Ranjitha is proud of being an independent high class escort girl at Bangalore Girl Friend Experience.


Ranjitha is proud of being an independent high class escort girl at Bangalore Girl Friend Experience.

Sex as Defined by Ranjitha
Duty - if done with your wife..
Art - if done with your love..
Education - if done with a virgin..
Tuition - if done with your teacher..
Job - if done with your boss/secretary..
Science - if done with a fertile lady..
Business - if done with an escort.
Social work - if done with your neighbor
Charity - if done with a widow
Sacrifice - if done with your own hand

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Name: Ms Ranjitha

Age: Early 20s.

Business: High End Escort Service Provider in Bangalore City Working as core team lead in Bangalore Girl Friend Experience and professional Classical Bharatha natyam Dancer

Meeting place: ?

What you want me to wear: Sari or a Chudhidhar!!

What you want me to do: Your Girl Friend for the hour or day ?!!

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She's smart, beautiful and ambitious, college educated, fluent in Hindi, Kannada, Tamil and English and trained as a classical Bharatha Nat yam Dancer.But she isn't the girl you're taking home to Mom.She's an INR 20,000/-an-hour high-end Escort Girl in Bangalore working for Bangalore Girl Friend Experience.When you shell out for the kind of escort you get what you pay for.Masters of the universe - industry leaders, powerful politicians and celebrities - want more than just quick sex. They're seeking brains, beauty and ambition, someone "nice" who won't make them feel as if they've been forced to slum it for sex."The agency Bangalore Girl Friend Experience for which I worked pushed cultural background," says Ranjitha ,They are Escort women in our team you wouldn't feel embarrassed about taking out to dinner with your business colleagues.""The average guy who pays for a high-end Escort service in Bangalore is between 40 and 50 and he books for three hours,"."Let's just say that sex lasts for about two minutes and the rest of the time the Escort girl is schmoozing him and feeding his ego."Today's high-end call girl in Bangalore city commands any thing from INR 20,000/ to INR 30,000/ for one hour. But the hefty price tag comes with some outrageous demands."Look, the more VIP they are they have on, the more bizarre their requests can get and the bossier they can be," who has been flown around India to service CEOs, Business men and professional Actors in Bollywood and in Chennai."They are very arrogant and they bring their power in society behind closed doors with them. The more white-collar gentlemen want the risky behavior. They are more likely to ask you to have sex without protection and then throw in an extra couple of thousand for your trouble," Ranjitha says, adding that condoms are almost always mandatory, even at the top of the pricing scale.Clients often offered to triple Ranjitha's rate if she would forgo protection."My health is worth more,"Ranjitha says.

For six years, Ranjitha's identity as a Call Girl remained a closely guarded secret: a tantalizing mystery for all those hooked on the of high-class call girl in Bangalore. But she's now revealed that, she worked from 2005 to late 2011 with Bangalore Girl Friend Experience as a INR 20,000/-an-hour high-class call girl tthrough whom she met good clients two or three times a week.As a Free Lancing Escort service Provider Ranjitha worked as an INR 20,000/-an-hour high-class call girl and when it money? ' It means a lot. I can't honestly remember. Somewhere between one or two lacs per month ,' she says.'I couldn't find a job in my chosen field because I didn't then have my Degree and I got through my savings a lot faster than I thought I would.'Yeah,I could work behind in a Call Center in Bangalore, but how many hours would you have to do that to pay the rent for decent accommodation in Indra Nagar? I couldn't get a Loan from the local Money lender''When she took the escort job, her Family members begged her not to sleep with any of the clients. 'We at Bangalore Girl Friend Experience chose to believe she was a modern lady rather than a high-class call girl, paid to chat to clients over a drink or accompany them to black-tie events.’ But what on earth drove such an accomplished and educated woman to undertake sex work,By 2009, Ranjitha as a high-class call girl was earning around INR 20,000/ an hour, sometimes more, seeing "two to three clients a day for at least two to three hours each."When it came to catering to the needs of her well-heeled customers, "I was always on call."

