I feel like a pedophile by playing with men under 40

We all know men don't become fully men, real men - or manly mature as they'll get - until they hit 40's

Buttttt I would seriously feel like I'm committing a crime by being with a child in his twenties, a child or half man in his 30's

I shudder thinking about it

I know alota women here only see older men too, mainly because they're older (mature) but I'm in my twenties & feel this way

I have absolutely no clue how to handle young children (men under 40) ...would be some strange babysitting role

I know some men feel this way about younger ladies ...except I'm the exclusion ...I mostly attract older men (thank god) they're sexy as hell. Mature = very sexy
You are not alone
We all know men don't become fully men, real men - or manly mature as they'll get - until they hit 40's

Buttttt I would seriously feel like I'm committing a crime by being with a child in his twenties, a child or half man in his 30's

I shudder thinking about it

I know alota women here only see older men too, mainly because they're older (mature) but I'm in my twenties & feel this way

I have absolutely no clue how to handle young children (men under 40) ...would be some strange babysitting role

I know some men feel this way about younger ladies ...except I'm the exclusion ...I mostly attract older men (thank god) they're sexy as hell. Mature = very sexy Originally Posted by Zabrina Sarafina

I think using the word pedophile is disgusting and wrong and having sex with a man 10 years your younger is undermining what true pedophiles are.

Call yourself a cougar. It's a lot more applicable
I think using the word pedophile is disgusting and wrong and having sex with a man 10 years your younger is undermining what true pedophiles are.

Call yourself a cougar. It's a lot more applicable Originally Posted by SpiceInTucson
Ha I like em 25 + years older. What does that make me? Grave a robber perhaps??
BBW Katrina's Avatar
Some of the crudest and wackiest guys on here are old as fuck. Like my grandpa's age. If you were raised right, can maintain a general conversation and show respect... I will see you. Several of my best clients are under 35. I don't classify myself as a cougar either. I prefer men equal in age (personally speaking). If you act right, you can hit it. If you act like a douche, you can fuck off...regardless of age.
40 and older only please! Preferably 50+
smokeater's Avatar
Im right there with ya. I have a minimum age I like to see and would prefer a woman be as close to my own age as possible. There is more to beauty than a 20 something hard body. The mind and experience are special things to behold. Oh I was born in the 1950's, and can tell you exactly where I was when the Mets won the world Series, man first walked on the moon and the president was shot.
Im right there with ya. I have a minimum age I like to see and would prefer a woman be as close to my own age as possible. There is more to beauty than a 20 something hard body. The mind and experience are special things to behold. Oh I was born in the 1950's, and can tell you exactly where I was when the Mets won the world Series, man first walked on the moon and the president was shot. Originally Posted by smokeater
Haha +1000
ICU 812's Avatar
I am an infrequent hobbyist; retired and 64 now. Haven't had a session since maybe 2012 (Thai Monica, aka Angel Monica now) and my physical ability in many areas is suspect; strength, creeky jounts, arthritis and so on.

In the man-child part of my mind (the part most closly hooked up to the "little head")I think about a submissive Asian contortionist spinner under 5' talletc etc.

But then I'd feel like the OP.

The retired realist in me sees the changing attitude of the younger generation , "the Millenials", in the general population, and doesn't want to deal with the eye-rolling condescension of some teen (LEGAL!) who is new to the provider/hobbyist way of life.

Nore do I want to deal with some mir-late twenty something who lives for The Party and is looking for a free-spending stock broker who is also a bedroom athlete.

My next opportunity to hobby may come up in October now. I will be looking for an established provider 35-45 (or so) for a 1.5 to 2 hr non rushed session in the Houston area.
I am 37 years old but act way more mature for my age than i really am, I am smart, college educated, do not party, like setting dates more for company and to have an intellectual and stimulating conversation with a beautiful woman. If anything should transpire BCD for me that is icing on the cake.. and yes I am straight lol.

Just as I age I like things that stimulate my mind as well, the 1/2 hr to 1 hr dates do not do much for me at the age of 37.

To me using the word pedophile sends the wrong message, sure you may be young twenties according to you but I would would not classify you as a pedophile.

Just my .02 Zabrina
Try being 40 and seeing the youngin's. I feel like Chester the Molester. I mean, I'm flattered that they're coming to me (pardon the pun) for their MILF kick, but the shit ain't easy.
James1588's Avatar
Some of the crudest and wackiest guys on here are old as fuck. Like my grandpa's age. If you were raised right, can maintain a general conversation and show respect... I will see you. Several of my best clients are under 35. I don't classify myself as a cougar either. I prefer men equal in age (personally speaking). If you act right, you can hit it. If you act like a douche, you can fuck off...regardless of age. Originally Posted by BBW Katrina
Excellent point. Lots of us don't ever really grow up, in terms of our behavior toward others in general, and women in particular. And some of us grow up pretty young. As Katrina suggests, old guys (and women, sometimes) often seem to think that the fact they've had a bunch of birthdays means that whatever they say and however they behave is somehow cute, and they're entitled to omit any semblance of manners and consideration. Regrettable, but all too common.
ICU 812's Avatar
My youngest provider experience was back in the ASPD days (2K8) when "Junior" was running Latin Relaxation, nominally a Latin MP, but really an agency/brothel.

I had a session with a latina, obviously in her mid twenties, but only 4'11" or so, full figured but small.

With the lights turned down low it seemed a bit strange at times (almost creepy) to see her moving around the room and disrobing. While I KNEW for a fact that she was an adult of legal age, there were uncomfortable flashes when she seemed much younger in the dim light.

I am almost ten years older now and don't think I'd look to repete that experience with someone so young.
FireKitten's Avatar
Pedophile may be a strong word, but not sure that it is that far off, when you are seeing people, mostly voluntarily, or not, at the age or younger than your own children; pretty disconcerting.
MC's Avatar
  • MC
  • 08-21-2015, 08:36 PM
I'm currently 27 and have been in the hobby since I was 19. I consider myself pretty mature for my age. As a result, I feel like I've been pretty successful in the hobby as I've gotten to meet a lot of amazing ladies of all different ages, from 19 to early 50's.