Minnesota police chiefs see 'unsustainable' crime spike: 'Never seen gun violence like this'

  • oeb11
  • 07-09-2021, 11:06 AM
Hennepin County, which encompasses Minneapolis, reported a 24% increase in crime

From the marxist 'Defund teh Police DPST city council Criminals of Minneapolis!


Minnesota police chiefs have raised concerns over the recent rise in violence across the state – particularly gun violence – with one chief saying it is unlike anything he’s seen before.
Hennepin County, which encompasses Minneapolis and several smaller cities, has seen a 24% increase in 2020 over 2019, with a sharp rise of 36% from October through December 2020, according to police.
The trend appears to continue through 2021.
"I’ve never seen the gun violence like this," Brooklyn Park Police Chief Craig Enevoldsen told Fox 9. "We need to come together and say when is enough, enough."
"I literally thought the shootings of those children in Minneapolis could get a different way of thinking, and it hasn’t," he added. "God forbid it could be us. That could happen in any of our cities."
Enevoldsen said the number of reported calls over shots fired jumped 55% over the same time last year. Brooklyn Park police also recovered 55 guns in the last year.
Enevoldsen isn’t the only chief to note the concerning trend, which he called "not sustainable."
Crystal Police Chief Stephanie Revering cited a number of factors contributing to the trend, including the coronavirus pandemic, the death of George Floyd and easy access to cheap firearms.
"The issue we are facing because of that is the complete lawlessness that’s going on in some of our cities," Revering told Fox 8. "We have to figure out a way to combat that."
"You can’t tell us to go out and make traffic stops because you are seeing the speeders and the street racing, and the next day say to us you can’t do traffic stops because now horrible things are happening to people," Revering said.
Revering, who also heads the Hennepin County Chiefs of Police Association, claimed that criminals go through a "revolving door" in courts and jails, with little time served for their crimes. Instead, they return to the streets to repeat their offenses.
"A lot of these folks are getting out quickly and committing the same crimes again," Revering explained. "You talk about carjackings, they get out and commit carjackings again, and then we sit back and ask, ‘How this is happening?’"
Peter Aitken is a New York born-and-raised reporter with a focus on national and global news.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The funny ( hypocrisy ) is that's this shocks anyone with a brain ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Missburger's Avatar
Guns guns guns

It’s time
England no guns
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Guns guns guns

It’s time
England no guns Originally Posted by Missburger

England lost the Revolutionary war because those "traitorous ex-pat brtis" didn't fight fair. they fought a guerilla war against a bunch of stogy brit clods and sent Cornwallis back to the UK with his ass hanging out

Cornwallis the pussy surrendering

  • oeb11
  • 07-10-2021, 08:09 AM
history is anathema to DPST's - the american revolution was won because the 'colonists' had weapons to fight what was regarded as the premier army in the world at teh time.

First thing castro did after taking power - - after his thousands of executions - was confiscate weapons.

mb- good luck with that
From my cold dead hands.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Hennepin County, which encompasses Minneapolis, reported a 24% increase in crime

From the marxist 'Defund teh Police DPST city council Criminals of Minneapolis!


Minnesota police chiefs have raised concerns over the recent rise in violence across the state – particularly gun violence – with one chief saying it is unlike anything he’s seen before.
Hennepin County, which encompasses Minneapolis and several smaller cities, has seen a 24% increase in 2020 over 2019, with a sharp rise of 36% from October through December 2020, according to police.
The trend appears to continue through 2021.
"I’ve never seen the gun violence like this," Brooklyn Park Police Chief Craig Enevoldsen told Fox 9. "We need to come together and say when is enough, enough."
"I literally thought the shootings of those children in Minneapolis could get a different way of thinking, and it hasn’t," he added. "God forbid it could be us. That could happen in any of our cities."
Enevoldsen said the number of reported calls over shots fired jumped 55% over the same time last year. Brooklyn Park police also recovered 55 guns in the last year.
[URL="https://www.foxnews.com/us/suspect-murderst-paul-accomplice-arrested"][B]MANHUNT FOR WISCONSIN SUSPECT SOUGHT IN EX-GIRLFRIEND'S MURDER HEATand easy access to cheap firearms. Originally Posted by oeb11
history is anathema to DPST's - the american revolution was won because the 'colonists' had weapons to fight what was regarded as the premier army in the world at teh time.

