Free the nipples campaign

I just heard about the Free The Nipples Campaign and wonder how others feel about women and trans genders going topless?
LuckOfTheOrient's Avatar
Women topless?
Yes please.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Honestly, I don't care for free the nipples. Why do women all of a sudden want to be topless? WTF is up with this feminist crap? Maybe I'm too submissive but men job with chest out, women keep their tits in.
RedLeg505's Avatar
You missed an option:

* ONLY the firm and sexy ones. There are many that BEST REMAIN COVERED... for everyone's benefit.
burkalini's Avatar
You missed an option:

* ONLY the firm and sexy ones. There are many that BEST REMAIN COVERED... for everyone's benefit. Originally Posted by RedLeg505
DallasRain's Avatar
lol yep plus 2.....mine arent the firmest,but they still look damn good running free at the biker rallies!

RedLeg505's Avatar
lol yep plus 2.....mine arent the firmest,but they still look damn good running free at the biker rallies!

Originally Posted by DallasRain
And they LOOK and FEEL damn good in person Hon.
Are you wearing my panties?
DallasRain's Avatar