Inversions and Transfer Pricing Will Hurt the US Economy

Some pros and cons of corporate inversions.

While corporate inversions can be beneficial for stimulating economic growth, there are much better ways to stimulate the economy and often inversions can be detrimental. In particular, when companies avoid U.S. taxes, the government forgoes billions of dollars in tax revenue used to build the economy. For example, if Apple were to repatriate their foreign cash holdings, they would be subject to a tax bill close to $60 billion. Yet many multinationals continue to avoid exorbitant tax burdens even though the U.S. government invests heavily into supporting these industries. For the most part, small businesses and consumers end up making up the difference in forgone taxes. This trend threatens to undermine our federal tax base and is projected to cost the United States, $34 billion over the next ten years.

Full article:

While G.E.’s declining tax rates have bolstered profits and helped the company continue paying dividends to shareholders during the economic downturn, some tax experts question what taxpayers are getting in return. Since 2002, the company has eliminated a fifth of its work force in the United States while increasing overseas employment. In that time, G.E.’s accumulated offshore profits have risen to $92 billion from $15 billion.

Full article:

From, Corporate Tax Rates: Fact Sheet:

Conservatives have defined the debate in a highly misleading manner. They focus on the top statutory rate — the rate specified by law — instead of the effective tax rate — what is actually paid. Because U.S. statutory rates are somewhat higher than other OECD countries, corporations claim that this makes them less competitive, and that it stunts job growth. But their argument is unpersuasive when the debate focuses on effective corporate tax rates.

gfejunkie's Avatar
What do you expect them to do? Just sit there and take and take it and take it...

I don't think so.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Our tax system rewards this activity. This is the system the Republicans and Democrats have drafted, and the system they always lie about fixing. Hillary has been part of the crew that designed and supported this system. She's lying when she says she's going to fix it.

Don't blame the corporations for simply bribing politicians to get what they want. Blame us for continuing to elect people who lie to us. I might vote for a Republican this election, but he's not a Republican who has been part of the problem.
Our tax system rewards this activity. This is the system the Republicans and Democrats have drafted, and the system they always lie about fixing. Hillary has been part of the crew that designed and supported this system. She's lying when she says she's going to fix it.

Don't blame the corporations for simply bribing politicians to get what they want. Blame us for continuing to elect people who lie to us. I might vote for a Republican this election, but he's not a Republican who has been part of the problem. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I guess I can't blame the corporations for using as many tax evading policies as they possibly can. Yes, the White House definitely needs to change the law to close these loopholes and add the much needed tax revenues to the US Treasury. Hillary has a plan to close loopholes for these multinationals and let's see if she actually implements it if she gets into office. I think she is going to mention this in her upcoming speech in Ohio.

Her proposed plan from Bloomberg:
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hillary is lying. She had a chance to address this in the Senate. She didn't. She is owned by the companies benefitting from this. She is lying.
Hillary is lying. She had a chance to address this in the Senate. She didn't. She is owned by the companies benefitting from this. She is lying. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
We don't know whether Clinton will renege on this promise yet do we? Proof is the pudding. I doubt any President ever accomplishes all he originally sets out to. They have to make compromises with other members of Congress. Does Trump have a plan to reduce the deficit? I heard his plan would raise the deficit even more, a lot more. By the way, how do you know he's not lying? How do you know he won't be a puppet for the GOP? He may do exactly whatever they tell him once he sets foot in the White House. We just don't know.
I B Hankering's Avatar
We don't know whether Clinton will renege on this promise yet do we? Proof is the pudding. I doubt any President ever accomplishes all he originally sets out to. They have to make compromises with other members of Congress. Does Trump have a plan to reduce the deficit? I heard his plan would raise the deficit even more, a lot more. By the way, how do you know he's not lying? How do you know he won't be a puppet for the GOP? He may do exactly whatever they tell him once he sets foot in the White House. We just don't know. Originally Posted by SassySue
There's a lot that you may have "heard" that is sheer BS, little Suzy Simpleton.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
We don't know whether Clinton will renege on this promise yet do we? Proof is the pudding. I doubt any President ever accomplishes all he originally sets out to. They have to make compromises with other members of Congress. Does Trump have a plan to reduce the deficit? I heard his plan would raise the deficit even more, a lot more. By the way, how do you know he's not lying? How do you know he won't be a puppet for the GOP? He may do exactly whatever they tell him once he sets foot in the White House. We just don't know. Originally Posted by SassySue
Hmmm . . . I don't know if he will be a puppet, but I'm sure Hillary will be. And I don't know if he will reduce the debt, but I know Hillary will increase it. Trump comes from an industry where coming in early and under budget is respected. That's not the case with Hillary.

Trump might be a disaster. With Hillary, it's a certainty. Hillary also has a history of dishonesty and corruption that is unparalleled in modern politics.

I hate to rain on your parade, Sue. But Hillary is not who she says she is, nor is she who you think she is. I've looked closely at all four of the major choices: Hillary, Trump, Gary Johnson, and Jill Stein. I've decided on Trump simply because he has the best chance to keep Hillary out of office. I'm not sure the country will be recognizable if we add four years of Hillary on to the sixteen disastrous years of Bush and Obama.
Hmmm . . . I don't know if he will be a puppet, but I'm sure Hillary will be. And I don't know if he will reduce the debt, but I know Hillary will increase it. Trump comes from an industry where coming in early and under budget is respected. That's not the case with Hillary.

Trump might be a disaster. With Hillary, it's a certainty. Hillary also has a history of dishonesty and corruption that is unparalleled in modern politics.

I hate to rain on your parade, Sue. But Hillary is not who she says she is, nor is she who you think she is. I've looked closely at all four of the major choices: Hillary, Trump, Gary Johnson, and Jill Stein. I've decided on Trump simply because he has the best chance to keep Hillary out of office. I'm not sure the country will be recognizable if we add four years of Hillary on to the sixteen disastrous years of Bush and Obama. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I guess we will find out. I read that Trump wants to lower taxes for everyone even more, but the wealthiest will have the greatest cut. It's going to drive the deficit up a great deal. Hillary's plan is to crack down on corporate inversions, tax the wealthiest Americans, the top 1 percent more. She said the bottom 95 percent won't be taxed any higher. Hillary's plan will reduce the deficit over the long term.

Donald Trump’s Tax Plan vs. Hillary Clinton’s Policy: How Would Your Paycheck Be Affected?

From International Business Times: