What is the slowest day and time for providers?

I assume that weekday lunches are pretty busy with married executives sneaking away from the office. I also assume that Sunday mornings are the slowest, but what about Friday and Saturday evenings/afternoons?

I apologize if this is too broad of a question to answer. I'm just curious when providers have the most down time - no pun intended.
Guest031411-2's Avatar
lol, not being a provider but being a hobbiest, I've found that there is no set rule. In fact, depending on the provider's life the factors change drastically. Ok, sorry for jumping in, providers prove me wrong LOL
AidanRedd's Avatar
Early Friday evening and Saturday afternoon are usually my slowest periods. That's when people are out actually doing stuff.
Every since I have started my weekends have always been slow. I assume because its family time for the guys. Which I myself enjoy the weekends off
Monday is my down day, I run errands that day because I rarely get calls for that day. Sunday can be slow too, but I chalk it up to family day.
Saturday night is dead. Hardly ever a request on Friday or Saturday night
It's all about the marketing. I know a provider who wasn't getting many calls. She ran a great special (not just knocking 10-20 bucks off) and her phone has been ringing steadily since. With this economy it's flabbergasting to me to see women advertise with rates 300 and up.
I would rather see a girl on Saturday and or Sunday, I am much more relaxed and can enjoy myself. One of my long time ATF's was mainly a M-F gal but she would always make time for me on Saturday.
Hottassamelia's Avatar
Ya know,you just never know.
I can tell you that no matter where you are in goes in different waves.
For a few weeks it will be consistantly busy on Tue,Wed, and Thurs and then all
of a sudden it switches to Sat,Sun, and Mon and your phone will barley ring on that Thur

For instance,For th e last two weeks I have had a long awaited guitar lesson planned for
Sunday (Typically my slowest day here in Austin)..and for the last 2 weeks,I have needed to cancel my lesson cause Sunday has turned into my busiest day of the whole week.who knew?
...I think it can also depend on the season.

Really I just posted because it was due time I was underneath Ralpheyboy.
nuglet's Avatar
whoo hooo! And I'm under you...!!
Hottassamelia's Avatar
OH I like this
runswithscissors's Avatar
Whoo whee! Can I be under you too, Amelia?
Hottassamelia's Avatar
Anytime darlin'...but for now it looks like your on Top too!
WOW! Y'all are cute!!! Though I wouldn't mind being under any of you!!

Back on topic! My slowest time is Friday nights. My busiest times are Saturday morning, Sunday mornings and Monday afternoons. I LOVE morning appts, so maybe my guys are trying to cater to me?? IDK. I just love how rested and fresh everyone is in the mornings! I also love to be the stress relief after a long Monday (or any day for that matter) at work! But, yea, like the other girls say, it can vary a lot.
how fun now she is now on top of me Originally Posted by Maci Lynn
yall are gay!!!