Why do providers have to be the one to buy condoms?

Here's my speal

I don't know what size penis every man has and more often than not if a man has a large dick he doesn't think he does. Least that's what 90% of them claim.

That being said I don't see why men don't buy their own condoms. I have ran into that situation so many times where I just go to the store. Buy a combo pack and for what ever reason the guy doesn't fit into them. I would never ask a man to buy my a bra. He may get the general idea of my size but that doesn't mean it will fit?!?!

Okay. Thanks my rant :-)

Happy hobbying!!
pyramider's Avatar
Then you obviously do not know your job very well. Not all condoms are the same. Many women have allergic reactions to different types of latex. Ladies also have preferences, some may not like ribbed or lubricated or certain brands. Also, condoms have expiration dates, you want an old condom that has been cooking in a car for two years? Fucktards have been known to tamper with condoms causing failure and consequences. I am sure there are a several other reasons...
Then you obviously do not know your job very well. Not all condoms are the same. Many women have allergic reactions to different types of latex. Ladies also have preferences, some may not like ribbed or lubricated or certain brands. Also, condoms have expiration dates, you want an old condom that has been cooking in a car for two years? Fucktards have been known to tamper with condoms causing failure and consequences. I am sure there are a several other reasons... Originally Posted by pyramider

It's not a job first of all. I have a job it's a steady paycheck.

This is just for fun!!

I have been doing this on and off for 10 years. I am not saying at any point I will stop buying them. I just think if a gent in thicker than most or larger than most he should bring his own stuff!!

I only buy condoms when I am actually hobbying. I don't hobby in my home town and I don't care to have multiple boxes of condoms.

I have been trying female condoms lately and they aren't too shabby. I just wish they sold them in Walgreens and what not. So far only online and in clinics.

I get tested for work on a monthly basis so I don't ever go to clinics.
I always buy my own condoms, i usally buy what works for me, no ladies have complained yet
skbinks's Avatar
One provider told me she would never use a condom brought by a client for a lot of reasons that pyramider mentioned. She buys different sizes in bulk online and has both latex and latex free.
  • D.G.
  • 08-17-2015, 10:40 PM
You have to buy them cause us guys dont mind getting caught in the rain without an umbrella or pancho or slicker or whatever you wanna call it .
Here's my speal

I don't know what size penis every man has and more often than not if a man has a large dick he doesn't think he does. Least that's what 90% of them claim.

That being said I don't see why men don't buy their own condoms. I have ran into that situation so many times where I just go to the store. Buy a combo pack and for what ever reason the guy doesn't fit into them. I would never ask a man to buy my a bra. He may get the general idea of my size but that doesn't mean it will fit?!?!

Okay. Thanks my rant :-)

Happy hobbying!! Originally Posted by SpiceInTucson
This is a great question! Yes, it would be awesome if guys always had a variety of fresh condoms to use on a date, but the reality is that a lot of guys have weird, tight schedules, and they may not get a chance to pick up a pack before meeting with a gal. Plus, many of them have been married for ages, and they may not even feel comfortable buying condoms anymore. I prefer to bring a variety when I go on dates so that I know I'll have one that works well for both of us. Also, I can rest assured that the condom has been stored appropriately (i.e., not in the heat), and therefore hasn't been compromised, and I can choose the types that work best with the lubes that I like (the ones I like are the ones that won't irritate me, lol).

I like Condomania.com and CondomDepot.com because I can order whenever I remember to (without having to go to the store), the selection is huge, and the shipping is discreet.

Be careful when buying "latex free" condoms, though. Lambskin is great for preventing pregnancy, but it will not protect against STIs. Here's a great guide to non-latex condoms.
You have to buy them cause us guys dont mind getting caught in the rain without an umbrella or pancho or slicker or whatever you wanna call it . Originally Posted by D.G.
...speak for yourself, pal. Smart guys play safe.
Keyhole Arc Blow's Avatar
My take on it is if you're average size, meaning most condoms fit well then the guy and provider can work out the logistics on who gets what.

But if you know most condoms don't fit for whatever reason, you should take your own OR let her know ahead of time so she can run out and get some, THEN an extra fee should be included in her base rate because she spent money and time accommodating you.

