Older gents with younger ladies! OR older lady with younger guy?

Star Hollowday's Avatar
Just wanted to know opinions on it? Lets say 50+ with a young lady in her very early 20's? My opinon age doesnt matter! I have NO problem with it and I love the mature gents for MANY reason, the way they normally treat you, their understanding, their maturity, their experience and on and on.So when or if you saw a young lady with an older gent would you be like "hell yeah good for him" or " be like wtf hell naw" lol. AND lets even flip it and what if the lady was 50+ and the guy early 20's. Just some fun interesting stuff to talk about
Well, being on the mature end of the equation (pushing 60), as much as I would like to experience the younger ladies, I have a difficult time thinking of myself being with a young lady my daughter’s age. Maybe just a personal hang up on my part, but I usually set my age limit at mid to late 30s (which still could technically be a daughter to me, but my actual daughter is 22). That said, there are a few that could probably tempt me to break that personal stigma….
Hunteradventurer's Avatar
Although younger (early to mid 20’s) are sexy it is difficult for me to connect emotionally because of my age difference (mid 60’s). I prefer 30+ to mid 40’s, I find they are more emotionally comparable but still can have rocking bodies. In addition they are typically more stable and dependable than the younger providers. I recently lost one of my 40 something UTR’s to a young buck. I teased her she was a sugar momma but he does quite well financially allowing her to quit providing. So I guess it can work both ways.
  • tth
  • 06-04-2024, 08:24 PM
Well im 45, I’ve always liked older women however, the younger ones are more prevalent in the hobby it seems which is fine by me, I’ve beeen having a lot of fun
I'm 50 and currently in a relationship with a 38 year old lady. My prior relationship was with a 26 year old lady. I probably wouldn't go younger like that again, but the younger lady was a lot of fun. I do prefer the lady I'm with now, we have a lot more in common.
latinluvr465's Avatar
I've always been interested in older women, be it 2 or 20 years older than me. Most of my relationships with younger women were typically meh.
Michael8219's Avatar
As the immortal Mr. Tom T. Hall put it:

“I said I was a writer
My soul was all on fire
He looked at me
And he said, "You are a liar"

"Son, it's faster horses
Younger women
Older whiskey
More money"

Well, I was disillusioned
If I say the least
I grabbed him by the collar
And I jerked him to his feet

There was somethin' cold
And shiny laying by my head
So I started to believe
The things he said

Well, my poet days're over
And I'm back to bein' me
As I enjoy the peace and comfort of reality
If my boy ever asks me

What it is that I have learned
I think that I will readily affirm

"Son, it's faster horses
Younger women
Older whiskey
More money"”

For additional insight, Mr. Groucho Marx:

”A man's only as old as the woman he feels.“
It all depends. Some 20 year old act like 50 year Olds. Some 50 YO Look and acknowledge like 30 year YO.

In the p2p world I prefer 40+ as they are often open to certain activities and less likely to get pregnant.
I lean towards the 35+ ladies.
main reason is they are more down to earth, less likely to go from "provider" to "Drama queen" and what are the odds she has a "manager type person"?
DoubleEagle's Avatar
Definitely more mature ladies. I try to stay above 40 with 35 being minimum. Just seems like the mature ladies have a better eye for the biz. Younger ones seem like they have RDS. (RevolvingDoorSyndrome). They want to rush and get you out the door for the next guy that’s in the parking lot waiting. They don’t realize they need to make a rapport with clients to build business with follow up visits. And then would have positive reviews for future clients to see and want to make appointments.
As a 63 yo nerd, I'm a bit infatuated with younger providers mainly to see what I missed out on on highschool and college. Next would be petite vs bbw and race. Alas, lately it boils down to what I can afford.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Definitely more mature ladies. I try to stay above 40 with 35 being minimum. Just seems like the mature ladies have a better eye for the biz. Younger ones seem like they have RDS. (RevolvingDoorSyndrome). They want to rush and get you out the door for the next guy that’s in the parking lot waiting. They don’t realize they need to make a rapport with clients to build business with follow up visits. And then would have positive reviews for future clients to see and want to make appointments. Originally Posted by DoubleEagle
100% @ Just seems like the mature ladies have a better eye for the biz.
DoubleEagle's Avatar
100% @ Just seems like the mature ladies have a better eye for the biz. Originally Posted by LustyBustyGina38FF
You hit the nail on the head lovely Ms Gina.
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 06-07-2024, 02:14 PM
I prefer 40+ as they are often open to certain activities and less likely to get pregnant. Originally Posted by Fizley
who has gotten a working girl pregnant???
This is better than the reality shows
Real entertainment!!!!!!!
corona's Avatar
Shit there's a chick in the OH2 Dallas welcome wagon that's like on her 9th kid. She's been trying to get verified for over a year. No doubt they are trick babies at least some of them.