The myth of Liberals creating crime...

DNinja69's Avatar
It has become a popular war cry but is it true? Does a left leaning government lead to increased violence?

In July a report was released for cities with 25k pop or more:

Alabama has 7 of the top 10 last I checked NOT a Liberal state.
Louisiana? Nope. Not over the past 20+ years.

How about Missouri?

So many areas with very high rates of violent crimes per/1000 residents are the Liberals just making road trips or does the talking point just a myth?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It has become a popular war cry but is it true? Does a left leaning government lead to increased violence?

In July a report was released for cities with 25k pop or more:

Alabama has 7 of the top 10 last I checked NOT a Liberal state.
Louisiana? Nope. Not over the past 20+ years.

How about Missouri?

So many areas with very high rates of violent crimes per/1000 residents are the Liberals just making road trips or does the talking point just a myth? Originally Posted by DNinja69

liberal policies are creating crime. that is no myth. no bail release is putting a lot of criminals on the streets. people claim that so-called red states have cities with high crime. if you look at the top 20 crime cities the leadership is mostly democrat, about 16 democrats and 3 republicans and 1 independent.

look at these flash mob looting's in Chicago and LA. liberal polices are encouraging these mobs to bum rush stores and grab what they can and run. they know most stores have rules not to try to stop robberies and most employees aren't gonna take any risks.

they know that even if the cops catch them they will be released. it's no myth liberal policies are causing a surge in crime.
VitaMan's Avatar
I suppose California could be a place to study this, with San Francisco leading the way.

CA now has something like 35% of the US homeless population, and a massive public expenditure on
public assistance programs. Utility rates around 29 cents per kwH so poor people can't afford air conditioning. The percentage of people living there not born in the US is also enormous. When you have needy people that can't afford even the basics, you get more crime.

Above saying liberal policies encourage mobs to burn stores, grab, and loot is a little ridiculous.
DNinja69's Avatar
I agree there are some bad policies in place and being promoted but the topic is violence. You can spin it and say that it is just Liberals within more Conservative areas creating the issues but the data shows us otherwise. Our eyes show us otherwise.

Does Texas have leftists masquerading as Republicans? They rank 16th with higher per capita rates than Illinois and California. Riots and looting not so much but the average citizen in Texas is more likely to be the victim of a violent crime than most Democratic led states.

So if we don't use the numbers to make the claim and just certain incidents like looting to tilt the scale can we use that kind of math on unemployment? inflation? Or does the totality of evidence matter?

I think the real myth is that somehow Republican states are safer at all. America is an increasingly violent nation and not just NYC and LA. The system isn't working and sure we can point a finger to some areas being more dysfunctional than others but to me that is about as productive as arguing whether getting herpes from a blonde is better than from a redhead.
VitaMan's Avatar
Your whole question then becomes moot, and is only for rhetorical debate.

Just like similar discussions on guns creating an atmosphere for deadly games causing
players to act and violent movies causing people to act out their fantasies.
Ducbutter's Avatar
DNinja69's Avatar
Yes and no. Moot in the sense that the subject is just more political fodder that takes time and energy away from discussion of solutions and addressing actual issues. On the other side trying to sue gunmakers and restrict the 2nd Amendment any more than it already is also dysfunctional.

The base argument for 'defunding' the police includes some pretty sound ideas. Shift some funding away from lethal response options and give more options in the area of mental health and treatment. Many on the left want to take it too far but the policies of law enforcement on the right are not working much if any better.

If we continue to blame Democrats for an issue that is nationwide without a party line divider we are setting ourselves up for failure because when Republicans are in power they will continue to promote the same failed policies. I believe the issue is not government created, but is perpetuated by a lack of real attention as we keep finger pointing.
DNinja69's Avatar
Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Someone promoting a book pointing fingers squarely at Liberals as a root cause of crime and delinquency is most likely going to be a bit biased and I am not defending what is going on in California but last I checked it is people creating the mess. Elected officials are not paying them to be homeless or making them take drugs but they for sure are letting it happen with little resistance. Have you ever spent much time in big cities like Dallas? It isn't something they allow to spill into parks and public areas but the same things are happening.

We can continue to answer the question about rising violence, homelessness, etc by asking 'but what about SF and NYC' which to be honest is really all I see most Republican politicians doing which serves to make their lack of impact in the same areas seem less of an issue.

Simple question. Are these issues really specific to Democratic cities and states or is it just worse there?
Ducbutter's Avatar
Shellenberg is a liberal. And a fairminded one.
Would you be more receptive if he was pointing fingers at republicans? Would you still say the author is biased?
  • Tiny
  • 08-23-2023, 09:21 PM
You’ve fallen for Simpson’s Paradox D’Ninja. If you segregate the data by counties or cities instead of states you’ll see that localities run by Democrats have higher rates of violent crime. Go through the cities in the list in your link. I bet they all favored Biden in 2020. Or at least 9 of the 10.
Ducbutter's Avatar
Worth noting the title of the thread also. "The myth of Liberals creating crime". Seems you've drawn a conclusion before you've asked the question.
ManSlut's Avatar

I think the real myth is that somehow Republican states are safer at all. America is an increasingly violent nation and not just NYC and LA. The system isn't working and sure we can point a finger to some areas being more dysfunctional than others but to me that is about as productive as arguing whether getting herpes from a blonde is better than from a redhead. Originally Posted by DNinja69
Instead of this repetive mythbusting about which political party is or isn’t at fault for the crime problem, which gets us nowhere, why don’t you propose something that can fix the problems?…You go first, then I will give you mine.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I'm not going to waste much time acting like I am a political expert on crime like many of you will. But instead, I'm just going to be a simple fake ass sociologist, so I'll just dumb it down to the obvious - when people are poor, crimes are much more likely to be committed regardless of politics. Shitholes are Shitholes and shit happens in shitholes regardless of where you live in this world.

Can I post, the word "shit" again or would that be overkill?

Murder is arguably the most heinous crime one can commit (I believe rape is worse but whatever). Anyway, I have no idea how reputable the site below is, but it showed up quickly on a 5 second search. Do those top 10 states look all blue to you? If you have murdering motherfuckers in those states, I assume a lot of other nefarious shit is happening there as well.

Like I've posted in another thread, if I am willing to commit a crime, what the fuck do I care about who is in office? I'm a criminal. I just wouldn't want to get caught after the fact. And make no mistake about it, I live in Texas, and I've fucked whores. Do you think I was thinking about politics when I stopped by the ATM to get cash before I committed those crimes or I did I miss a change in the law and prostitution is legal here now in Texas? LOL
DNinja69's Avatar
You’ve fallen for Simpson’s Paradox D’Ninja. If you segregate the data by counties or cities instead of states you’ll see that localities run by Democrats have higher rates of violent crime. Go through the cities in the list in your link. I bet they all favored Biden in 2020. Or at least 9 of the 10. Originally Posted by Tiny
When you cherry pick dig deep enough you can reach all kinds of conclusions. Antifa is responsible for Jan 6. Biden stole the election. Any attempt to paint Alabama and Texas as infiltrated by Biden supporters with a clandestine plan to spread crime across Republican states is too delusional for my eyes.