Coward trumpf cancels 2 events next week

winn dixie's Avatar
First he cancels the irrefutable evidence meeting for Monday. Lolling
Losing last of any cred he may have.
All a nothing burger. All talk.

Second he won't attend the Republican debate later next week. Talk about a dodge. Snick. Instead he'll talk to outcast Tucker and be spoon fed questions spewing victimization and propaganda. Instead of taking the heat at the debate.

Trumpf is a phony coward. Lol

winn dixie's Avatar
No where to run to baby no where to hide........
2 yuuugge dodges next week
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 08-18-2023, 03:07 PM
There's no way he'll debate anybody. His lawyers would freak out if he goes to any forum he doesn't completely control himself. The idiot just supplies more ammo to his prosecutors anytime he opens his mouth in an uncontrolled setting.
If Trump skips the debates, he will loose my vote.
winn dixie's Avatar
There's no way he'll debate anybody. His lawyers would freak out if he goes to any forum he doesn't completely control himself. The idiot just supplies more ammo to his prosecutors anytime he opens his mouth in an uncontrolled setting. Originally Posted by jan-w
The debate would've been a dog pile free for all embarrassing trumpf
  • Tiny
  • 08-18-2023, 03:11 PM
Second he won't attend the Republican debate later next week. Talk about a dodge. Snick. Instead he'll talk to outcast Tucker and be spoon fed questions spewing victimization and propaganda. Instead of taking the heat at the debate. Originally Posted by winn dixie
He has to sign a pledge to support the Republican nominee for president to participate in the debate. He doesn't want to do that. If he did, he couldn't hang a potential third party candidacy over the head of the party, like the sword of Damocles. If that happened, Trump and the Republican would split the vote, and Democrats would run away with the election. If Republicans believe he'll run as a third party candidate, then they may believe they have no choice, except to nominate Trump or lose in 2024.

Donald Trump, the Democrat's best friend.
Redhot1960's Avatar
Suck on this. Globalsissies...

This is Donald Trump’s Most Brilliant Inside Move to Benefit the MAGA Movement

August 18, 2023 | Sundance | 184 Comments

If you understand the war inside the machine {GO DEEP} then this move by President Trump will make a lot more sense.

Going all the way back to 2016, the #1 value to the RNC from the candidacy of Donald Trump has always been the supporter data, the donor files and data of the people who support Donald Trump. This data floored Reince Priebus in 2016, because the RNC had never before seen such a scale of grassroots donor support in the history of the organization.

The RNC administrative leadership were floored when the data-sharing requirement forced Trump’s team to turn over the data right before the GOP convention. It was so far beyond the scale of what they had ever seen before, they could not believe it. Millions and millions of new first-time names. The core of middle-class America.

Data are people. MAGA people. Lots of them. More than the RNC has ever known.

Right now, the corporate club known as the RNC is as much the enemy as the Biden DOJ. Readers here know exactly what I am talking about, and there is no need to rehash all the facets and examples. The battle inside the RNC is between the billionaire Wall Street club who controls it, and the MAGA voting base who operate within it.

President Trump snubbing the RNC debate in Wisconsin is a direct shot against the RNC as a private corporation. An RNC club that is covertly in alignment with the DNC, another private corporation funded by the same Wall Street billionaires. The RNC is now going to justify the next attacks against Trump by pointing out his non-compliance with the debate.

The RNC has been covertly hostile, but you will now see them become openly hostile. President Trump knows this, and his next move is brilliant. President Trump has created an “official seal of approval” which must accompany any campaign endorsement, donor request or ancillary aspect implying Trump support. This is directly done to counteract the ability of the RNC to exploit Trump’s affiliation and essentially hostage status.

In essence, the RNC cannot exploit the MAGA brand for RNC/MAGA endorsement, and or use the donor data files, without the Trump “seal of approval.” The data becomes worthless, because without the Trump seal any request is ignored. Additionally, without the seal any RNC candidate is ignored. This creates leverage. This is how the insurgency forces the compliance of the GOPe. At least that appears to be the goal from Donald Trump.
... ANY o' you wanna mention that TRUMP is WAAAAAY AHEAD
in support as the Republican nominee - please do so.

