character, I have never seen or even got a pm or text nothing at all Originally Posted by Zara Sharif

For what it is worth I never asked for your okay on P411 but who cares about that. The real issue is fake reviews. I believe you that bad apples review may be fake. When I read it I thought it sounded too much like my review. Maybe he thought that would be an easy way to get PA credit.

On the flip side I have a hard time believing ffireman's review of you. It was on the same day and everything in his review is the polar opposite of my time with you.

I also agree with you that we had zero chemistry or maybe I just caught you at a bad time. You seem like a really nice person and you have some great skills that I mentioned in the review I honestly wish you the best.

As of right now the only reviews I believe are my own.
corona's Avatar
This is basically a he said/she said now.
slap's Avatar
  • slap
  • 08-27-2015, 11:43 AM
How was the review harsh? Originally Posted by FunInDFW
Haha ok that made me spit out my coffee once I read the review

On the flip side I have a hard time believing ffireman's review of you. It was on the same day and everything in his review is the polar opposite of my time with you.
Originally Posted by cosmic77
I am with you on this part. I saw someone last week based on ffireman's review and it was totally a waste of my time. She was nothing like his review.