First thing castro did after taking power - - after his thousands of executions - was confiscate weapons.

mb- good luck with that
From my cold dead hands. Originally Posted by oeb11
Every police force says easy Firearms access is a major contributor to the increase in homicides, but your side ignores that. You want MORE guns, easier access. Your mentality is ''whoever draws and fires first, wins''!

Countries with strict gun control have virtually no gun-related murders. The US has certain cities with tight gun laws, but the ease of firearm transport renders those laws ineffective. Why don't we mandate everyone in Chicago own and carry? See how many dead people we can scrape off the sidewalks?
  • oeb11
  • 07-10-2021, 03:30 PM
Every police force says easy Firearms access is a major contributor to the increase in homicides, but your side ignores that. You want MORE guns, easier access. Your mentality is ''whoever draws and fires first, wins''!

Countries with strict gun control have virtually no gun-related murders. The US has certain cities with tight gun laws, but the ease of firearm transport renders those laws ineffective. Why don't we mandate everyone in Chicago own and carry? See how many dead people we can scrape off the sidewalks? Originally Posted by Chung Tran

CT - every sentence is a mis-statement and Xinn propaganda.
You are so far from reality as to warrant an intervention - get some help - .
First Every police department - does not say this. If the states would keep up the existing background check system - that would help. Still - criminals get weapons - and that is the source of most gun crime. Ever heard of teh street gangs of LA, MS-13, etc?? Thought not.

second- I never said i want more guns. weapons are a force to keep the government from becoming a tyranny .

Chicago - Really - some of teh tightest gun control laws - which disarm law-abiding citizens and put weapons in teh hands of the criminals - yet lightfoot's answer - ban AR-15's - while pistols are used in most Chicago crimes.

Get a grip - CT!

CT - you are so far over the edge of reality - that Comrade Xi is praising your name in beijing.

are you trying to get a nomenklatura position in the Chinese rule of america under Xi????
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Every police force says easy Firearms access is a major contributor to the increase in homicides, but your side ignores that. You want MORE guns, easier access. Your mentality is ''whoever draws and fires first, wins''!

Countries with strict gun control have virtually no gun-related murders. The US has certain cities with tight gun laws, but the ease of firearm transport renders those laws ineffective. Why don't we mandate everyone in Chicago own and carry? See how many dead people we can scrape off the sidewalks? Originally Posted by Chung Tran

so you believe that lunatic Chicago mayor's claim that all the guns come from Gary, IN? i didn't know Gary, IN was the gun smuggling capitol of the Midwest. i'm sure you and Miz LightInTheNoggin can prove that yeah?

both Chicago and Detroit as examples have very restrictive gun laws and yet the murder rates are astronomical. how do you explain that?


Gun Control Facts: Detroit Crime Rate is the Result Of Gun Control

By Steve Curtis
Jan. 14, 2013

Ronald Reagan is often quoted as saying, “Government is not a solution to our problem, government is our problem.” The same can be said when it comes to gun control and crime in Detroit, Michigan.

A quick review of Michigan gun laws shows that law abiding citizens wishing to own a gun for self-protection are strongly regulated and actively discouraged. First, they have to take and pass the Michigan Basic Pistol Safety questionnaire. Then they have to apply for the Ten Day Handgun Purchase Permit to buy the gun and make sure they find and buy the gun of their choice within 10 days, otherwise they have start the process all over again. When they make their purchase, they have to fill out a Michigan Pistol Sales Record form and make sure the pistol has a valid firearm Safety Inspection Certificate.

Once the citizen has purchased their firearm, they have 10 days to take the gun to the local police department, have the sale recorded, and a new Safety Inspection Certificate issued in their name. Otherwise, they are considered in violation of the law and could be arrested on a misdemeanor gun violation.

