Good Deeds...Do they go unpunished?

Pamelatoo's Avatar
Just this Am I was out running an errand and metioned to the clerk I was off for Donuts. Feeling bad..Considering he was confined to a small booth with no way to leave I picked him up a bear claw. (he looked like a bear claw type.) Drove back through and gave it to him and wished him a great day. He smiled. So feeling good that I made someone smile first thing in the morning made me smile. Then on the return trip I Hit a Dog. Someones pet. They cried. (Its not dead just wounded)
With all that said.......Anyone out there have one of those days?
Before I hit the dog I was considering buying my neighbors horse some sugar cubes. I think I'll hold off.
  • MrGiz
  • 07-20-2010, 06:52 AM
Coulda been worse..... it coulda been their pet rooster!!
Pamelatoo's Avatar
Then it would have been just lunch.
Submit unfortunate injury to canine fate. Lady merely instrument of that fate. Accidental injury to one creature does not cancel out generous act. Only willful misdeed could do that. Kind act always of more value to one who gives than one receive. Do not become weary of doing good deeds in unexpected ways, this the way of the truly righteous. Mr. Chan very fond of cheese Danish.
Pamelatoo's Avatar
And all along I pegged you for an Apple Fritter.
Lea Madisson's Avatar
And all along I pegged you for an Apple Fritter. Originally Posted by Pamelatoo
This shows you want a tired mind will do when there is a lack of sleep...

I thought you typed Apple Critter... not Fritter.

I am heading back to bed!!


Pamelatoo's Avatar
Lea....What can I say... Picture alone I have pegged you as a long john and a honey bun rolled in sugary goodness.
SirLance Alot's Avatar
Lea....What can I say... Picture alone I have pegged you as a long john and a honey bun rolled in sugary goodness. Originally Posted by Pamelatoo

... and I would (wishfully) peg the two of you as jelly doughnuts - tasting great with a delish cream filling... ok, need to get mind out of gutter this morning... nah...
Lea Madisson's Avatar
Lea....What can I say... Picture alone I have pegged you as a long john and a honey bun rolled in sugary goodness. Originally Posted by Pamelatoo
... and I would (wishfully) peg the two of you as jelly doughnuts - tasting great with a delish cream filling... ok, need to get mind out of gutter this morning... nah... Originally Posted by SirLance Alot
I like a long john... Oh... you mean a pastry... well, I like a hobbyist who is long too! LOL

As for you SirLanceAlot... it seems that you would prefer to see Pamela and I together as a cinnamon twist!!! Yum!!


Pamelatoo's Avatar
I am feeling so twisty today. Hottt butter, sprinkle of sugga here. a sprinkle of cinnamon there. GAME ON!!!
SlowHand49's Avatar
Got anything with . . . chocolate sprinkles?
Glad the ladies here are fans of Long Johns!

Life is hell when you're blessed with a Ding-Dong.

Mmmm, long johns....

You guys are killing me over here...
SlowHand49's Avatar
Nicely glazed . . . is always another option . . .
trubrit's Avatar
Hey Pam,

Wanna eat a chocolate donut off of a short john? You may need to eat a fair bit of the donut to find it.