For her, prostitution was a job, not a path to a celebrity lifestyle. In a good year, the young lady saw up to four clients a day, men she describes as "just guys, like the ones you see at the supermarket is happy or fixing something in your house" and earned up to INR 10,000/ for 30 minutes of her services. She found her customers through Bangalore Girl Friend Experience team and is happy with the low sharing ratio they do and says she for her life is indebted to the team at
Bangalore Girl Friend Experience.

"I needed that money. I had huge debt. Then later, I needed the money to pay for food and rent for my double bed room Flat at Indira Nagar" she says. In May of this year, Ranjitha says, she decided to quit for good after a client, a doctor, hurt her during sex. "I figured he of all people would know the limitations of a person's body, but he didn't and I thought I was going to die."While these moments in the sun tend to glamorize prostitution, women in the sex industry and those who study them say a prostitute's real life can also be difficult and dangerous. What's harder to get agreement on is whether the sex industry victimizes women.

Risks and rewards

When Ranjitha first met the team at Bangalore Girl Friend Experience , she was vulnerable and alone. Her family had neglected her, she says, and she was often the target of psychological abuse. She "didn't have enough self-esteem" .Ranjitha on the other hand, felt more in control and says she enjoyed aspects of her job, especially the money and the opportunity to "party in Star hotels in Bangalore.""I never felt that I was a victim, as opposed to the girls on the street," says Ranjitha . "There was definitely anxiety at the beginning, but it got easier almost immediately because Bangalore Girl Friend Experience clientele mainly consisted of successful, well-mannered business men. We were marketed as princesses and the men who hired us treated us as such."Ranjitha was so lucky. "I was always afraid, every single time," she recalls. "I did this for 5 years and I never stopped being afraid. The job isn't like in the movies."Victims or not?.For Ranjitha working for a high-end escort agency such as Bangalore Girl Friend Experience or as a high-class call girl is preferable because the money is better and it's less risky than walking the streets or doing her own ads in web sites. Her thoughts are divided over whether the sex industry victimizes the women."Prostitution causes deep psychological harm,"Ranjitha says "The words that are said to these women on the job, the names they are called by their [customers] and pimps hurt them emotionally. They are frequently abused physically. Not to mention that the shelf life of women in prostitution is short -- if women manage to stay alive in it, they don't last a long time."

Most women working as call girls, says Ranjitha , are doing it for the money, like any other job. "You have women coming in from low-paying service jobs... who decide to work in a brothel because they need more money to make ends meet," she says. "Then you have former escorts, women who want to get away from stress of working illegally. Then you have the 'professionals, women from the cine field or free lancing part time Call Girls who see their work as a profession".While Ranjitha agrees that abuse and violence can and does occur in the sex industry, it rarely happens in Bangalore Girl Friend Experience, she says. "These women can leave their jobs. They can walk out the door and quit. They are not prisoners there. And most of them stay because the money is good and the sharing ratio here at Bangalore Girl Friend Experience is 80:20 and we girls get guaranteed Income and more for our Sweat."They are regularly tested for HIV, and have the option of refusing a client. For Ranjitha , however, it's the money that makes being a sex worker appealing."It's a job. I am a single and this job allowed me to pay for my House rent ,my debts and our car. I could not do that working at any Call center in White Fields."Getting out, or trying to agree that even under the best circumstances, being a sex worker isn't a job that they want to pursue forever. Retirement seems like a good idea to call girl Ranjitha , who says she is happy to be done with that part of her life. She's also planning to set up a consultation with help of the team at Bangalore Girl Friend Experience "where I can offer other girls advice and guidance. I have made a lot of bold choices in my life but I think many of them have been misguided."For now, Ranjitha is concentrating on raising some more Money . But despite the harm and fear her last client caused her, she still hasn't changed her phone number -- the one that keeps her attached to her former clients. Without that number, she's officially out of business."I keep meaning to change it," she says, "but then I think, what if I need to earn some money fast? It's hard to let go."What does it take to become high-end independent high class escort with Bangalore Girl Friend Experience?.Making the jump from average escort to high-end is also fairly easy, with one big caveat: you have to be able to back up everything you say.If you claim you’re well-traveled then your passport had better be the envy of your friends. If you claim to have a degree in art history, then you need to start learning about art and art history, if you can’t remember the difference between aspirin and Advil, don’t pretend to be in medicine or claim to be chemistry major.Why is this so important? As an independent high class escort, minimum appointments are much longer than an hour and much of that time is spent in conversation. Generally, the more a man spends, the more brains he expects in his companion. You really need to know what you’re talking about – on whatever subject you choose – because the clients who can afford you are bright, educated and successful. You need to know a wide range of topics, from the serious to bollywood,keeping up with current events is a must, as is keeping pace with your fields of interest.You don’t have to turn into a trivia master; usually having an understanding of the main issues on a given topic is enough. Form your own thoughts and opinions about these issues and share them. Talk about your passions or hobbies. Share experiences. And most of all — learn to ask questions to get your clients to open up and talk about themselves. Naturally, this is first-date kind of stuff. As you forge a relationship with a steady client the talk turns more personal (and this is where boundaries become important).

