Thank You to all of the Gentleman Hobbyists

Just want to say a quick thank you to those who treat us providers with respect and patience. I hope you all receive the same in return.
Especially since the Backpage fiasco, it has seemed like a full moon every day with some of the strange, rude, and shady messages.
Thank you to all of the outstanding gentleman who have outweighed the bad, and have kept us going. Please keep it up, lol!
Scribe's Avatar
DB... All good people deserve respect. Sorry if at times we mess up... if we do, give a little correction and (most of us) learn.
You're welcome Bella! Funny to assume not being part of the problem.
lda523287's Avatar
Very thoughtful, and appreciated. Thank you for the thought.
FishGuy13's Avatar
Ahh Thanks Bella. Here's to seeing and feeling you sooner than later!
verygood69's Avatar
I just knew I liked that girl..... I knew it 😘
you are such a class act Bella. We were just talking about how your ads are some of the best as far as "truth in advertising" goes need to some see you soon