Sayin No AA in Ads is somewhat offensive

Racism has no place in a public forum.

When i see "No AA" in ads it means that no matter how educated, nice, respectfull, courteous or genteel that I am I will never be as acceptable as a dope addicted, drunken, woman beating person of other ethnic groups because i'm AA.

Can we limit this preferance to private screening in lieu of placing it in the disney daylight like the euro version of the little mermaid showing both surf and turf tits.

I really dont need to be reminded that because i'm black i'll never be good enuf for some people.

The argument that providers have the right to put whatever they want in their showcases and ads here is simply wrong.

Placing an ad is not a right, its a privilege.
It is granted by the owners of eccie to facilitate commerce in this profession and eccie has the Right to moderate the contents of those ads using standards.

At the very least we can use that privilege to support interethnic courtesy rather than continue to proactively promote exclusionary practices that keep us divided as a nation.

Keep yer racism out of the public view. It makes eccie appear as if its supporting it.

Nobody needs to be reminded that you think they aren't good enuf because of their skin color.

Keep it in your screening process. Saying "No AA" is not the same as saying "No 'N_ggers" but its pretty damn close.
Well said, sir. I greatly dislike that shit. Btw, I am not AA, but that crap really annoys me as well. Keep the faith, there are many providers that are color blind.
gregaustin's Avatar
Hmmm, I have no science to back this up, but it seems to me that 'No AA' is far more prevalent in AA provider ads.

It always seemed to me that providers, who know the risks of this business better than anybody, feel that there is more risk from theft or violence with AA clients and that in a business already fraught with risk it wasn't a good business decision to accept them. Why else would so many AA providers not accept AA clients?

I never thought of it as racist but if you want to characterize it that way that's your right.

What about 'No clients under 30/40/50'? Ageist?
ck1942's Avatar
I sincerely believe in several things herein.

1) the ladies make the rules and
2) the ladies are in charge of making sure the hobbyists know their rules

That said, I believe that

1) racism is ignoble and dehumanizing. And "public" display of same is equally wrong. However,

2) the rules here allow the ladies to advertise their rules

3) the gents should have a fair shot at maximizing their (the gents') time, and it is better (imho) for the gents to know upfront the rules of engagement before wasting time trying to set up an engagement.

This is not strictly a racism issue. Certainly not a Black issue when it amounts to race restrictions..

There are ladies out there who point blank say,

-- no one over or under a certain age
-- race restriction, NBA, no Asians, no etc. from what I have seen on this board and elsewhere
-- no haggling
-- no oversize Johnsons
-- CBJ only
-- "light" (whatever that means!) GFE


imho, the more information the lady imparts, the more informed we gents are when it comes to setting up an engagement.

All that said, I have personally observed in multiple "Meet & Greet" events in which ladies and gents freely engage in conversation, that quite often the "racial element/barrier" is hurdled quite successfully.

So, conclusion, in the end, imo YMMV certainly plays a part in all of the above considerations.
Monica13's Avatar
I have no problem at seeing AA. I have never had a problem.
I myself have no problem seeing AA but ONLY over a certain age. You have to put yourself in our shoes sir it is not they we are trying to racist or disrespectful in any way shape or form , but as with any gentleman AA men tend to get rough and downright rude , I personally have had more issues seeing AA and Asians then I have seeing hispanics and white men.
I guess this is what I'm trying to say and I mean no disrespect but how is it different from the men saying I will only see a provider if she is a certain body shape , a certain age , certain hair , color , certain size breast , a certain skin color ? That road goes both ways.

I will leave you with this
In the end it is our decision on who we went and are willing to see , it isn't a racial decision just a personal choice

Love , hugs and kisses
The cowgirl
I have always thought a lady should be ale to see whom ever she wishes and didn't really see the big deal about NO AA...because if someone doesn't want to see me...I don't want to see them. I am white BTW.

After reading Juspen post...I know understand how it may make some feel.

I don't know the fix to the problem....but I now understand a bit more.
I myself have no problem seeing AA but ONLY over a certain age. You have to put yourself in our shoes sir it is not they we are trying to racist or disrespectful in any way shape or form , but as with any gentleman AA men tend to get rough and downright rude , I personally have had more issues seeing AA and Asians then I have seeing hispanics and white men.
I guess this is what I'm trying to say and I mean no disrespect but how is it different from the men saying I will only see a provider if she is a certain body shape , a certain age , certain hair , color , certain size breast , a certain skin color ? That road goes both ways.

I will leave you with this
In the end it is our decision on who we went and are willing to see , it isn't a racial decision just a personal choice

Love , hugs and kisses
The cowgirl Originally Posted by the cowgirl
I am not part of this no AA thing. However, I feel it may not a racist thing as much as, there are AA men that arent attracted to a certain type of woman, maybe a white broad. But lets say the lady isnt attracted to AA men. The whole point of the hobby is for the ladies to try and enjoy what they are doing because it's not always easy so risk+attraction= no go. I know this because a good friend is no AA but its because she isnt attracted to AA men. She is far from racist but why go into something you know you wont enjoy.
Lucky 1's Avatar
Dear thread are absolutely right that it shouldn't be that way....but it is.....