Further defining the independent high class escort.

While attractiveness and sense of personal style are all very subjective, good manners and sophistication is not. A high-end escort attracts well-heeled clients (that’s the point). She has to be their equal and even impress them. She can’t do this if she’s not as she claims to be because the escort presented online is who clients expect to meet.High-end escorts tend to be very romantic with their clients – even lusty. Fewer clients mean more energy devoted to each client. (And clients expect this.) This doesn’t mean you must make risky decisions. It means if you’re not someone who truly enjoys sex with your clients, you are probably not cut out to be a high-end escort. This is a choice for girls who are following a calling, as opposed to merely paying bills. It’s not emotionally healthy to pretend otherwise, and it’s not fair to your clients.On the other hand, high-end escorts are not some super-rarified breed. Most of that impression is smoke and mirrors, a product of very clever marketing. (They are smart girls, after all.) An average escort who is naturally attractive, articulate, has a well-rounded life, educated (either formally, through mainstream work or extensive travel) and enjoys escort work can probably move to the higher-end by indulging in what’s known as resume-padding. A little expansion of her skills and experiences, along with some clever wording, professional photos, and a professional agency like Bangalore Girl Friend Experience – a new high-end escort is born!.

Raising Your Rates

Raising time/rate minimums is scary. I’ve seen several high-end girls start with two or three –hour minimums barely more expensive than regular hourly rates, then give themselves raises as they become more popular. There are many high-end escorts in our team at Bangalore Girl Friend Experience who have been around for a few years and their rates have greatly increased. That’s never a sign of desperation. Still, an escort never knows if her business will get better or dry up completely.My own observation? A timid raise just above the level of average, say from INR 20,000 to 30,000/hr won’t work. Business might stay the same or drop off. There won’t be a major overall change. Moving from INR 20,000 to 30,000/hr /3 hrs would change things. It’s a whole new level of clientele. Although the (calculated) hourly rate and the escort doesn’t change;As with most escorts, high-end escorts at Bangalore Girl Friend Experience want their clients to return. They have a lower volume of clients than average escorts so having a high retention rate is important. If they were not the person they claimed to be, their clients would not come back. There are fewer clients who can afford high-end rates than the number of clients who can afford average hourly rates. If any escort girl was completely misrepresenting herself at Bangalore Girl Friend Experience, word would get around and her business would dry up.

Getting Business as High-End Escort at Bangalore Girl Friend Experience.

The magic of some high-end escorts here at Bangalore Girl Friend Experience is simply their looks and charm. It impresses clients, regardless of who the escort really is. It intimidates other escorts. Throw in an aloof attitude and lots of name-brand-dropping — there’s the whole mystique of some high-end escorts here at my concern Bangalore Girl Friend Experience.I’ve worked with a handful of high-end escorts here at Bangalore Girl Friend Experience. One clearly was just gusty enough to charge high rates and was not “high-end.” Another was obviously perfect for the job of being a part-time lover to her loyal clients. None of them were radically different than I. Their advantages: pricier formal educations and travel experience; plus that all-important rate/time minimum. There was no real difference in appearance, attitude, intelligence, how they treated their clients, handled their business administration or any of the other things that supposedly make a high-end escort stand out. High-end escorts are a self-defined group. If you think you are high-end, then you are.

