How many times in a single day

sipapi's Avatar
In light of Bottomless Filth and her recent post asking how long could you go without the "poison release". How many times have you came in one day? For you ladies it is a little unfair, but you can count legit orgasms. It harkens me back to my younger days at a basketball camp when I was probably in 8th grade. We had a contest to see who could jack off the most in a 24 hour peroid. The winner was 13!!! Of course there was no verification, strictly on the honor system and the calluses built up on the hands. lol

So how many times in a single day have the one-eyed snake(or for you ladies, the tuna taco) spit in one day? lol BTW, does this make me gay for asking this question? Not that there is anything wrong with that....
I discovered the BEST way to cum, purely speaking from the masturbation aspect of a woman....
I can cum about 15-20 times in about 5-10 minutes. Can easily pull off at least 4-5 in under 5 minutes LOL.

Totally different orgasm than from getting fucked, but orgasm variety is sweet!

On one of my most horny days, I could repeat that event at least 3-5 times. So I guess in one day maybe at least at minimum 20-40 orgasms LOL.

Obviously the 1st 4-5 are the best, after that they are shorter and less intense. I like to wear yoga pants, panties or other weird objects probably best not mentioned LOL. One time I did it so much that the lace on my panties actually rubbed off a strip of skin LOL. Very painful and took forever to heal up which was bad because it kept me from being able to do it again for a while LOL.

BUT...I'm probably not the best person to use for a sample in your experiment considering I am totally warped and twisted LOL
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
my problem is I stay hard after i cum call it high blood pressure
my problem is I stay hard after i cum call it high blood pressure Originally Posted by Cheaper2buyit
kcbigpapa's Avatar
1st question - I don't know. I never counted. Not nearly as much nowadays as in my youth.

2nd question - Yes. LOL.
john_galt's Avatar
Don't know about in a day but I won a wager one time with five times in an hour.

Did I forget to mention that I had just came back from my first deployment????
Omahan's Avatar
Don't know about in a day but I won a wager one time with five times in an hour.

Did I forget to mention that I had just came back from my first deployment???? Originally Posted by john_galt
Did the guys watch you to verify it?
dirty dog's Avatar
Did the guys watch you to verify it? Originally Posted by Omahan

Uh, yuk,
I've got 'In the Navy' stuck in my head now.
dirty dog's Avatar
I've got 'In the Navy' stuck in my head now. Originally Posted by lacrew_2000
I was thinking the same thing, almost made a comment about Dont ask dont tell but cant afford the points. LOL
john_galt's Avatar
I was assisted by a couple of young ladies.
"In the Navy" now thats a picture i didn't need in my head -- I would hope the real John galt would have replied as you did with the help of several ladies os our did.
Longermonger's Avatar
FYI, the chorus to "In the Navy" as sung by Navy personnel on shore is "Fuck the Navy!". Best sung with beer and shots.
john_galt's Avatar
Sigh.... things were so quiet while Longermonger was goner. From observing other posts Longer has a personal problem with at least one person on this site.

At this point I could make some comment about Longer getting out on good behavior but that would be egregious.