There are two things at play here I will relate to you one is my own thought and another is something that I've been told by quite a few providers.

First my thoughts...and to let you know...I'm white.......for starters...everyone has a type they are attracted to.
Some people like there girls tall...or thin...or chubby...or blond...or brunette....or whatever....these preferences are often influenced by what people looked like where they grew up as a child....and how there parents handled it.

I grew up in a small German farming community in north Texas.....all the woman were blond and mostly blue eyed. Being mostly old German farmers...they were a somewhat bigoted bunch.....and hanging out with blacks or Mexicans was to say the least, not particularly socially accepted.....

So from childhood people develop patterns about who they are comfortable hanging out with....and providers are not immune to this.....couple this with everyone's natural tendency to be attracted to a particular look....and I think that's a lot of it....white woman for example....for better or worse are more often than not simply not attracted to black men....and not comfortable seeing them.

for that matter....I'm fairly close friends with a couple of black guys....and can tell you that white woman do absolutely nothing for attraction whatsoever.....

How that explains my tastes though??? Having grown up in the a fore mentioned German farming community full of blue eyed blonds......I have no attraction whatsoever for blond white woman......I love Latin woman! Latin woman really get me going!!

Now from what I've heard from a few providers...and I'm sorry to say...there is a definite racist element to at least part of it...

I've had at least 3 providers tell me over the years that they have a no AA policy because if they get a reputation for seeing black clients that the white guy's who make up the vast majority of the hobbyist market will say "yeech...she's screwing black way I'm going to see her now" cutting waaaay down on the number of clients willing to see her.

Is that racist???? You damn right it is!!! but its the providers choice

I have also had many providers tell me that younger black clients tend to be rough....hard to handle and disrespectful.

One Houston provider I can think of will see long as they are over 35 y.o.

Why 35 I asked her???? Because she that time they've calmed down....learned how to treat a girl and are just a lot nicer...they talk nicer and don't throw the "bitch" and "ho" language around.....just...more mature....the young ones always have way too much of the "hood" in them was her answer.

I will also say that the same girls who dislike seeing AA also have big problems with seeing East Indians, Arabs and Asian men....for the same reasons they give for black clients, especially younger black perhaps you should not feel quite so singled out.

So I asked her....if you had an opportunity to say....first hangout with a younger black guy for a bit and find him to be the respectful, intelligent kind of guy....would you see him as a client????....absolutely she said.....its the sight unseen ones that scare me!

So there's my thoughts
Lucky 1's Avatar
I am not part of this no AA thing. However, I feel it may not a racist thing as much as, there are AA men that arent attracted to a certain type of woman, maybe a white broad. But lets say the lady isnt attracted to AA men. The whole point of the hobby is for the ladies to try and enjoy what they are doing because it's not always easy so risk+attraction= no go. I know this because a good friend is no AA but its because she isnt attracted to AA men. She is far from racist but why go into something you know you wont enjoy. Originally Posted by SpiceInTucson
And Spice....your answer mirrors some of what i just posted....much of it comes down to the type of person you are attached to........this business can be hard enough on some of these girls without deliberately seeing clients you know before hand that you're just not going to be into it with.....
Ive seen AA men that gave next to no indication that they were black prior to meeting. I have had nothing but clean, respectful, nice men. I see certain vernage or slang, I politely say I am not your lady. And let it be known white men use slang too and they can easily fit the no see.
Randall Creed's Avatar
The DIFFERENCE in body shape, hair color, and even breast size is, those things can change. If you're fat, get slimmer and guys will respond. Need a boob job? Save up and get one. Guys will respond. Being black? Oh, wait. Black men can't NOT be black. I know this is a surprise to some of you. They also can't stop the behavior of other black men. They can't control other black men no more than older white men can control young white men, many of whom like to prank call escorts.

I'm sure many of you ladies have had at least one prankster, calling you with ridiculous questions, and having no intentions of making an appointment. He only wants to be a haggler or time waster. Or, he'll make a fake one, have you show up to the wrong location (a neighbor's house or some abandoned place) just he and his buddies can watch and laugh in the distant. White frat boys who still farting is funny do shit like that, but it doesn't ruin it for other white men.

In all honesty, I can understand many NBA policies. Young black men are the stupidest group of people walking the planet. I'm black, but not a youngster anymore. Even when I was younger, I never treated women the way these fools do. It's despicable...and embarrassing, but what can you do.

I just stay away from them, and any woman with a brain should, too.
So you'd rather her tell you after you've contacted her to fuck off, then to know upfront she doesn't see black guys? And how are you regaining any sort of dignity like that?

I have to wonder about some of you guy's logic sometimes...
I guess this is what I'm trying to say and I mean no disrespect but how is it different from the men saying I will only see a provider if she is a certain body shape , a certain age , certain hair , color , certain size breast , a certain skin color ? That road goes both ways.

The cowgirl Originally Posted by the cowgirl
Apples to Oranges..

We (hobbyists) pay to be selective..

Providers just verify safety and payment. If not, why don't providers only see who they are attracted to. Last I check, pictures not exchanged as part of screening.