Protect Yourself Ladies

MaxiMilyen's Avatar
At the Bottom of the article is information concerning why any lady might want to rethink doing outcalls to Residential Homes. I realize not every gent who has ladies visit his home would do such a thing, however, it's worth another think for those who have yet to consider what might occur, and those who already have. If it's not an issue for you, no worries. Some prefer this kinda thing not occur. Play safe everyone. Gentlemen, to ensure your safety and anonymity, you too should ensure this kinda thing does not happen to you. Make your choices wisely folks.....

Screening? Important
Reputation? Important

Hidden Cameras

glade55's Avatar
lol you forgot the most obvious cam in ac vent
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
lol you forgot the most obvious cam in ac vent Originally Posted by glade55
Ya could fill a page with places or items where these things could be.
Great post.
Another thing that people that do these kinds of thing may not realize is it could easily backfire on them. There have been multiple news reports of video baby monitors, laptops, cell phones, even a car being hacked.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Great post.
Another thing that people that do these kinds of thing may not realize is it could easily backfire on them. There have been multiple news reports of video baby monitors, laptops, cell phones, even a car being hacked. Originally Posted by Nicolet
I've noticed that as well. Someone is ALWAYS watching......some hack, some invade, and some just walk right into.

Some of us even have the ability to just see stuff ...kinda magical and all that.....LOL I kid I kid!

There are quite a lot of the technical wizards everywhere. Ya know? LOL I love smart men! It's twue! It's twue!
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
I guess it could also be in incalls from sketchy BP ladies looking to extort!

MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I guess it could also be in incalls from sketchy BP ladies looking to extort!

IB Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly
You are certainly right about that, but the men on this board seem to know what they are doing, so I wouldn't presume to suggest that they don't already know to be careful about who it is they choose to see and what the consequences of their choices might be. I used to imagine that the whole point of an "ECCIE" is so the gents who Hobby will have a place to find women with a better reputation for staying safe and protecting them as much, as we have the need to do so for ourselves, and especially right now, for some crazy reason. However, I have been wrong before.

Apparently, the whole idea is to turn it into a place where some of the lower end and even managed BP ladies are allowed to peddle their wares instead. Guess some managers figured out how to infiltrate what was once, The Hobby. Lotsa ladies doing ads both places and I know the difference, but apparently, many gents do not. It's a shame we constantly have to tell each other to be careful of your choices. smh But, I hope it helps some to actually think about what it is they do, because there are those, who just do not. It could be, they just have nothing to lose. idk

Hobby Safe folks!
What can detect a camera?
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Did a quick search and here's one of the first links I came up with:

WikiHow to Detect Hidden Cameras and Microphones

If I were a man in the Hobby who had a family and job I didn't wish to lose, I'd meet the Lady and get the room together, as if a couple, in a different town, many miles from my home, and if I was just too skeptical about seeing ladies who have a great reputation. It's really the only way both parties might feel assured and safe from those who practice this. I do not go to men's homes unless I've seen them, know they are single, and have established more than what I call, a one time "Hit and Miss" type of appointment.

(Personally, I would not go into a woman's domain, where she made a home for her family, even if I'd be the one her partner seeks an intimate encounter with, I don't wanna disrespect her, but I understand men's needs too)

It doesn't mean I am one hundred percent certain a gent isn't filming by using hidden cameras, because all kind of nice men are not quite as nice as they appeared to be and I have a couple of incidents here recently that prove just that and have removed any verifications I have given elsewhere, because of just that. They didn't deserve my approval or verification....darn it. I think all ladies should practice this when they discover things about "gents" and it might not look great to be associated with those who behave in certain ways. As I feel the gents should also have that opportunity if they could actually PROVE why they would.'s important folks. Speculation and is what it is. And I know everyone here is perfectly honest with each where it counts. LOL

I love men, but there are a handful of men I've met in my life that I trust completely, no questions asked, ever, because they proved that to me. I'm sure that's the same for men about trusting women. Does it mean I'm a paranoid individual, absolutely not. It means I understand what many are capable of as has been proven, and I do the best I can to ensure I see the better end type of client with good reputations in the hobby. I've kept more out than I have allowed in, because I'm as careful as the tools I have available, allow me to be. Keeping things in the dark and hidden is not helpful to any ladies safety or preference.

Anyway, leave all your clothes and belongings in the bathroom and keep the door closed, then hey, do a slow and sexy body search of each least that part would be really fun, or it is for me...ijs.
Thanks for the helpful information Maxi.

At the Bottom of the article is information concerning why any lady might want to rethink doing outcalls to Residential Homes. I realize not every gent who has ladies visit his home would do such a thing, however, it's worth another think for those who have yet to consider what might occur, and those who already have. If it's not an issue for you, no worries. Some prefer this kinda thing not occur. Play safe everyone. Gentlemen, to ensure your safety and anonymity, you too should ensure this kinda thing does not happen to you. Make your choices wisely folks.....

Screening? Important
Reputation? Important

Hidden Cameras

Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
You are welcome. I just get concerned when I see that ladies have visited in a gents home, not that I suspect any gent here of doing such things, because I have no reason to believe that or even suspect it. I'd certainly love to say I trust everyone, but experiences of self and others indicate I should take more precautions. The majority of what I have learned of, are not hobby related, but it could happen, so it's better to be safe than sorry.

Not trying to jack my own thread, but security is important, so I feel it's on topic.

Account allegedly Got Hacked

Useful info throughout the thread to be considered. Do your research concerning all this stuff ladies and gents. Find out what is vulnerable concerning your hobby habits.