RTM function

travelling_man's Avatar
There is a report to moderator icon on every post. From time to time I use it to bring something to a moderator's attention since they can't possibly read every thread posted.

What ever happens to these reports? I've never got a reply back saying "thanks for catching that - we missed it", or even "we looked at that post and decided that it did not violate any rules". I've never got any kind of response at all? How does this usually work. I don't want to report the same thing more than once, but without a reply of some kind how do we know that someone looked at it?
Torito's Avatar
RTM's go to the email of all staff. There is no assignment, so I just go through the list, taking a look at each, since I don't know if someone else has taken care of it.

There are usually many each day. Often a post will be reported by several members. Sometimes more than once by the same person.

As I go through the list I look at each one to see if someone else has taken care of it. If not, I decide whether I feel qualified to handle that one, or should I leave it for someone more experienced than I.

In a perfect world I would always respond to the reporter; however, there is just not enough time. Occasionally, for something very important I do PM the reporter to thank them or to let them know what action is being taken. Usually, I do not. It is not disrespect for the reporter, it is all about time.

I also receive similar information in PM's. In that case I either handle it or get some advice from other mods. I always respond to the PM.

Once again, it about time. Considering the pay here, somewhere around 0, most of us have jobs, lives, etc, and of course we like to "play" a little, too.

That is a little summary of how I handle it.
