Racism on the prowl

I've been the victim of racism. I don't want other brown and black hobbyists to experience the same thing. PM for details. To avoid unecessary drama I want be discusding specifics except through PM.
I should would be interested in hearing the whole story. Sorry it happened or you think it happened!
Hot Summer's Avatar
This guy just contacted me and said he heard I was running a corniviruse special!!! Lmao and when I tell him No
he calls me a racist and says hes gonna blast me for it !!
So here I am dude blast away because you are a crazy and foolish man and I saved our conversation for the moderator as well .
Hot Summer's Avatar
Says if I dont see him for 100 hour hes gonna talk shit on me for being a racists....
Dude I'm not a racist you are a cheap creep !!! That's why i said no !
austin88998833's Avatar
Dude you are constantly bringing up race. Nobody gives a shit about race. Myself and numerous other white dudes have seen AA ladies, and white ladies have seen even more black men. Some women may advertise they dont see AA men, I guess they each have different reasons for it. I have heard that managed ladies sometimes advertise they dont see black men because their manager is writing the ad.

Please quit race baiting on here, nobody wants to listen to that shit anymore. All we have to do is turn on the damn news and hear that shit 24/7 and it is getting very tiresome. Folks come here to exchange info and maybe have a little fun. Just because a lady wont BBFS doesnt make her a racist. Im white. She didnt BBFS with me. WTF??

I have pasted just a few links below where you mention race, race, race. Im sure there are more if i felt like digging deeper, but i dont.

More to the story. But I'm going to keep drama off the board. People can PM to know the facts.
pyramider's Avatar
The OP is just upset because he has no game.
I think the OP is the racist one after reading all the threads Austin posted. If not definitely a douchebag. Mad at the world and when he doesn’t get his way he plays the race card. Get the fuck out of here with that shit you fucking asshole. And I know for a fact Summer didn’t do anything cause of what race you are. Give me the points.
Why does this post remind me of Jussie Smollett?
Hot Summer's Avatar
More to the story. But I'm going to keep drama off the board. People can PM to know the facts. Originally Posted by John Knox
I have the real story with screen shots provided what you got fool ?
Exchequer's Avatar
Why does this post remind me of Jussie Smollett? Originally Posted by Baconman
I agree...
This guy threantened me too. This is a disgusting guy abd needs to banned. He is asking for BB and acussing of racisim and threatens. How is this not red flags of trouble. Ban him and his ip adresss.
I am far from a racist. I am however allergic to idiots and racist.
Don't contact me again.
the story is that you are the only one that brings up race. I can post the messages and we can all see whom is the racist. You are a flake as I have agreed to see you before and you did not show or cancel. Now youwant to get on here and lie and play the race card!!! Any self respecting man can see that this is a horrible thread. How dare you..
Hot Summer's Avatar
Ya Jessie wanna be ! Just so we are clear I dont see color I see money and respect which you are sorely lacking in both areas .
Done with you now so be gone foolish man
CatMan4u's Avatar
Summer you and Izzy are very fine respected ladies who don't deserve this kinda treatment hopefully the
Mods can or will do something
About this this kinda crap hurts this hobby and site