Kinky is as kinky does...

DallasRain's Avatar
I posted this in another city and got interesting here goes...have fun with it!

KINKY---urban dictionary

Engaging in some form of BDSM or enjoying nonstandard sexual or sensual stimulation. The opposite of vanilla.

Engaging in some form of BDSM or enjoying nonstandard sexual or sensual stimulation. The opposite of vanilla.

Sexual practices that many people view as wild, unusual, or extreme. Definitions of this word vary from person to person; someone might think wearing a red bra is kinky, or having sex with the lights on, but someone else will classify kinky as being suspended from the ceiling, whipped, and gagged.

So my questions are.....
What is the "kinkiest thing you have done/or want to do"?? got any stories to share???
and How would YOU define "kinky"??