The chick could just say "well if you can't wear what I provided and you didn't bring your own then you're SOL."

Guys know what works for them, the ones claiming ignorance are just full of shit.
pyramider's Avatar
...speak for yourself, pal. Smart guys play safe. Originally Posted by Annie Calhoun
There lies the problem...most are thincking with the little head.
2wheels2fun's Avatar
It's in a lady's best interest to do so. There are sick bastards out there who get their jollies off of poking holes in condoms. They feel like they've gotten away with something sneaky when they use a compromised condom.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Then you obviously do not know your job very well. Not all condoms are the same. Many women have allergic reactions to different types of latex. Ladies also have preferences, some may not like ribbed or lubricated or certain brands. Also, condoms have expiration dates, you want an old condom that has been cooking in a car for two years? Fucktards have been known to tamper with condoms causing failure and consequences. I am sure there are a several other reasons... Originally Posted by pyramider
And you are not doing yours very well...wth! This is a lady who asked a question, not for your judgement. Stick to taint....you seriously are the best at that I've ever seen, but actual interaction on a board....nope! I hate being all judgy on folks, cause I am not, but I'm learning to do it, because there's a need, apparently. geez!

Hon....not many sizes of condoms out there as there are bras, and if ya left it up to the men hobbying these days, they'd "forget" and then maybe play on your sympathies and before ya know it, bam....ya screwed up. Kinda like this whole screening thing, the yes girl thing, and ladies being all intimidated into keeping their mouths shut or lose business thing. Really? Not sure why anyone thinks they can control my business, but they are welcome to try. An employee agreement, sign on bonus, vacation time, and some other perks are gonna be necessary for me to sign on though. So, yeah....it's each of our own responsibility to handle certain things. Men included, but they don't or won't for many reasons that I've seen and heard before. Take care of you!

Police your own behaviors and attitudes, folks. No one likes to be judged with their every breath as evidenced by some truths I have shared. Knock it off, relax, flirt, have a little empathy, compassion, or just use some good ole plain every day.....COMMON SENSE.
Elegance.Reign's Avatar
Why would you put yourself in jeopardy like that. My opinion provider should have the accommodations for Gents. Had an experience where gent tried to poke a whole through the unopened condom of his he was caught in the act. Your providing you should buy all you need for all visits.😆😙😘

Nuthing but Love 💜💛💜💛
tia travels's Avatar
If you let guys be the ones to bring the condoms,
and they knew they had the choice to do so,
then alot of them probably wouldn't bring one
or claim they forgot to....just to be able to BB.

You say you would never ask a guy to buy your bra,
but you're providing a service. And having supplies
is part of that service.

Just like when you go to get a massage (professional
or hobby related)...they aren't going to ask you to
bring your own towel, oils, lotions and table. If you
go to a nail salon, they provide the colors and callous
remover and hand lotion, etc. They don't ask you to
bring your own. If you go to a restaurant, they
don't ask you to bring your own food, plates, or utensils.
So it only stands to reason, that if you prefer protection,
you should provide it.

If this subject really was in etiquette books,
this would not the kind of conversation (see pic) to
have with your gentleman caller...
(boyfriend maybe, but not hobbyist.)

I'm not saying you have to buy 25 different sizes, but
do your best to get a few different kinds.
If they "still" don't fit, well you made a genuine
effort and if the gent knows he's a hard-to-fit guy
for your basic condoms you can buy most places
easily---and if he doesn't like cramming his "johnson"
in a Magnum XL for example, THEN ...maybe he
can bring his own.

But to say you think all men should provide something
that most people would provide normally as part of their
service, is kind of (let's just say)
...not the swiftest
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
That was very informative and a nice little jab at the end there. LOL Not trying to start anything or take up for a lady, heaven forbid, but don't understand why it was necessary. I'm sincerely trying to figure out why folks here say things to each other that are informative and helpful, and then qualify by letting them know how they judge them. I'm learning to judge everyone for myself, as well, so it's important I understand what I'm doing...ya know?

Thanks tons!