Review: maxieryan will waste your time!

Date: 01/12/2011
Provider: maxieryan
Phone: 512-289-9013
Email Address: -
URL / Website:
City: Austin
State: Texas
Address: -
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: none ... We agreed upon an appointment time and when I called she did not pickup
Session Length: -
Fee: -
Hair Length and Color: -
Age: -
Smoking Status: -
Ethnic Background: -
Physical Description: -
Recommendation: No
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 01-12-2012, 08:03 PM
Since no session took place, moving this to Coed.

Not enough details to have an opinion either way.
Ahhh, maybe something happened out of her control and she will call. She is a really sweet lady with an awesome personality.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Always have a plan B and or C. This happens all the time and if it happens to me I never give them a second chance.
Always have a plan B and or C. This happens all the time and if it happens to me I never give them a second chance. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
me either, I really do not care what her excuse is/was it only takes 10 seconds to send a text and cancel...
My sincerest apologies to this gentleman. I have a new phone and forgot to charge it at home. Too cheap to buy a car charger (which I now have!!!!). The phone died soon before the appt, his # was in my phone and I had no way to contact him.

JUST a thought......when I get stood up (which doesn't happen much but it used to) I am always sure to call the person and convey that I hope nothing happened and they were all right. I ask them to call me back whenever they find some time and would like to reschedule. I try to assume the best of people, apparently not the first inclination here.

You can believe me or not, my track record of good service speaks for itself. My apology is sincere and I hope the gentleman will give me a chance to make it up to him. If not, I understand and wish him the best! M
onei's Avatar
  • onei
  • 01-16-2012, 09:53 AM
Maxie ... that is a classy response. Two thumbs up.
  • BFE
  • 01-16-2012, 03:19 PM
Wow, wow, wow. Classy response Maxie!
levibob56's Avatar
Maxie shit happens, and you do have a good record and I hope the hobbies gets his time. Make the call johnson, bet she makes you smile.
Baloney Pony's Avatar
Howdy, Folks!

Yeah - I had this experience with Maxie Ryan as well.

Yeah - I didn't post anything.

1. I was so angry over this situation, I figured I should cool off for a while before I sat down in front of a keyboard.

Steeljohnson10, you have my sincerest apologies. I feel really bad now - if I had written something and you had read it, I might have prevented your situation from occurring.

2. I've posted stuff like this before, and WKs and all sorts of pilers-on have avalanched on me, attempting to bury the original message. No big deal - it doesn't bother me - but it *does* prevent people like me from posting this sort of information again; it's just not worth the time and effort.

As a result - Hobbyists like Steeljohnson10 suffer. In other words, ALL of us suffer.


Onto the story...

I had read many, many glowing reviews of Maxie Ryan, and as I was going to be leaving Texas, thought I would see if we could get together before I left.

From :

" only for advance scheduling"

From :

"4.* Is there any way to communicate thru(sic) e mails instead of phone calls?* Need to be very secretive?

Answer: Sure, we can always schedule in advance via e-mail.* You will still need a phone to call me when you are on your way (unless we make arrangements) but scheduling in advance will significantly limit your phone usage!* I'm always glad to help out when I can!* * Maxie"

"9. How do we advance schedule with you through emailing? What is your email?

Yes sir, you can e-mail me at You can also advance schedule by phone if you like by calling 289-9013. I am always happy to schedule in advance! "

Okay - cool. So, email works.

So, on Sunday, November 13, 2011 I checked availability with Maxie Ryan for November 26, 2011. I figured 13 days in advance was plenty of time to do advance scheduling via email.

I also indicated in this and subsequent emails that I use email and private messages exclusively for setting appointments, and I do NOT use a telephone for setting appointments.

I got email confirmation back that this would be fine.

I had some pre-screening questions of my own, and asked them. I never received a response.

If Maxie did indeed have an issue with me terminating the session, I could always come back as say,

"Hey, I asked, and you never responded. I would have politely declined to schedule with you if I had known about x, y, and z prior to showing up, but since you didn't respond to my messages concerning these issues, I assumed good faith on your part and came to the session."

Okay, no big deal; I had asked them, had email confirmations that I *had* indeed asked them, and figured if I got to the session and things did not meet my personal criteria - it would not be an issue for me to terminate the session before it started.

The last communication I got from Maxie was on Monday, November 21, 2011 saying essentially that everything was a "go" for the scheduled date and time.

Subsequent emails from me received no response.

Still, I *had* received positive confirmation.

Monday, November 28, 2011:

On the scheduled day and around the appropriate time, I was in the area of Maxie's incall.

To get final confirmation and directions, I called.


Just an answering machine. So, I left messages, and the phone number I could be reached at.

No response back from the messages I left.

No callback, no email, no NOTHING.

I had reorganized my life to schedule this session, and I really didn't appreciate the lack of response.

If this session wasn't going to work out for any reason, a simple email from Maxie stating as such at ANY TIME during the THIRTEEN DAY planning phase would have been perfectly acceptable.

