Let the record show...

Yssup Rider's Avatar

Let the record show that I did not consent to this.

Let it show that I did not vote for this man, that he did not represent me, that I did not believe he was deserving of being here, that I grieved his ascension.

Let History record my objection to him, to the ways he humiliated women and vilified Muslims and threatened protestors and disregarded people of color.

Let it record my repulsion at his tremendous cruelty, his lack of compassion, his contempt for dissension, his absence of simple decency.

Let witnesses mark down my disgust at the way he boasted of infidelity, at how he ridiculed a disabled reporter, at the way he attacked female opponents for their appearance, at the way he marginalized immigrants.

Let it be remembered that I did not look the other way when women accused him of assault, when the reality of his Russian alliances came to light, when he refused to share his tax records—though large portions of the American media and its people chose to.

Let it be remembered that I did not buy into the fear that he perpetuated of those with brown skin or hijabs or foreign birthplaces.

Let the record show that I looked on with disbelief as he spent countless early morning and middle-of-the-night hours following the election on social media, broadcasting a steady stream of petulant, insecure, incoherent messages instead of preparing to do a job he was ill-equipped for and seemingly not all that interested in.

Let the record show that I watched him assemble a Cabinet of billionaires and bigots, of people woefully unqualified to steward our children, our safety, our healthcare, our financial stability—and that I was horrified by it all.

Let it be remembered that my faith would not allow me to fall in line behind this man while so many professed religious people did; that I saw nothing resembling Jesus in him, and that to declare him Christian would have been to toss aside everything I grew up believing faith in Christ manifested in a life.

Let History record my grieving at the racism and bigotry and homophobia that characterized his campaign, marked his supporters, and is evident in his assembling Administration.

Let it be known that I was one of the more than 65 million people who voted for Hillary Clinton; who understood that though not perfect, she was an intelligent, experienced, passionate public servant with the temperament, commitment, and qualifications to lead and lead well.

Let the record show that I greatly lamented the day of his inauguration, and that I promised to join together with other good people to loudly resist and oppose every unscrupulous, dangerous, unjust and dishonest act this new Administration engages in.

History has been littered with horrible people who did terrible things with power, because too many good people remained silent. And since my fear is that we are surely entering one of those periods in our story, I wanted to make sure that I was recorded for posterity:

I believe he is a danger to our children.
I believe he is a threat to our safety.
I believe he is careless with our people.
I believe he is reckless with his power.
I believe America will be less secure, less diverse, less compassionate, and less decent under his leadership.

And if I prove to be wrong, it will be one of the most joyful errors of my life. I will own these words and if necessary, willingly and gladly admit my misjudgment because it will mean that America is a better and stronger nation, and the world a more peaceful place.

But right now I don’t see that happening.

Right now I am worried for my country, concerned for our planet, scared for the future of my children, and greatly saddened that 62 million Americans seem okay with all of this.

Let the record show that I was not okay with it.

Not at all.
Your link doesn't work - so I'll fill the blank for you.

http://johnpavlovitz.com/2017/01/19/...e-record-show/ Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hope you get paid today, Ellen.

The whole world gets fucked for free in a couple of hours.

I think I'll go to a movie.
Passion2015's Avatar
Really rider, give me a break. Give the guy a chance like we give all the presidents. Hell, maybe if you feel that bad and are so concerned, maybe you should move to another country.

No president will make everybody happy, but respect the position and move on

I'm sure you have been a complete model citizen who has done nothing wrong wright?

Oh wait a minute, your on a hooker site. Oops there it is
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Really rider, give me a break. Give the guy a chance like we give all the presidents. Hell, maybe if you feel that bad and are so concerned, maybe you should move to another country.

No president will make everybody happy, but respect the position and move on
Originally Posted by Passion2015
Well said. I don't know how many people really gave Obama a chance but President Trump should certainly be assessed based on his successes or failures as POTUS.
  • DSK
  • 01-20-2017, 11:53 AM
Well said. I don't know how many people really gave Obama a chance but President Trump should certainly be assessed based on his successes or failures as POTUS. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Well, I for one preferred him drone striking our enemies rather than sending in ground troops. Hopefully, President Trump will do the same.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Well said. I don't know how many people really gave Obama a chance but President Trump should certainly be assessed based on his successes or failures as POTUS. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

I have stated over and over that I pray for Twitler's success at bringing our nation together after so horribly dividing it.

I will support him and give him the time to do what he promised he'd do. Day one is NOW! The first 100 days ends in 99.
lustylad's Avatar
I have stated over and over that I pray for Twitler's success at bringing our nation together after so horribly dividing it. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Of course you do! That's why you call him Twitler, right?

Fletchlives's Avatar
Not sure that Trump is responsible for dividing our country. Pretty sure the divide existed prior to him announcing his candidacy.

I will give him the benefit of the doubt, just as I did Obama. Hopefully I will not be as disappointed. Time will tell.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Awww. Does Twitler bother you, Junior?

After eight years of some of the most outrageous namecalling in history ... even for a hooker board ... you're suddenly objecting? Tough shit, son. Fits a lot better than Trumpolini.

He earned his nickname. It's up to him to disprove it.

I pray he does.

Hail to the Cheeto!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Not sure that Trump is responsible for dividing our country. Pretty sure the divide existed prior to him announcing his candidacy.

I will give him the benefit of the doubt, just as I did Obama. Hopefully I will not be as disappointed. Time will tell. Originally Posted by Fletchlives
You may be right about that. He merely took advantage of it and in so doing, made the rift nuclear.
The Griffin's Avatar
I have popcorn and a big screen. I also have my jock real tight, this might be a hellava ride. Lets talk in 6 months.
Me too!!!!! Except for the jock thing, of course.

I have popcorn and a big screen. I also have my jock real tight, this might be a hellava ride. Lets talk in 6 months. Originally Posted by The Griffin
bambino's Avatar
Hope you get paid today, Ellen.

The whole world gets fucked for free in a couple of hours.

I think I'll go to a movie. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
That's better than the 11 trillion dollar fuck job that Obama laid on the United States.
Yssup Rider's Avatar