CNN Special..Selling The Girl Next Door

Just a half hour into this special and its already upset me. The guys she was "interviewing" that were busted in Nashville, she spoke to one guy in a one on one interview and I felt that was a total set up by the words he spoke. He said that BP should take down the adult sections, its all their fault.

Where did he find ladies before BP? Its all BP's fault?

London Rayne's Avatar
Have it on now as well...kind of sad.
It is sad about the girls and how the pimps got their claws into them. I just wish people would realize that there are ladies who got into this business on their own and of their own free will.
coast_encounter's Avatar
I just watched that special too. That was very sad. I was shocked that the guys still agreed to meet with the girl even after she admitted not being of age.
DRorchia's Avatar
Many of these "news specials" exaggerate and that's unfortunate. The idea of any person being forced into the lifestyle is sad enough on it's own without having to exaggerate how often it happens. Ms. Elena, you stated that "I just wish people would realize that there are ladies who got into this business on their own and of their own free will". That's one of the problems. The news media doesn't bother to try to gather an accurate percentage of forced providers vs. free and independent providers who chose this profession. Of course, many providers would not cooperate with such inquiries due to the legal issues involved. In most of the countries I have visited, the large majority of providers were doing so of their own free will. Of course, that's not really the kind of news that keeps viewers glued to their TV sets.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Nor does it create sensational ratings for the network!
Mature Companion's Avatar
There was NOTHING exaggerated about the YOUNG underage girls shown on that CNN episode. There was NOTHING exaggerated about the men calling in and not once giving a shit about the reporter *posing as an underage girl*. Those men *wanted* the underage girl no matter what!
There was NOTHING exaggerated about some of those men stating they have an addiction and flat out stated they wanted to f*ck the underage girl.
Sadly, there are men in every city (in this hobby) who are into young underage girls. And it's sick as shit!

Yeah, there are shows that put on the glitz to get ratings. But tonight's CNN special sure as hell was not one of them.
That young girl was brave showing her face, telling her story (if she had been released there's no telling what would of happened net.) Sadly what shown through those eyes of hers was a young naive little girl who still needed to be a child. Not used by men for their sexual pleasure
Those young underage girls chained/padlocked living in a concrete cell because it's safer for them than going home/being pimped out again. That's sad.

It never hurts to hug your daughter a little tighter and appreciate every moment with her!!

Many of these "news specials" exaggerate and that's unfortunate. The idea of any person being forced into the lifestyle is sad enough on it's own without having to exaggerate how often it happens. Ms. Elena, you stated that "I just wish people would realize that there are ladies who got into this business on their own and of their own free will". That's one of the problems. The news media doesn't bother to try to gather an accurate percentage of forced providers vs. free and independent providers who chose this profession. Of course, many providers would not cooperate with such inquiries due to the legal issues involved. In most of the countries I have visited, the large majority of providers were doing so of their own free will. Of course, that's not really the kind of news that keeps viewers glued to their TV sets. Originally Posted by DTorchia
Many of these "news specials" exaggerate and that's unfortunate. The idea of any person being forced into the lifestyle is sad enough on it's own without having to exaggerate how often it happens. Ms. Elena, you stated that "I just wish people would realize that there are ladies who got into this business on their own and of their own free will". That's one of the problems. The news media doesn't bother to try to gather an accurate percentage of forced providers vs. free and independent providers who chose this profession. Of course, many providers would not cooperate with such inquiries due to the legal issues involved. In most of the countries I have visited, the large majority of providers were doing so of their own free will. Of course, that's not really the kind of news that keeps viewers glued to their TV sets. Originally Posted by DTorchia
There was NOTHING exaggerated about the YOUNG underage girls shown on that CNN episode. There was NOTHING exaggerated about the men calling in and not once giving a shit about the reporter *posing as an underage girl*. Those men *wanted* the underage girl no matter what!
There was NOTHING exaggerated about some of those men stating they have an addiction and flat out stated they wanted to f*ck the underage girl.
Sadly, there are men in every city (in this hobby) who are into young underage girls. And it's sick as shit!

Yeah, there are shows that put on the glitz to get ratings. But tonight's CNN special sure as hell was not one of them.
That young girl was brave showing her face, telling her story (if she had been released there's no telling what would of happened net.) Sadly what shown through those eyes of hers was a young naive little girl who still needed to be a child. Not used by men for their sexual pleasure
Those young underage girls chained/padlocked living in a concrete cell because it's safer for them than going home/being pimped out again. That's sad.

