Looking for some professional insight on Bucks FW, and Bucks Wild

I was looking to pick your brain on these two clubs and the girls there who would provide extras on the hobbying side of things. I've see you abou alot of gals, and just would like your professional and personal experience with these gals pls. I'm looking to go to one of these clubs tonight and would like to enjoy myself and see if I'm capable of getting the extras. My pockets are deep so that's not an issue. Please PM so we can discuss specifics. I'd be willing to buy a few drinks possibly a dance for a fella if I get good insight and they come out tonight!
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
I've been visiting Bucks three or four times a week for several months. I know of plenty of girls who provide enjoyable VIP experiences, but you gotta have some game, as well as money, and I freely admit that I have none. If you have no game, it's entirely possible that the only words you'll hear while you are here are, "That'll be $7" and "Have fun" from the door girl, and "Can I get you a drink?" from a waitress, if you can get one to serve you.

The general suggestions are:

1) Research. Find out as much as you can about who the potential players are before you go in, as well as the teasers and hustlers. Your goal is to get them to do something they don't want to do back there; their goal is to avoid having to do it while at the same time extracting from you the same amount of money as if they had.

2) Tip her on stage and ask her to drop by after her rotation. I'd suggest 10 or 20 to put you ahead of all the other guys who gave her singles and asked the same thing, and wait until she's on the last stage so she won't forget you. Warning: She still have may prior commitments -- most have regulars, and it can take months to get one to break away from them and start seeing you -- and it's still possible you won't see her again.

3) Recruit a waitress to recruit for you, and tip her well.

4) When the dancer asks you for a dance, complete the negotiation at the table. Find out what she's going to do and how much it will cost you. Don't waste time on the back wall; head straight to VIP. Don't assume that, just because you've heard or read that she's done something with someone in VIP that a) it actually happened and b) she'll do it with you. She may not even do it with you after you've agreed on a deal.

An hour in VIP costs you 60 nowadays, I think. I don't know what other girls charge, but the one I was seeing before she got pissed at me and cut me off wanted 150 for HJ, 200 for BJ, 300 for FS.
Iand just would like your professional and personal experience with these gals pls. Originally Posted by CmTraze
Professional experience with these gals? I’ve been trying to get my head around that for the last 10 minutes.
PetrusMaximus's Avatar
Your pockets are deep, that's good. Girls like guys with deep pockets.

Bring your game as well, knowing you will walk-in as a new guy, you may find a girl who will play with a stranger, that is, make you happy.

But you know well how strippers play with strangers.

Wish you all the luck and fun. It is definitely fun at the club.

Stay cool and watch out for the girls who want to play with you. And don't get bamboozled.
Red Tex's Avatar
Don't piss off the wait staff. I was there Friday and my waitress pointed out this guy who just stands around, never goes to VIP and she suspects he goes on ECCIE saying he gets BJs all the time in VIP(according to his reviews). Don't be cheap with the waitstaff. Find one that has some tenure. You can scare a new waitress asking for a "fun girl."
Do what most of the "successful" guys do and pick an ugly girl who is desperate for attention and money, and she will do it for minor amounts of money.

Better way to go is have plenty of money and spend it on the few pretty ones left in the clubs these days, then go to an AMP afterward if things do not go your way.

Being advised to "have game" is totally useless insofar as those who have it know it and can easily pickup girls based upon their instincts and those who don't have it should have figured it out by now and need to overcome that with ample amounts of money.
PetrusMaximus's Avatar
Hey, how did your tour go?

Tell us how it went?

Did you rescue a stripper/dancer/damsel in distress from her bills to pay?

I'm sure you had fun. Would like to know more.
