Future of the 'Hobby'...

200K's Avatar
  • 200K
  • 08-26-2015, 05:34 PM
Been thinking about this the past several days....

If the hobby were to be legalized in all of North America, how would the hobby change?
Would the market dry up? ...or would more women get into the hobby because it is legal?

Would like to read other's opinions on this subject.
MrThom's Avatar
The Hobby.
Its always changing, and its always staying the same. It will never be totally legal, because of the deep puritanicle streak that is inherently American. So the outlaw in us will find a way to do something that doesn't quite fit the social mores. Sex is our last taboo.
My dad always said...Tits, half the world has them, the other half just wants to play with them.
Keyhole Arc Blow's Avatar
I remember watching a documentary from the BBC I think, in the UK of course about providers. Basically it's legal but a lot of chicks won't do it because of the whore stigma. Of course they showed a lady whose clients were more middle class level of income then another who was taken on multi-day trips to the Bahamas and Mauritius on yachts. Even the high dollar lady still had the same "habits" of ladys here in the states; basically hide the fact she's a provider.

Maybe after the baby boomer generation and the generation after that has died off will people be accepting enough for a lady to be able to say she's a provider without feeling shame in any situation. Until then even if legalized I think what would stop most women from doing it would be the fear of judgment from their friends and family if they were found out.