Mississippi escort murdered in Texas


Keep in mind that even though other members were nasty to this new girl, it was proven later in the thread to be true. Send her some support and be warned yourselves. It hasn't been released yet and this girl needs the encouragement to come back and give us the details as she gets them.

Thank you!
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Keep in mind that even though other members were nasty to this new girl, it was proven later in the thread to be true. Send her some support and be warned yourselves. It hasn't been released yet and this girl needs the encouragement to come back and give us the details as she gets them. Originally Posted by Lacey Companion
Been busy huh? This is your ninth post of the same thing in every single Texas forum.

So, over a week after the original thread was closed, you decided to open it up again? Without any relevant new information? Both Mods there decided to close it and I will close this one.

Just catching up with this after being off the computer for what I thought was a short time, and I've had enough.

Information about the murder, if any is to be provided, should be posted in the provider's section so ladies from all states can be warned.

This thread is closed. Originally Posted by JustaGuyinMS