Impeach him

... Blimey! ... I surely agree that THIS needs investigated, mate.

I DO got some important questions:

Is this Harlan Crow from Communist China?

And - does he work for a Chinese bank?

### Salty
Cody69's Avatar
I see you don't have anyone of our fabulous GOP Team commenting on another fraud Republican. It getting to be a weeking thing of how the Republican party has one of there Representatives have done something totally criminal. I sure all of the good Republican that have done so many good things over the years and have past are turning in there graves.

I am sure then it has to be fake news from all the news sources. We will have to wait till those way far out right news groups can tell us how this is a BS. In recent years Clearance has really showed his true colors. From abortion to gun control. I would like to she how many trips the NRA have given him and his wife.
bambino's Avatar
Send in Hillary’s special ops unit and murder him, just like Scalia.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
One of the kindest, friendliest people you’ll ever meet.

Does the “mega donor” have a case in front of the Supreme Court? If so, Thomas should recuse himself. If not, fuck off with this latest fascist attempt to smear a truly great man. He can have as many rich friends as he damn well pleases.
berryberry's Avatar
I see you don't have anyone of our fabulous GOP Team commenting on another fraud Republican. It getting to be a weeking thing of how the Republican party has one of there Representatives have done something totally criminal. I sure all of the good Republican that have done so many good things over the years and have past are turning in there graves.

I am sure then it has to be fake news from all the news sources. We will have to wait till those way far out right news groups can tell us how this is a BS. In recent years Clearance has really showed his true colors. From abortion to gun control. I would like to she how many trips the NRA have given him and his wife. Originally Posted by Cody69
Wait - you are upset that people didn't respond to some silly ass cartoons from someone who admitted he plagiarizes stuff to post that he doesn't even understand?

Really? While you ignore actual Democrat fraud exposed in several other recent threads here?

Well hell, I will play along.

This is yet another radical leftists high tech lynching of a black man, Justice Clarence Thomas. They're upset because he went FISHING with his friend at some Lake? WHO THE FUCK CARES! His friend does not have a case before the court.

Shit, Hunter Biden can get a BILLION dollars from China but the judge can't go fishing in the woods? Is that your stance?

And do you realize ProPublica is a left-wing "charity" founded by Herb Sandler to tax-shelter the billions he made on the toxic subprime mortgages that blew up the financial system.

Great story with facts - not cartoons

ProPublica often practices what you might call Potemkin journalism — dressing up non-stories with neutral-sounding reporting verbiage and lots of graphs and pictures that seem important at first glance, but in actuality tell us very little.

One of the best examples of the practice can be found in today’s smearing of Clarence Thomas, a hobbyhorse of leftists since 1991. In it we learn that the Supreme Court justice has a super-rich friend.
And that super-rich friend, GOP donor Harlan Crow, invites Thomas on “luxury” vacations from time to time at his “private resort,” “sprawling ranch,” “all-male retreat,” and on his “superyacht.” As all the adjectives strongly suggest, all of it is very upscale. Most of the luxury vacations that happen “virtually every year,” it seems, have Clarence and Ginni Thomas spending “about a week” during the summer as guests at one of Crow’s resorts in the Adirondacks.

Here is a little taste of the pretend journalism:

There’s evidence Thomas has taken even more trips on the superyacht. Crow often gave his guests custom polo shirts commemorating their vacations, according to staff. ProPublica found photographs of Thomas wearing at least two of those shirts. In one, he wears a blue polo shirt embroidered with the Michaela Rose’s logo and the words “March 2007” and “Greek Islands.”

There are, indeed, lots of incriminating pictures in the piece — even a shot of a signed book! — because people who do furtive, illegal, corrupt stuff always wear commemorative custom-made polo shirts of their trips and then take lots of snapshots. Evidence, indeed.

The internet has “exploded” with comments from the usual suspects mischaracterizing the trips as bribes, though everything reported by ProPublica is completely legal and unrelated to Thomas’ work on the court. Well, perhaps I should say all this is very related to his work on the court, just not in the way ProPublica insinuates.

Thomas’ venial sin is not caring what the media or elites think of him. His mortal sins are practicing and believing in originalism and bucking the racial stereotypes of the left. That’s the only reason The Washington Post keeps publishing deep dives into Ginni Thomas’ completely legal political activism.

Thomas has zero legal obligation to disclose where he goes on vacation to journalists or anyone else — whether they are “luxury” trips or not. The idea that Thomas is secretly engaging in these activities because he fails to provide the editors at ProPublica or The New York Times with his itinerary is beyond preposterous. The only even debatable part of the disclosures would be his failure to report private flights as transportation expenses. (A genuine piece of journalism would have investigated the practices of all justices on this front.) But the idea, as one “expert” claims in the piece, that spending time on a friend’s yacht should be reported as transportation, rather than a vacation, is also nonsensical.

While the purpose of ProPublica’s piece is to frame all this as unethical, it offers not a single substantive instance of anything remotely approaching a conflict of interest. No cases involving Harlan Crow have ever reached Thomas. And there are no examples of Thomas having changed his positions to accommodate anyone. ProPublica takes an embarrassing stab at making this contention by noting that Thomas’s criticism of an old Chevron-related case means that he’s adopted a concept “newly popular on the right, that would limit government regulation.” Yes, limiting government regulation is a wholly newfangled idea within Federalist Society circles. Pulitzer on the way.

But, of course, leftists can’t believe anyone has a good-faith position in opposition to their own. A person can either be bought by nefarious moneymen, be misled by nefarious moneymen, or be nefarious themselves. Those are the choices.

