Get Ready for President Hillary Clinton

  • oeb11
  • 11-28-2021, 06:01 AM

Wayne Allyn Root
Posted: Nov 28, 2021 12:01 AM

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

Source: AP Photo/Kathy Willens


Muhammad Ali said, "It ain't bragging if you can back it up." So, excuse me for bragging, but in my almost six years as a nationally syndicated radio and TV host, my predictions have been remarkably accurate. I'm not perfect, but I'm batting close to .990. It's the best record of anyone in the media.
Almost everything I've predicted has come true, including a stolen election based on mail-in voting without voter ID; a communist takeover of the USA based on lockdowns, COVID-19 "public safety" mandates and open borders; and President Joe Biden being a brain-dead puppet with dementia.
I was already warning on my Newsmax TV show about Biden's clearly diminished mental capacity back in 2019 and early 2020. It's all on tape.
I warned during the 2020 election that Biden and the Biden crime family are owned lock, stock and barrel by China and the Chinese Communist Party.
I also predicted that this communist takeover and purposeful destruction of America, American exceptionalism, capitalism, the American middle class and Judeo-Christian values was all designed, coordinated and carried out by a combination of former President Barack Obama, communist billionaire George Soros and the Chinese Communist Party.
This is all clearly happening right in front of our eyes.
So, I'm going to make another shocking prediction. Democrats (i.e., the party of radical, insane and hateful socialists, Marxists and communists) are getting ready to install Hillary Clinton as president of the United States.

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You might ask, "How will they do it?" The answer is simple.
Biden is finished. He served his useful purpose. He provided a white, experienced, grandfatherly, supposedly "moderate" face to serve at the top of the presidential ticket. The mail-in ballot fraud got the Democrats 90% of the way home in rigging and stealing the 2020 election. And Biden's "white moderate grandfather" routine did the rest: He fooled just enough clueless and naive voters in a handful of battleground states to finish the job.
But the jig is up. Biden's approval is now in the unimaginable 30% range. That means he has no one left on his side but friends, family, campaign aides, Democratic Kool-Aid drinkers, welfare addicts and migrants.
Everyone with a brain, who isn't blind, deaf or really dumb, now understands Biden is brain-dead. It's hard to miss the daily decline in Biden's ability to think and communicate. Democratic puppet masters have no choice anymore but to throw grandpa from the train.
Biden's days are numbered before he will be forced to step down after admitting he can't do the job anymore due to rapidly advancing dementia.
Biden is as good as gone. At this point, it's only a matter of when.
That would make Vice President Kamala Harris president. We all know that's not going to happen. I believe she is the most deeply flawed, despised and unpopular vice president in the history of America, and maybe in the history of the world too. Her 28% approval rating makes Biden seem popular.

Harris' problem is no one likes her. Not men, not women, not white nor black people. She is a talentless empty suit, with an evil, insane laugh, who allegedly screwed her way to the top (e.g., her involvement with married Willie Brown Jr.). Normally women support Democrats by a wide margin. Not this time. Women hate talentless women who screw their way to the top. So, Democrats have a big problem. Everyone hates Harris.

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Harris has to go too.
Here's my crystal ball. Democrats will demand Harris' resignation. She'll cite "personal reasons" or "family issues." Then corrupt Democrat billionaire donors will give her a $25 million mansion to retire in. You'll never hear from Harris again.
Next, they'll name Hillary Clinton vice president.
Very quickly after that, they'll start planting nonstop stories in the media claiming Biden's aides see him in dramatic mental decline. After 3 to 6 months of those stories in the media, Biden will make his touching goodbye announcement and ride off to a nursing home specializing in dementia patients. And like Harris, Jill Biden will get a $25 million mansion as incentive to shut her mouth and never be heard from again.
Just like that, Hillary Clinton is president of the United States.
I'm guessing Democrats will need a black woman as vice president to diversify the ticket and lock down every last black vote in 2024. Michelle Obama, anyone?
Don't laugh. Get ready. It's coming. Clinton/Obama in 2024.

Comment - interesting thought

and based on valid assessment of the two empty suits in the POTUS and VP offices.

Buck fiden
Fropm my cold dead hands!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I don’t think a Clinton-Obama ticket could win against Howdy Doody with how badly democrats have managed to fuck up everything they touch. Only about 25% of the country are hardcore leftists, everyone else has a brain.
As off the wall as this entire scenario seems, it is plausible.

Can they get all of this in before the Mid Terms?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-28-2021, 07:25 AM

Women hate talentless women who screw their way to the top. So, Democrats have a big problem. Everyone hates Harris.

[! Originally Posted by oeb11
Are you talking about Melania or Kamala? Doesn't matter....they are both talented in fucking their way up the ladder!

But you're right....I do not like either.
  • oeb11
  • 11-28-2021, 08:29 AM
WTF - why don't you run for POTUS replacement on teh DPST ticket

with all your political expertise on this board

You certainly have qualifications and talents much greater than either of teh empty suits 'acting' as POTUS and VP, not mention H...and Michelle.

give it some thought

you could do much better than any the DPST party has to offer!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-28-2021, 08:35 AM
WTF - why don't you run for POTUS replacement on teh DPST ticket

with all your political expertise on this board

You certainly have qualifications and talents much greater than either of teh empty suits 'acting' as POTUS and VP, not mention H...and Michelle.

give it some thought

you could do much better than any the DPST party has to offer!
Seriously! Originally Posted by oeb11
I could do better than Trump and Biden combined!

First thing I'd do is establish..."There is no more crying in Politics!"
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Can you make that “There is no more crying in the Political Forum?”
  • oeb11
  • 11-28-2021, 08:47 AM
Seriously - a WTF/YR ticket for DPST/communist POTUS/VP
a perfect ticket for teh democrapicommunist ticket!
Do consider - Gentlemen

you would definitely be an improvement over what is currently in office.
Soros would pay
Big Brother would definitely be supportive.
winn dixie's Avatar
What an absolute conspiracy laden thread. It cant happen. Where do these suggestions come from? From the grocery store check out lanes.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What an absolute conspiracy laden thread. It cant happen. Where do these suggestions come from? From the grocery store check out lanes. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Feverishly cutting and pasting any and everything that appears on the front page of the daily newsfeed. This bit of fear and smear propaganda is a great example. Obviously whomever penned this opinion piece is running out of shit to say, so it’s “let’s throw ‘em some red meat.”
winn dixie's Avatar
Hysterically posting any and everything that appears on the front page of the daily newsfeed.

I don’t think the OP reads the drivel he posts. I might if it wasn’t always punctuated by insults, name calling, personal attacks and scatologies.

But noooooo…. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Its the same thing. OVER and OVER. Followed by baiting then playing the victim card!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He’s not the only one.
... Why Wait? .... Send Biden off... Kamala then picks Hillary
to be her VP... And then Kamala resigns. Hillary becomes Prez.

That-way Hillary becomes president the onley way she can:
By having it handed to her.

I did a bit about this in a thread before...

#### Salty
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Never underestimate a parrot's resolve. You can clip that talking parrot's wings and put it in a cage but it will still squawk and babble the same few sentences it knows over and over again. It will also make noises by flapping its wings although it knows damn well it can't fly. Eventually, you realize you just have to put a dark sheet over the cage on a daily basis to make the parrot think it's bed time and it finally shuts the fuck up and calms down. Unfortunately, it will do the exact same shit the next day - it's just rinse and repeat with those damn parrots.
  • oeb11
  • 11-28-2021, 11:10 AM
Ever heard of thread hi-jacking - rifle man???