Is it better or worse when they tell you?

carkido45's Avatar
Is it better or worse when they tell you there married or have signifigant other?
I had a session with my UTR massage therapist the other day and during the massage she mentioned she had a BF and it was kind of a mood killer.
This has happen before with other providers I kind of wish they would keep there personel life to themselves.
Does this happen to any one else?
morefunat38's Avatar
I'd rather not know.
dearhunter's Avatar
Her personal life is not part of my fantasy.

If she wants to share her fantasy with me, I can charge by the hour (for time only.....of course).
bi11yclinton's Avatar
For me there is nothing worse than hearing they are a mother. That just kills it for me....
carkido45's Avatar
For me there is nothing worse than hearing they are a mother. That just kills it for me.... Originally Posted by bi11yclinton
That also bothers me I just don't want to hear about stuff that's outside of the session also when a provider post they have a SO it kills it for me also.
Don't ask questions to which you don't want the answer. Problem solved!

Although, if you mean gals are taking up session time to tell you their life stories... that sucks. I can't imagine they get a lot of return business - not a whole lot of consolation, but some.
All you had to do is tell me that you didnt want to hear about my husband and 4 boyfriends and my 5 kids and i would have shut up LOL
Dont ask, you will be surprised how many men ask, and im thinking why would they care.

If a provider is spilling the business about her SO or whatever, thats unprofessional.
carkido45's Avatar
All you had to do is tell me that you didnt want to hear about my husband and 4 boyfriends and my 5 kids and i would have shut up LOL Originally Posted by hollyofhouston
You forgot your fan club Holly.
I think there making T-shirts about you.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 06-15-2010, 09:57 AM
yeah kid story's kill me its hard to get off like that hearing all that shit. I have had girls that like the fact that I have a SO (they know you dont want alot of trouble when your chick will be there soon). Had one chick that did not want to go though with it when she saw pics of my chick she got upset that I was messing around on her and she talked about that the whole session even looked like she wanted to cry when we were done I was like ok fine go home and never called her back.

For both sides once one on one SO should be left out of conversation I dont mind during setup or screening the question but as we are getting ready to be reminded constantly of your SO is kind of hard.
GneissGuy's Avatar
I do enjoy small talk with the ladies. I probably don't want to hear about the BF or husband.

Some guys probably feel nervous and ask things they really don't want to hear just because they felt the need to talk about something. Some ladies probably are nervous and babble about the wrong thing just to have something to say.

Some ladies probably make a point about mentioning the husband, SO, or kids to try and keep the guys from trying to turn them into a real world BF.
mrhunt's Avatar
Hearing about there SO and kids do not bother me in the slightest. The only time I have ever had concerns is when she told me she had 3 big dogs living in her back yard but even then I could still perform once as I ever did.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
I get asked a lot if I have an SO, especially by strippers. I always get the feeling they're looking for the next G. Howard Marshall...
I don't normally ask. If they want to tell me i'm cool with it. It really doesn't bother me one way or the other.
Dont ask, you will be surprised how many men ask, and im thinking why would they care.

If a provider is spilling the business about her SO or whatever, thats unprofessional. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
Agreed. I prefer not to talk about those things period. I'm not really interested in hearing about a guy's SO either... I doubt you're with me to think or talk about her. It doesn't kill my mood, but it can kill yours. LOL. The only exception I can think of is when you're asking for something she's unwilling to do.

I don't have an SO, but I would consider it inappropriate conversation if I did. I prefer to treat it like a date, and my date isn't interested in who else I'm seeing. I have no clue why so many ask, but I usually say there isn't one and then change the subject to something a little the now.