You want to write about Thomas’ vacations, fine. A Supreme Court justice is a public figure. The real story here is a boring one. Then again, the decades-long smearing of Thomas is unprecedented in modern American history. And with renewed efforts to delegitimize any court bound to constitutional limits — which is what all this is really about — it’s only going to get worse.
Cody69's Avatar
Wait - you are upset that people didn't respond to some silly ass cartoons from someone who admitted he plagiarizes stuff to post that he doesn't even understand?

Really? While you ignore actual Democrat fraud exposed in several other recent threads here?

Well hell, I will play along.

This is yet another radical leftists high tech lynching of a black man, Justice Clarence Thomas. They're upset because he went FISHING with his friend at some Lake? WHO THE FUCK CARES! His friend does not have a case before the court.

Shit, Hunter Biden can get a BILLION dollars from China but the judge can't go fishing in the woods? Is that your stance?

And do you realize ProPublica is a left-wing "charity" founded by Herb Sandler to tax-shelter the billions he made on the toxic subprime mortgages that blew up the financial system.

Great story with facts - not cartoons

ProPublica often practices what you might call Potemkin journalism — dressing up non-stories with neutral-sounding reporting verbiage and lots of graphs and pictures that seem important at first glance, but in actuality tell us very little.

One of the best examples of the practice can be found in today’s smearing of Clarence Thomas, a hobbyhorse of leftists since 1991. In it we learn that the Supreme Court justice has a super-rich friend.
And that super-rich friend, GOP donor Harlan Crow, invites Thomas on “luxury” vacations from time to time at his “private resort,” “sprawling ranch,” “all-male retreat,” and on his “superyacht.” As all the adjectives strongly suggest, all of it is very upscale. Most of the luxury vacations that happen “virtually every year,” it seems, have Clarence and Ginni Thomas spending “about a week” during the summer as guests at one of Crow’s resorts in the Adirondacks.

Here is a little taste of the pretend journalism:

There’s evidence Thomas has taken even more trips on the superyacht. Crow often gave his guests custom polo shirts commemorating their vacations, according to staff. ProPublica found photographs of Thomas wearing at least two of those shirts. In one, he wears a blue polo shirt embroidered with the Michaela Rose’s logo and the words “March 2007” and “Greek Islands.”

There are, indeed, lots of incriminating pictures in the piece — even a shot of a signed book! — because people who do furtive, illegal, corrupt stuff always wear commemorative custom-made polo shirts of their trips and then take lots of snapshots. Evidence, indeed.

The internet has “exploded” with comments from the usual suspects mischaracterizing the trips as bribes, though everything reported by ProPublica is completely legal and unrelated to Thomas’ work on the court. Well, perhaps I should say all this is very related to his work on the court, just not in the way ProPublica insinuates.

Thomas’ venial sin is not caring what the media or elites think of him. His mortal sins are practicing and believing in originalism and bucking the racial stereotypes of the left. That’s the only reason The Washington Post keeps publishing deep dives into Ginni Thomas’ completely legal political activism.

Thomas has zero legal obligation to disclose where he goes on vacation to journalists or anyone else — whether they are “luxury” trips or not. The idea that Thomas is secretly engaging in these activities because he fails to provide the editors at ProPublica or The New York Times with his itinerary is beyond preposterous. The only even debatable part of the disclosures would be his failure to report private flights as transportation expenses. (A genuine piece of journalism would have investigated the practices of all justices on this front.) But the idea, as one “expert” claims in the piece, that spending time on a friend’s yacht should be reported as transportation, rather than a vacation, is also nonsensical.

While the purpose of ProPublica’s piece is to frame all this as unethical, it offers not a single substantive instance of anything remotely approaching a conflict of interest. No cases involving Harlan Crow have ever reached Thomas. And there are no examples of Thomas having changed his positions to accommodate anyone. ProPublica takes an embarrassing stab at making this contention by noting that Thomas’s criticism of an old Chevron-related case means that he’s adopted a concept “newly popular on the right, that would limit government regulation.” Yes, limiting government regulation is a wholly newfangled idea within Federalist Society circles. Pulitzer on the way.

But, of course, leftists can’t believe anyone has a good-faith position in opposition to their own. A person can either be bought by nefarious moneymen, be misled by nefarious moneymen, or be nefarious themselves. Those are the choices.

You want to write about Thomas’ vacations, fine. A Supreme Court justice is a public figure. The real story here is a boring one. Then again, the decades-long smearing of Thomas is unprecedented in modern American history. And with renewed efforts to delegitimize any court bound to constitutional limits — which is what all this is really about — it’s only going to get worse. Originally Posted by berryberry
Berry: This is about Justice Clarence Thomas. Nothing at all to do with Hunter Biden. It hard for you not to get some kind of hate for the Democrats.

Justice Clarence Thomas! His ruling's has been all far Right Rulings. Nothing for the country as a neutral Judge, it has all been Crazy far Right Decisions.
Try defending Clarence Thomas without mentioning anything about some Democrat you don't like. Everyone else is expected to stay on topic.
berryberry's Avatar
Berry: This is about Justice Clarence Thomas. Nothing at all to do with Hunter Biden. It hard for you not to get some kind of hate for the Democrats.

Justice Clarence Thomas! His ruling's has been all far Right Rulings. Nothing for the country as a neutral Judge, it has all been Crazy far Right Decisions. Originally Posted by Cody69
Did you even bother to read the whole response?

It was ALL about the greatest Justice who ever served, Justice Clarence Thomas. There was one simple sentence comparing him to one of the multitude of criminals on the left that you and other leftists continue to defend and make excuses for

Why are you and the left continually attacking Justice Thomas?

Are you all that racist?

Do you not like he follows the rule of law and the US Constitution in his rulings?

Just Thomas has been getting lynched by leftists since way back when he was first nominated for the court. It's racist and pathetic these fake attacks continue to occur
berryberry's Avatar
The definition of an American Hero