Federal laws also require a background check if you purchase a gun from a licensed dealer with a Federal Firearms License.

Note that each and every legal gun buyer in Michigan, and particularly Detroit, must be approved by the local police at least twice each and every time they purchase a gun and undergo a background check by the federal government.

As a result, Detroit has the second highest murder rate in the nation and is considered by many to be the most dangerous city in which to live in the United States. Simply put, gun control, as a means of controlling crime and protecting law abiding citizens, is a dismal failure.

The reason is quite simple. Criminals don’t obey laws, register their guns, or bother getting permits. In fact, criminals are generally in favor of more stringent gun controls because it makes their criminal activities safer.

Rather than following the progressive model of gun control, where law-abiding citizens are disarmed and only criminals possess firearms that worked so well in Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, Australia, and Britain, Americans should be looking at the immense success of “universal” gun ownership in places like Switzerland or Kennesaw, GA. In Kennesaw, for instance, all citizens are required to own at least one firearm and keep ammunition. As a result, Kennesaw is reported to have the lowest crime rate of any city its size in America. And crime statistics show the downward trend is positive as word of the “armed city” spreads.

In Switzerland, every male is part of the national military and is required to keep their fully automatic weapons and ammunition at home, when not on duty. Switzerland is listed as one of the top 20 countries for safety.

John Lott, updating his book, More Guns, Less Crime, shows that communities wherein law-abiding citizens are armed generally have the lowest crime rates, while those with the most restrictive gun laws have more crime and more violent crime. Detroit, with their restrictive gun laws and rampant crime, is simply confirming what decades of studies have shown.

The answer to Detroit’s violence and rampant crime isn’t more restrictive gun controls, just the opposite. The answer is law abiding citizens, armed, empowered, and mobilized to protect themselves and take back their communities. Instead of peaceful families cowering in fear that the next knock on the door might be a savage gang coming to kill them, criminals should be fleeing the city because Detroit has become too well-defended to provide the “easy pickings” they have, up to now, enjoyed.
  • oeb11
  • 07-10-2021, 03:42 PM
Thank you - TWK - a shame that CT is so deluded by the Stetler Xinn as to have lost all sense of reality regarding the issue.

and likely never will - unless ( god forbid) CT becomes teh victim of violence caused by criminals enabled by political destruction of police departments, and disarming teh citizens.

a shame to see people so deluded by teh Xinn propaganda.
Hennepin County, which encompasses Minneapolis, reported a 24% increase in crime

From the marxist 'Defund teh Police DPST city council Criminals of Minneapolis!


Minnesota police chiefs have raised concerns over the recent rise in violence across the state – particularly gun violence – with one chief saying it is unlike anything he’s seen before.
Hennepin County, which encompasses Minneapolis and several smaller cities, has seen a 24% increase in 2020 over 2019, with a sharp rise of 36% from October through December 2020, according to police.
The trend appears to continue through 2021.
"I’ve never seen the gun violence like this," Brooklyn Park Police Chief Craig Enevoldsen told Fox 9. "We need to come together and say when is enough, enough."
"I literally thought the shootings of those children in Minneapolis could get a different way of thinking, and it hasn’t," he added. "God forbid it could be us. That could happen in any of our cities."
Enevoldsen said the number of reported calls over shots fired jumped 55% over the same time last year. Brooklyn Park police also recovered 55 guns in the last year.
Enevoldsen isn’t the only chief to note the concerning trend, which he called "not sustainable."
Crystal Police Chief Stephanie Revering cited a number of factors contributing to the trend, including the coronavirus pandemic, the death of George Floyd and easy access to cheap firearms.
"The issue we are facing because of that is the complete lawlessness that’s going on in some of our cities," Revering told Fox 8. "We have to figure out a way to combat that."
"You can’t tell us to go out and make traffic stops because you are seeing the speeders and the street racing, and the next day say to us you can’t do traffic stops because now horrible things are happening to people," Revering said.
Revering, who also heads the Hennepin County Chiefs of Police Association, claimed that criminals go through a "revolving door" in courts and jails, with little time served for their crimes. Instead, they return to the streets to repeat their offenses.
"A lot of these folks are getting out quickly and committing the same crimes again," Revering explained. "You talk about carjackings, they get out and commit carjackings again, and then we sit back and ask, ‘How this is happening?’"
Peter Aitken is a New York born-and-raised reporter with a focus on national and global news. Originally Posted by oeb11
Every police force says easy Firearms access is a major contributor to the increase in homicides, but your side ignores that. You want MORE guns, easier access. Your mentality is ''whoever draws and fires first, wins''!