It never hurts to hug your daughter a little tighter and appreciate every moment with her!! Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
I think you both have valid POVs. The media, unfortunately, decides in advance what the story is going to be, then gears its interviews to make that story. Instead, it should take the story where the story goes as a result of real journalism.

OTOH, this problem with underage girls has been around for a very long time. In some cultures (even the US at one time) girls get married at a very young age. Developmentally speaking, they're capable of becoming pregnant fairly early compared to what our society accepts. Mother nature tends to respond to what's necessary to continue the species. I don't think it is wise to adopt that model...just pointing it out. There is some thought in the family that my grandmother got married as young as 14 (no one really knows). She had 5 kids, lived to a ripe old age, married to the same guy all her life.

Just my .02.
  • MrGiz
  • 01-24-2011, 06:40 AM
. . . The media, unfortunately, decides in advance what the story is going to be, then gears its interviews to make that story. Instead, it should take the story where the story goes as a result of real journalism. . . . Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Damn Charles I miss that smoking hot avatar
London Rayne's Avatar
There was NOTHING exaggerated about the YOUNG underage girls shown on that CNN episode. There was NOTHING exaggerated about the men calling in and not once giving a shit about the reporter *posing as an underage girl*. Those men *wanted* the underage girl no matter what!
There was NOTHING exaggerated about some of those men stating they have an addiction and flat out stated they wanted to f*ck the underage girl.
Sadly, there are men in every city (in this hobby) who are into young underage girls. And it's sick as shit!

Yeah, there are shows that put on the glitz to get ratings. But tonight's CNN special sure as hell was not one of them.
That young girl was brave showing her face, telling her story (if she had been released there's no telling what would of happened net.) Sadly what shown through those eyes of hers was a young naive little girl who still needed to be a child. Not used by men for their sexual pleasure
Those young underage girls chained/padlocked living in a concrete cell because it's safer for them than going home/being pimped out again. That's sad.

It never hurts to hug your daughter a little tighter and appreciate every moment with her!! Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
Agreed, and the truth of the matter is...this is far more widespread than the "Media" even indicates. Most cops won't touch sex trafficking cases because they are so hard to get to the person at the top. You have 12 houses of underage girls with a so called pimp covering each one. They bust one house and one pimp, who never opens his/her mouth because they know after their sentence they are set for life financially from the top dog.

You really want a reality "Human Trafficking" with Mira Servino. That will seriously open your eyes about how big this industry is. Another sad thing people don't take into consideration is that it's not "out there" but right HERE! There are people on these very boards that partake in this stuff, but will never admit to it....of course they wouldn't.
Damn Charles I miss that smoking hot avatar Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
I just watched that special too. That was very sad. I was shocked that the guys still agreed to meet with the girl even after she admitted not being of age. Originally Posted by coast_encounter
No, the reporter says the guys did that. We have only her word that she risked arrest by the FBI for a crappy news story; it may be the truth or it may be as much of a lie as her "statistics" are. No one has any way of checking.
WM, I agree 110%. I agree with hugging your daughter too. I do wanna add to hug your sons as well. That, to me, is the neglected story. Lil boys go through it too. Just look at those Japanese snuff films. They are everywhere too but most are bought, sold and made in Japan. The kidnappings are worldwide and most desired is lil blond hair blue eyed boys... Europe and the US boys. I could wage a war on that shit.

Ms. Elena, I wanna take your comment one step further and say... if they took the dollars that they waste on coming after us that are here voluntarily and put it towards saving those in captivity... we would all be better off. And maybe even clear up the misconception that just because I am here, my daughter will follow bs or worse I will pimp her... somebody needs to let them know that we decide to do what we do to give our daughters better lives. So stop looking at us when investigating them. It's 2 different animals!

Another thing, we don't break up marriages. We are the solution to divorce until she finds out so the kids are older than they would have been if he had filed... at least the husbands find other outs besides divorce and not all wives that find out get divorced. Heck, as we all know is true, a significant amount join in. People get bored and frustrated. Other people get kidnapped and abused. 2 different animals. Fix the problems, not the solutions.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Fixed. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Not fixed