Of course THAT fact kinda hurts your narrative, don't it?

... I'd think that you liberal lads might wanna see the
"lag-behinds" and "no hope nigels" surely have a go
with each other without Trump there as the centre of attention.
Just to see who should still be in the race - if any o' them.

... NOW - if Trump is on with Tucker and doing a good interview
at the same time - those Fox-News debate numbers are surely
gonna drop a bit. ... Maybe Fox should turn the debate over
to CNN or PBS - give those droobs there a chance to draw
some viewing numbers. ...

#### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
Good grief!

Talk about an extreme right article

I knew magas would have a spin for next week's MAJOR embarrassments.
Everyone else sees a coward
... Thanks fer sharing that article, Redhot...

#### Salty
Redhot1960's Avatar
Good grief!

Talk about an extreme right article

I knew magas would have a spin for next week's MAJOR embarrassments.
Everyone else sees a coward Originally Posted by winn dixie

OK, Globalpoodle, what ever you say.

Redhot1960's Avatar
Redhot1960's Avatar
Emperor Murdoch Going Bananas – President Trump Will Interview with Tucker Carlson During GOPe Debate

August 18, 2023 | Sundance | 581 Comment

Saving the Republic was always going to be a trilogy. In 2016 we caught the club off guard, “Club Wars” began. In 2020 the collective “Empire Strikes Back.” Now we enter 2024, all of the enemies are defined, and the “Revenge of the MAGA” begins.

Within the epic battle that 2024 represents, the multinationals are deploying every available weapon in their arsenal and the rebellion is running an insurgency campaign while withstanding the constant bombardment. While much is yet to be determined, our flag is still raised, and we stand steadfast -living our best life- while the bombs burst all around us.

The professional Republican apparatus is assembling in Wisconsin for the trap debate, but the rebellion has successfully out maneuvered the plot and will stand unaffected while diminishing the first losers to the status they deserve.

With commandant Bill Sammon retired, comrade Brett Baier was positioned to use the pending political indictments to pepper Trump with questions that would assist the feds. By not subjecting himself to the constructed operation, President Trump has avoided the trap.

Emperor Murdoch is furious, while Darth Ronna failed in her effort to bait team MAGA.NEW YORK TIMES – The former president’s apparent decision to skip the first debate is a major affront both to the Republican National Committee and to Fox News, which is hosting the event.

Former President Donald J. Trump plans to upstage the first Republican primary debate on Wednesday by sitting for an online interview with the former Fox News host Tucker Carlson, according to multiple people briefed on the matter.

In the past 24 hours, Mr. Trump has told people close to him that he has made up his mind and will skip the debate in Milwaukee, according to two of the people briefed on the matter.

[…] The exact timing and platform of the interview with Mr. Carlson remain unclear, but if it goes ahead as currently planned, the debate-night counterprogramming would serve as an act of open hostility.

The chairwoman of the R.N.C., Ronna McDaniel, has privately urged Mr. Trump to attend the debate, even traveling to his private club in Bedminster, N.J., last month to make her pitch in person.

And Fox News has been drawn into a public battle not only with Mr. Trump but with Mr. Carlson, who is still on contract and being paid by Fox despite having his show taken off the air. Fox sent Mr. Carlson a cease-and-desist letter after he aired a series of videos on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. The Trump campaign’s conversations with Mr. Carlson — and the possibility of counterprogramming — have previously been reported by multiple news organizations.

Spokesmen for the Trump campaign, the R.N.C. and Fox News did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Mr. Carlson also did not respond to requests for comment. (read more)

Originally Posted by Redhot1960
Lucas McCain's Avatar
It would be foolish and a waste of his time to debate Republicans. He has nothing to gain if he did. He already easily has the Republican party nominee wrapped up. Why play a game when you already have it won? Especially when you have no self-control like him, and you know everyone's entire strategy is just to attack you.
Redhot1960's Avatar
I can go on for a long time. fuckers