Countries with strict gun control have virtually no gun-related murders. The US has certain cities with tight gun laws, but the ease of firearm transport renders those laws ineffective. Why don't we mandate everyone in Chicago own and carry? See how many dead people we can scrape off the sidewalks? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Is this not another version of Darwinism?
  • oeb11
  • 07-11-2021, 08:58 AM
Natural Selection - UC.

Unfortunately - after natural selection in chicago and other DPST cesspools, the 'selected" - may arise from the cesspools to invade the rest of teh country.

smart - on teh part of teh fascist DPST's - to organize such disruption in america to allow their marxist revolution.
  • oeb11
  • 07-11-2021, 09:47 AM
  • oeb11
  • 07-11-2021, 09:49 AM
Chicago's Lightfoot under fire for allowing top aides time off ahead of deadly July 4th weekend

The mayor has vowed to tackle violent crime with an 'all hands on deck' approach


typical - I wonder how many ( likely lots of them) were searching for a slot on One of Epstein's Planes????
  • oeb11
  • 07-11-2021, 09:52 AM
Biden sends 'strike force' to Chicago to help curb spike in violent crime

More than 100 people were shot and 19 killed over the Fourth of July weekend in Chicago


And - the target to cure Chicago violence is 'White racist supremacists!!!"

President Biden's "strike force," meant to help curb crime in Chicago and four other cities seeing a surge in violence, is expected to come to the Windy City "relatively soon," Mayor Lori Lightfoot said earlier this week.
The Justice Department announced new "strike forces" in June, which are supposed to curb violent crime in Chicago, New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Washington, D.C., by helping city leaders crack down on illegal gun trafficking.
"My hope and my expectation is that they're going to be coming relatively soon. I've made no secret of the fact that this is a matter of incredible urgency and I think the president's plan is to make a difference in localities like Chicago this summer," Lightfoot told reporters Wednesday as she met with Biden outside O'Hare Airport, according to ABC 7 Chicago.
The strike force teams will coordinate with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) and share information with local and state law enforcement agencies about where firearms originate and where they are used to commit crimes in an effort to bring down gun-dealing rings.

President Joe Biden greets Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, as he arrives at O'Hare International Airport, Wednesday, July 7, 2021, in Chicago. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Biden's meeting with Lightfoot came after more than 100 people were shot and 19 killed over the Fourth of July weekend in Chicago, the city’s most violent weekend this year. It also came hours after two ATF officials and a Chicago police officer were shot early Wednesday while on duty in an unmarked law enforcement vehicle on the city’s Far South Side.
Lightfoot has come under increasing pressure to take action.
The mayor campaigned as a public safety expert and on Tuesday vowed that her administration is "doing absolutely everything that we can to stem the violence." But the city council and neighborhood officials are growing restless.
At least 1,600 people have been shot so far in Chicago in 2021 — an 11% increase compared to 2020 and a 58% increase compared to 2019, according to the Chicago Police Department's crime statistics for the week ending June 28.
In a recent interview with WTTW, a local PBS station, Mayor Lightfoot blamed the violence on several factors, including the COVID-19 pandemic and gun laws in the states and locales surrounding Chicago.
"I believe that violence is a manifestation of systemic problems, and it's a public health crisis," she said. "When you see, in way too many neighborhoods, a lack of jobs, a lack of investment — these are historic, decades-long problems."
Chicago is "surrounded by" suburbs and states "that have very lax gun laws," Lightfoot continued.