why, why, why???

We(guys) have all had this happen to us over the years, the Cancel the day of by your Lovely Provider.

This is not the same as a NCNS, but someone you have a rapport with who seems to always flake the day of.

I had a run of bad luck earlier this year, I was Canceled on 6 out of 7 times the day off, 4 by one gal and 2 by another.

The 2nd time it happened I told myself never again will I try with this girl. well that lasted all of a week or so..I booked again and was canceled again.

Why, why , why do I torture myself knowing that there is an 80% chance they will cancel on me.

I guess the answer is simple in my case.. CIMNQNS was on their menus....I am sucker for this...

guess I need to find a gf...
rekcaSxT's Avatar
Do you think that maybe they are scared of your johnson, and are afraid to turn you down because of it, and make up these reasons why they have to "cancel"?

Just wondering.
no, my Johnson is NOT THE ISSUE.. silly rabbit tricks are for kids
I was Canceled on 6 out of 7 times the day off, 4 by one gal and 2 by another. Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
Ralphey,perhaps you need to be a bit choisier when picking someone to spend time with! But I think you're already figuring that out arent ya?

No one has to put up with ladies with bad TCB skills, but some of you do for whatever reasons. Keep looking kid there are plenty out there!
Whispers's Avatar
Just add a few more into the lineup, double book for different times of the day and if the first one shows up and satisfies your lust cancel the 2nd one.

Turnabout is fair play!
actually Tess, TCB is great, always respond quickly, is the BCD that never comes.,

I dont mind it so much at least always canceled hours before..
I'd say scratch the repeat offenders off your must see list.

There are plenty of girls out there that keep their appointments,
support the girls that do take care of business. Also, do your
research and if a girl has a history of doing this, don't put them
on your must see list.

Life is too short, and hobby life is even shorter. Don't look for
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
Call from a different phone, change your name and alter your voice a bit and see if that works...
Mr Jones, they are UTR girls they have no reviews, no sites, they are sent to me by a buddy who finds UTR types,

So with not being a full timer, no kids or SO's they suck at keeping an appointment, what keeps me on the hook is great sex with them!!!!!!!!!!!!
atxbrad's Avatar
Try and put your thumb inside a Cheerio..............
actually Tess, TCB is great, always respond quickly, is the BCD that never comes.,

I dont mind it so much at least always canceled hours before.. Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
Your more understanding than I would be. To me, if the BCD never comes, the lady doesn't "take care of business"! I know a few UTR's like this and its unfortunate for all parties concerned. Especially if she's fun to be with!

I had to drop a great doubles partner once because she had to many "real life" issues that kept her from TCB and I couldn't count on her.
Whispers's Avatar
SEX with UTRs and part time players is usually much hotter and more satisfying then with the pros.... Donations are also much less taxing in many cases....

I think it is a trade off of Price/Quality vs the letdown at times when scheduled appointments don't occur.

I feel your pain.... have felt it... will feel it again....

i just hit speeddial/NEXT when it occurs
rekcaSxT's Avatar
Try and put your thumb inside a Cheerio.............. Originally Posted by atxbrad
Soda all over my laptop!

Do you think that maybe they are scared of your johnson, and are afraid to turn you down because of it, and make up these reasons why they have to "cancel"?

Just wondering. Originally Posted by rekcaSxT
Speaking of johnsons...

BINGO Whipsers,,

price and quality of these two ladies are top notch, young 20 somethings,perfect bodies, and prices are well below the norm...

Tess, I never care about being canceled on, I understand life happens,, The only thing I hate is canceling on me last minute