Nothing. Nada. Zip.

11/28/2011 - no response.

11/29/2011 - NO response.

We have now left the territory known as Lame and Irresponsible and entered into the Land of Insulting.

FINALLY, on 11/30/2011 - NINE days, mind you, since the last communication, and I got an email from Maxie.

She informed me that:

• she was so sorry

• she's constantly watched, so using a computer is incredibly difficult for her

• from now on, she needs to schedule by phone and not try to work from email

BULLSHIT on all three counts.

• she was sorry - if she's *so* sorry, why didn't she contact me sooner than 48 hours to say so? Which leads us to...

• she's constantly watched, so using a computer is incredibly difficult for her - if that's the case, how can she possibly run a successful Sensual Massage service?

[This thread may actually be the answer to that question, folks.]

If one is being watched, what's the difference between making a phone call vs. an email? I can do either from a locked restroom stall in a coffee shop, for crissakes. I have a portable computer that's perfectly capable of sending an email that can be had for less than $20.

ANY provider that's in this business should use some sort of portable device they can do their business from that they could afford to either lose or destroy at a moment's notice.

My sincerest apologies to this gentleman. I have a new phone and forgot to charge it at home. Too cheap to buy a car charger (which I now have!!!!). The phone died soon before the appt, his # was in my phone and I had no way to contact him. Originally Posted by maxieryan

If you cannot afford tens of dollars on business expenses, or if your in a situation where your every move is watched - including those of your bowels, for crissakes; can't you even go into a bathroom, lock the door, and have 5 minutes of privacy? - you *may* wanna consider stopping ALL advertising and getting out of The Hobby completely.

• from now on, she needs to schedule by phone and not try to work from email - I received this in the email response from Maxie on 11/30/2011; today is January 16, 2012. Check out the links I provided - her website *still* advertises email advanced scheduling is okay; nothing has changed on the site, even though she told me she needs to schedule by phone and not try to work from email. See attached time-stamped screenshots, in case things magically repair themselves. :/

Not only will she waste your time, but if she is actually telling the truth about being constantly watched to the point that she cannot send a simple, discreet email during a NINE DAY TIME FRAME, what is preventing her Watcher from gaining access to every single thing she reads and writes?

RUN, do not walk - from this provider.
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WyldemanATX's Avatar
I wish there were more guys out there like Baloney Pony that tell it like it is. Then maybe some of these disorganized scatter brains would start having better TCB. Unfortunately some of these gals run their business about as bad as our Federal Government.
Baloney Pony's Avatar
Howdy, Folks!

Unfortunately some of these gals run their business about as bad as our Federal Government. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Oh, Sweet Jeebus - I hope not.

If so - we're all gonna be Jack-Off Kings presently!

I wish there were more guys out there like Baloney Pony that tell it like it is. Then maybe some of these disorganized scatter brains would start having better TCB. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30

Unfortunately, never gonna happen.

1. There are too many folks - both Providers and in other professions - that should never, EVER go into business for themselves. They just can't hack the actual administrative, detail-oriented side of the business to keep it from failing, or at least, being a very poorly run business.

I feel a lot of providers think poor TCB will be forgiven for a smokin' hawt face/bod, or some other attribute that is fleeting, transitory, and temporary.

Look around on this board and others - the providers that do WELL and actually can at some point afford to RETIRE(instead of just burn out/never heard from again because they can no longer trade off of the physical assets because they no longer exist) are the ones that have excellent TCB, and treat this not only as a business, but are positive about it while doing it. They are rare.

2. Too many fellows are concerned about screwing up their chances of return visits with potential ATFs, so they'll not "tell it like it is."

Guys - it's a disservice to EVERYBODY.

ALL I ask of you folks is to be honest.

That's it!

If y'all do that, HobbyLand™ will be a MUCH nicer place for everyone.

So, fellahs - post what happened (or not) and give us the true details.

A suggestion - take notes after the session, but allow at least a 24-hour "cooling off" period before actually posting. Your post will probably come off a hell of a lot more objective as a result.

Ladies - set proper expectations. Accurate pre-session information for the Hobbyist, punctuality, you know - the basics. Start with those, and work up. The results will surprise you.

Happy Hobbying!
wow now I remember why I don't spend much time on here. Hope you guys and gals put out as much effort being successful in life as you do running people down.
I am looking at web hosting now (unrelated to hobby). As I read the customer reviews of the different sites I am reminded of a joke one of my male clients once told me.

" You can sleep with 10,000 women, but blow one guy to pay the rent and suddenly you're gay!"

I hope that put a smile on a few faces! LOL And to the negative people......just because there are some very satisfied clients out there that say so doesn't mean they are 'White knights'. But if it makes you feel better to say so, then so be it! 6 missed appts and only 4 people asked to leave in 7 yrs and I'll bet that EVERY one of you will get on here and cry about it. My last word on the topic.

Please remember that this is all about FUN!!!!!! Have some fun and like yourselves more!!!! You have permission.....LOL