WaPo believes Venezuela's problem is oil prices


Many researchers rightly say that Venezuela’s problems have more to do with oil dependence than the innate problems of socialism. The Venezuelan economy has suffered for decades because of its dependence on oil exports. For example, in 1989, President Carlos Andrés Pérez enacted harsh fiscal changes that were demanded by the International Monetary Fund after a global fall in oil prices and unsuccessful attempts to diversify the Venezuelan economy. As a result, Venezuelans who relied upon public transport rioted and the military responded with violence, killing hundreds of citizens.


One could not make up stories illustrating this level of stupidity.

Kansas lost half the revenue of its main economic product. The result was a prosperous, low unemployment, fantastic infrastructure state.

Venezuela lost half of the revenue of its main economic product. The result is obvious.

The difference: In one of them, the government decides how the people spends the money. In the other, the people decide how the government spends THEIR money.

Now we know why the leftwing fascist bigoted thugs denigrate Kansas in the news media on a daily basis. They don't want that contrasting comparison to be made.

P.S. Bamscram does not live in Kansas. It is apparent he lives in misery. It would be reasonable to stop insulting Kansas by associated him with the state.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You know, there are tutorials to help you post in this forum, kehaar.

You need to do some reading too.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
That is so special. You are special. Bess your heart.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
There's multiple reasons that we up here on the Mo/Kan border joke about why Kansas has issues.

But, neither of the OP's quote from elsewhere, or the response by OP, are even remotely valid.

Perhaps expecting valid logic in this forum is a fantasy. But then, this is a fantasy board.
Venezuela is in the shape it's in because of the Thatcher Rule.

"Socialism works untill you run out of other people's money"
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Basing your communism on what you believe is unending wealth and that item is a commodity that fluctuates in value, you are doomed to fail. n addition, when that wealth must be extracted and you do not have the people that are willing to work for a living to perform the work, production goals will never be met. See the past Soviet Union's issues with shortages.

According to people that I know from Venezuela, it is a communist regime and not socialism that is running the country.
How many of the leftist here praised Chavez and Company when oil prices were high, and they were running the productive people out of Venezuela.

My guess was 100%. I interact will a bunch of leftist "intellectuals" on a recurring basis. They loved him, and the process he was imposing.

Now, they don't want to talk about him, and what he wrought, at all.

The leftist fascist newspapers are now saying "he is a communist, not a socialist". I challenge you to watch "Animal Farm" by the muppet's guy, Jim Henson. I didn't think anyone could take an Orwell book, and make it pro-socialist. The last line in the movie was: "next time, we will do it right".

As for Kansas, can someone highlight was is wrong there. All I see are articles from leftist newspapers, and complaints by people who get their sustainance from the governments teat. Working people are doing just fine, in spite of the commodity price calamity.
Venezuela is in the shape it's in because of the Thatcher Rule.

"Socialism works untill you run out of other people's money" Originally Posted by Jackie S
And those in favor of socialism, prove Idiocy is trying the same thing time after time and expecting a different result..