Her blood is on Senile Biden's Hands

berryberry's Avatar
Multiple DHS sources confirm the suspect in UGA student, Laken Riley’s murder—José Antonio Ibarra is here illegally from Venezuela. CBP documents show he crossed in September of 2022 into El Paso, Texas and was released due to lack of detention space.

The 26 year old from Venezuela was arrested today by ICE-ERO Atlanta. He is being charged with malice murder, felony murder, aggravated battery, aggravated assault, false imprisonment, kidnapping, hindering a 911 call and concealing the death of another

Officials say Riley went for a run on the University of Georgia's Athens campus yesterday and was later found dead.

If fucking dipshit Senile Biden was enforcing the immigration law and protecting our borders, Laken Riley would be alive today. Her killer should have never been allowed to stay in the United States. Open borders and the non-enforcement of laws have heartbreaking consequences. Her blood is on Senile Biden's and all those who supported his utter lawlessness hands
DNinja69's Avatar
I didn't realize illegal immigrants were registering their movements with Customs and Border Protection. The article says documented I am sure someone will release those receipts right?

As for Biden being responsible that reminds me of the half day I spent in the shitter last week after a couple of food truck tacos. They were delicious and spicy and nobody in that truck spoke much English so when I connect those dots it all adds up. The White House owes me some reparations for pain and suffering. Next time I get to DC ole Joe B and I are gonna have a lil chat.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
You completely miss the point. It’s not about tracking his movement, because he shouldn’t be in the country AT ALL. If we had an actual border and a democrat party not doing everything possible to encourage millions of people to pour into the country, he wouldn’t be.
berryberry's Avatar
You completely miss the point. It’s not about tracking his movement, because he shouldn’t be in the country AT ALL. If we had an actual border and a democrat party not doing everything possible to encourage millions of people to pour into the country, he wouldn’t be. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Exactly. Why have Senile Biden and the Democrats refused to protect and enforce the border and stop the invasion of illegal criminals from entering the country and murdering innocent US citizens

And this is by far not the first example of an innocent US citizen being killed by an illegal let in by Senile Biden and the Democrats. Sadly it is just the latest tragedy but clearly the leftists do not care about Americans
DNinja69's Avatar
Well good ole Dubya had 8 years to reform border control. He even had a terrorist attack on US soil to motivate approval of stricter enforcement.

Was is Clinton before him or Obama after him that derailed the lesser Bush from his efforts?

There is a blanket statement in the article of DOCUMENTED evidence of exactly when an illegal crossed into the US and me asking for some receipts is missing the point?

Sorry I am not one to take spoon fed 'truths' on face value especially when it comes to political media.

Illegals do all kinds of atrocious shit and I favor a much stricter system than even most Republicans would embrace. The current administrations 'handling' of our borders is absurd to the point of being enough to warrant impeachment in my opinion. This issue alone in my eyes disqualifies our current VP from holding office again so called 'immigration czar' what a fucking joke.

But come on fellas lets be honest much like Social Security and campaign funding reform neither Democrats or Republicans are likely to do much of anything especially so long as we continue to vote for fucktards just because thats who one party or another let float to the top of the swamp
berryberry's Avatar
Laken Riley’s killer illegally crossed the border the same month that Kamala Harris told Chuck Todd “the border is secure”

Senile Biden and Impeached Mayorkas are accessories to murder.

Lock them all up for crimes against America
Republicans won't fix the border issue, either. They know it's the #1 issue that gets their voters off the couch. If they suddenly fixed the problem, their whole boogeyman scare tactic to win elections would fall apart. They need the border to be a problem. Like the DEA with drugs.
Well good ole Dubya had 8 years to reform border control. He even had a terrorist attack on US soil to motivate approval of stricter enforcement.

Was is Clinton before him or Obama after him that derailed the lesser Bush from his efforts?

There is a blanket statement in the article of DOCUMENTED evidence of exactly when an illegal crossed into the US and me asking for some receipts is missing the point?

Sorry I am not one to take spoon fed 'truths' on face value especially when it comes to political media.

Illegals do all kinds of atrocious shit and I favor a much stricter system than even most Republicans would embrace. The current administrations 'handling' of our borders is absurd to the point of being enough to warrant impeachment in my opinion. This issue alone in my eyes disqualifies our current VP from holding office again so called 'immigration czar' what a fucking joke.

But come on fellas lets be honest much like Social Security and campaign funding reform neither Democrats or Republicans are likely to do much of anything especially so long as we continue to vote for fucktards just because thats who one party or another let float to the top of the swamp Originally Posted by DNinja69
Wouldja look at that - whataboutism at its finest!

### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
We had a 22-year-old young woman killed this week at the hands of an illegal in Georgia, who should have never been in the country to begin with and who should have been deported.
We had a 22-year-old young woman killed this week at the hands of an illegal in Georgia, who should have never been in the country to begin with and who should have been deported. Originally Posted by berryberry
Maybe House Republicans should have taken the bipartisan border deal? Her blood is just as much on their hands.
berryberry's Avatar
Maybe House Republicans should have taken the bipartisan border deal? Her blood is just as much on their hands. Originally Posted by tommy156
This is about a young woman being killed because for 3 years Senile Biden refused to defend the border. I guess you missed this " CBP documents show he crossed in September of 2022 into El Paso, Texas"

Senile Biden and Impeached Mayorkas are accessories to murder.

Lock them both up for crimes against America
This is about a young woman being killed because for 3 years Senile Biden refused to defend the border. I guess you missed this " CBP documents show he crossed in September of 2022 into El Paso, Texas"

Senile Biden and Impeached Mayorkas are accessories to murder.

Lock them both up for crimes against America Originally Posted by berryberry
The thread is about her blood being on someone's hands. I'd hope the logical next step would be to fix the problem that allowed it to happen in the first place.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Republicans won't fix the border issue, either. They know it's the #1 issue that gets their voters off the couch. If they suddenly fixed the problem, their whole boogeyman scare tactic to win elections would fall apart. They need the border to be a problem. Like the DEA with drugs. Originally Posted by tommy156
It was already fixed. Biden dismantled it on day one, now here we are.

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Maybe House Republicans should have taken the bipartisan border deal? Her blood is just as much on their hands. Originally Posted by tommy156
Maybe Biden shouldn’t have decapitated solid border policy, then try to deflect blame for his disastrous policy by coming up with completely unnecessary legislation that does nothing to stop the invasion he himself created. All he had to do was…..nothing.
winn dixie's Avatar
Wouldja look at that - whataboutism at its finest!

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Uhhhh did you read ninjas whole post?
He's holding this administration accountable as well as all predecessors. He's only added reality!