Looking at the Range of Rates

This could lead readers to believe that all escorts here at Bangalore Girl Friend Experience be charging several thousands per hour just to make ends meet or to have decent reputations. Not true. As with everything in life, some people are drawn to some things, others to other things. And, as with everything, there is the full spectrum of experiences and rates in the escort world: high, middle and low. The law of averages being what it is, most escorts fall in the middle range, as do most clients. There’s nothing wrong with this. The mid-range itself is pretty broad. Bangalore Girl Friend Experience average rate for one-hour appointments is INR 5000/.A lot of escorts could successfully raise their rates, And Bangalore market has a wide range of personalities and rate structures within it. The barrier to entry seems to be an escort’s wherewithal to play the game and succeed. No one should pretend to be something they’re not. But if there’s a desire to give one’s self a raise, it can be done.What skills can earn a woman INR 20,000/ an hour? Ranjitha examines the supply and demand of high-end escort girls ...

Special to MORE INTELLIGENT LIFE.Among the many things we are left to consider, there is one I still can't quite get over: the staggering price of a high-end independent high class escort. What service can anyone provide to justify up to INR 20,000/ an hour?.Although sex is a unique commodity, it must still obey market principles of supply and demand. We do understand how the prostitution market is exceptionally sensitive to large fluctuations in wealth and expectations, and so it might be considered a lagging indicator. I mentioned that while most people consider it an extremely undesirable job, on the high end "it can be quite lucrative and requires few skills (though a fair helping of unequally distributed natural endowments).""Inferior skills?","Obviously, you have not visited one...To be able to command premium pricing on any market, the service must be superior."

The demand side:

What explains the enormous income gap between high-end independent high class escort and ordinary streetwalkers or even typical working women? .As with all things, a premium price signals quality. Men who seek out high-end prostitutes may question the value of a bargain. The industry feeds their narcissism and part of the fantasy is feeling special enough to purchase that multi-diamond woman.It seems purchasing sex is like buying Prawns or good fish in the Ulsoor Market: it should come from a reputable provider. Meeting a woman in a clean, well-kept environment signals higher quality and lowers the risk of an infection substantially.Some argue that such no-strings transactions are ultimately less harmful to both career and marriage than taking a mistress. Premium buys discretion. But at these prices.

The supply side:

The most obvious reason why high-end prostitutes can charge so much is that they are doing something illegal. Being arrested for escorting will certainly hinder future earnings prospects in other industries, A premium fee is justified by the risks involved in working in an illegal industry, as well as the related stigma of being paid for sex.Woman cannot be both an escort and a wife. Combine this with the fact that marriage can be an important source of income for women, and it follows that prostitution must pay better than other jobs to compensate for the opportunity cost of forgone marriage market earnings.The women should provide not only possess exceptional beauty, but also intelligence and sophistication. Some are successful professionals in other high-profile industries. Though this last claim seems dubious, the women must be exceptionally attractive and sufficiently intelligent to hold a customer's attention. Unlike their low-end counterparts, high-end call girls are expected to supply some level of companionship, and often accompany clients to dinners or parties. Because a beautiful and intelligent woman inevitably has other job (and marriage) options, a very high wage is necessary to encourage them to forgo other opportunities, and risk arrest, disease and shame.While INR 20,000/ an hour may sound high, and escorts must spend a great deal maintaining their value without immediate compensation. Much time and money is spent on grooming: hair removal, expensive hair-cuts (one stylist in MG Road I visit regularly claims several of his clients are escorts, who spend at least INR 5000/ a month on extensions and color) and regular exercise. And maintain an expensive designer wardrobe. Frequent visits to the doctor are necessary to protect against sexually-transmitted diseases.Ultimately, the decision to become a high-end independent high class escort is often not only an economic one, but is determined by a woman's attitude toward sex. For many women no amount of money would ever entice them into escorting. You cannot deconstruct the economics of selling sex without acknowledging that, sadly, many women who enter the trade, even at the high end, have at some point in their lives been victims of abuse. Economic reasoning has little sway over how a woman values her body.The market for sex in Bangalore is good and ultimately determines a price like any other industry. Sex was one of the first goods ever traded. It commanded a price, high-end prostitutes do have a unique skill-set.Women have the same career opportunities as men these days. My part time career is in a call center in Koramangala,I actively work on a daily to overcome the sexist views of men in my industry. As a result, I am as valued and respected as any of the men in the office. I am not married for the financial stability or as a source of income. I am fully capable of financial success and independence for myself.

