The death of the hobby.... is it even worth doing this anymore?

rosenbergjoe's Avatar
So while we sit here on this blessed forum and share our resources and experience, at the Rick of sounding very BOOMER (millennial btw) I remember actually being able to hobby. Being able to reach out to a provider be it via eccie, BP, CL, EROS, or any number of sources, coming to an agreement, meeting and concluding our arrangement. I recently made a career change that has me all over the country. Currently in Georgia. The norm has now become “you got cash app? I require half up front” of course like a sucker I feel for it once. But since then I haven’t been able to find A SINGLE provider. Not ONE that actually works . Is this what hobbling has become? Or ROSENBERGJOE too behind the times? I just can’t imagine this is what it’s come to. Girls becoming porn stars with onlyfans accounts and making money from nameless idiots paying to see “premium content” they can see for feee on pornyub. Is cruising down bissy the only true form of hobbling left?
Russ38's Avatar
Fucking H. Tebow’re still alive? Heh.....
rosenbergjoe's Avatar
They haven’t got me yet bro!!! I’ve been sticking to UTR and SW for a while but yeah I’m still around. Traveling the country for the new career... disappointed
Even today it's a providers market. Just like the housing market goes up and down so does the provider market. A lot of us remember 10 years ago when a rush of ladies offered bargain prices. While I don't want to see us return to 2008 to 2012 period, it would be nice to actually make an appointment and have them show up.

The hobby has been all about longterm unemployment. Long-term unemployment will mean more providers coming to th Hobby, less hobbiests to spend money on the hobby.

The trend you have described has been typical for the past five years. I have my regulars see them when I can, but haven't found something shiny or new worth repeating with for a long while.

Who knows what COVID19 will do to the market, my guess is short term probably not much. COVID19 has crippled low wage jobs-resturants, movies ect... If COVID-19 problems bleed into high wage jobs, the market may tilt the scales of equilibrium. Either way I don't expect a much upside or downside on providers pricing.

At least in my area, over the past three weeks, I have seen new providers post ads and a few old faces return.