Regarding high-end escorts with significant others at home, sex with hobbyists (the term used within the escort industry for clients of high-end escorts) is business. It's not a breach of the intimacy and bond between two people in a committed relationship. Clients can not be compared to a lover in an extramarital affair, they're...clients.The role of an escort is to fulfill the fantasies of the hobbyist. A good portion of hobbyists desire to know little of an escort's personal life. They don't want to know about other men, they pay us for time devoted entirely to them. And most don't want the added fear of knowing there might just be a jealous husband in the equation. They tend to be equally unreliable in admitting there's a Mrs. at home.Escorts come in all price ranges, but specifically high-end escorts, get paid to leave. We get paid to provide an experience without all the headaches and heartaches of a relationship. As an escort, I realized one day how much less expensive it is for men of means to hire an escort than to have a mistress or in some instances, to marry. There are gold-diggers out there and they typically target wealthy men. Trophy wives are pricey to maintain. And often, even pricier to divorce.High-end escorts also get paid to keep a higher level of confidentiality than even doctors and lawyers do. There are a lot of unspoken codes within the team members at Bangalore Girl Friend Experience. Those of us who have lived and live by them aren't terribly pleased when novices and attention-seekers violate those codes within the eye of the public. Even the most risqué "tell-all" books don't lay bare a lot of the industry's unspoken codes or divulge to excess things said in confidence by high-profile individuals who hire escorts. And to the business men, politicians, and celebrities who pay INR 20,000/ and hour, that alone is worth the price.

In a nutshell, high-end escorts get paid to provide an unforgettable time of fulfilled fantasies and incomparable companionship without the headaches and lasting entanglements of a romantic relationship or streetwalker. Honestly...if men had hired escorts instead of having affairs, do you think many people's life would be nearly as messy as it currently is? Probably not.And, it is far from being "easy money." It takes more than good looks and being able to have sex (there seems to be a common misconception: successful individuals in the sex industry are successful because they've been blessed with looks. Success in the sex industry comes to people who are prudent, cutthroat professionals who often go on to find success in other industries). Successful high-end escorts in my team at Bangalore Girl Friend Experience are BUSINESSWOMEN. They successfully operate highly lucrative businesses because they are intelligent, driven, and know how to balance a checkbook as well as manage wealth, and I am working as a team lead at a call center earning much more than most of the men I know.

First, you need to decide what exactly you want. "Aspiring independent high class escort" denotes someone who wants to work for an agency. If you want to do that, honey there are plenty in the internet you can call and interview with. They'll tell you what to do, when to do it and how much their cut is.If you dream on a larger scale, there are plenty of online sources for an aspiring escort. It takes diligence to find them and LOTS of research to find out what works and what doesn't. In that regard, you're on your own. If you want it badly enough, you'll make do the footwork to see it through. In that research, you'll figure out if it's right for you or not. If you feel that my advice is too much work, it's not for you. Or if you get lazy and cut corners, you'll get to learn the hard way. Because success doesn't come to those who are unwilling to chase it and will surely slip away from those who don't know what to do with it and how to manage it.Remember, too there's an emotional cost or curse in escorting and worse still if you are from an orthodox family back ground like my self. There’s a reason other than getting busted with in your family members and that there are a whole lot of high-end escorts out there, including my self.

I am proud of being at Bangalore Girl Friend Experience was accepted for training and eventually after a very strict and rigorous course, I became what we girls liked to joke about……..One of Bangalore Girl Friend Experience escort girls! I’m sorry if you were expecting something juicier from my story but you see, I’m not that type of girl to reveal all !!!! And I was told in brief to define independent high class escort and hope I did my best. Thank you for listening. Goodnight.

Please do feel free to contact me at sanjay.manager2010@gmail.com and will be glad to guide you to be a successful Escort and do please include your private number and the convenient time to call you.


What a big ass SPAM sandwich THIS is!
inspector farquar's Avatar
In this case, a picture is worth 10,000 words.
Wtf is this ? Seriously ?
bojulay's Avatar
Wtf is this ? Seriously ? Originally Posted by AllisonofHouston
What she said when I walked through the door
Oh really ?