Political differences with an escort

Back in July, it came out during a session with an escort that we're on opposite sides politically (the escort started the discussion).

The next time I reached out to her, I never heard back (Which isn't like her). I suspect she's discarded me as a client because of our political differences.

Unreal. I get why political differences might matter in a friendship or boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. But for a purely transactional relationship? Why would it matter to an escort if a paying customer of 8 years is on the other side politically?
txdot-guy's Avatar
There could be plenty of reasons she could be ghosting you. If you think politics are getting in the way maybe you should wait until after the election before trying again. And don’t bring up politics with anyone new.
There could be plenty of reasons she could be ghosting you. If you think politics are getting in the way maybe you should wait until after the election before trying again. And don’t bring up politics with anyone new. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
For an escort I don't have much of a repertoire with, that's true (there could be plenty of reasons she's ghosting me).

This escort is unique. In addition to the fact we've been with each other so many times I've lost count (over the course of 8 years), she's (up until our last session at least) texted me in-between sessions (she's always initiated the in-between session texts) to talk about all sorts of personal stuff.

For her to ghost me is incredibly strange.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Back in July, it came out during a session with an escort that we're on opposite sides politically (the escort started the discussion).

The next time I reached out to her, I never heard back (Which isn't like her). I suspect she's discarded me as a client because of our political differences.

Unreal. I get why political differences might matter in a friendship or boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. But for a purely transactional relationship? Why would it matter to an escort if a paying customer of 8 years is on the other side politically? Originally Posted by AdventurousMouse

WHAT !! You didn’t know that escorts are some of the greatest thinkers of our times?

When they speak just say….You’re so cute.

On a serious note…My mother grew up during the depression in western Oklahoma and thought FDR hung the moon. She later became a teacher and joined their union so it wasn’t ever hard to figure out where she stood although I don’t think she’d recognize her party today. I once asked my Dad who grew up in western Minnesota and at the of age of 22 flew a B-24 Liberator and led 9 other young men into battle over the skies of Nazi Germany how he felt about FDR and he told me he thought he was too much of a socialist.

My parents NEVER talked politics and loved each other their whole lives.

I hope there’s a lesson in there for you.
WHAT !! You didn’t know that escorts are some of the greatest thinkers of our times?

When they speak just say….You’re so cute.

On a serious note…My mother grew up during the depression in western Oklahoma and thought FDR hung the moon. She later became a teacher and joined their union so it wasn’t ever hard to figure out where she stood although I don’t think she’d recognize her party today. I once asked my Dad who grew up in western Minnesota and at the of age of 22 flew a B-24 Liberator and led 9 other young men into battle over the skies of Nazi Germany how he felt about FDR and he told me he thought he was too much of a socialist.

My parents NEVER talked politics and loved each other their whole lives.

I hope there’s a lesson in there for you. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
The escort said Trump orchestrated the assassination attempt.

There are certain things I'm not able to let slide. That's one example of a comment I'm unable to let slide. If it means never getting a session with that escort again, so be it.

Agreed, your mom wouldn't recognize the modern Democratic Party.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
The escort said Trump orchestrated the assassination attempt.

There are certain things I'm not able to let slide. That's one example of a comment I'm unable to let slide. If it means never getting a session with that escort again, so be it.

Agreed, your mom wouldn't recognize the modern Democratic Party. Originally Posted by AdventurousMouse
She’s obviously an idiot. Did you pay her to feel her brain or her tits?
Don’t get me wrong, believe me I know exactly how you feel. The other day I called a provider and she let me know right away that she didn’t take short notices and that I had to make an appointment in advance. That’s totally understandable right? So we then set up an appointment for 4 oclock the next day. The next morning I arranged my schedule and even took a calis in preparation for a fun afternoon. She then texts me at 1:00 and tells me that we cant meet because she went ahead and made an appointment with someone else. I still want to fuck her so I bit my tongue and said : No biggie. She then proceeded to lecture me again about making an appointment. At that point I really wanted to let her have it but I knew if I did she’d never let me see her. So I just kept my mouth shut and caught up on some porn knowing that Ill have another shot at it.

I know sometimes it’s hard, but you’re never going to change someone’s mind who thinks like that. Best just to keep your mouth shut, smile and change the subject..

Just curious…Did she say this before or after donations were exchanged?
Rarely do politics come up during a session but it happens. Surprisingly the several times that politics were mentioned the provider boasted how great Trump is. Personally I can’t stand Trump or Biden/Harris. However, under Biden my belief is the economy and border security is a disaster.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
this is why i only fuck Asians at the AMPs. they only know phrases like "me love you long time!" and "fuckee suckee?"

TheDaliLama's Avatar
this is why i only fuck Asians at the AMPs. they only know phrases like "me love you long time!" and "fuckee suckee?"

bahahahaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yeah, God bless them. I find reviews arent that helpful because of the turnaround and name changes. It’s kind of hit or miss with them but they are very convenient and cheaper.
adav8s28's Avatar
this is why i only fuck Asians at the AMPs. they only know phrases like "me love you long time!" and "fuckee suckee?"

bahahahaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Welcome back Waco. We don't agree on much, I do respect your favorite PHD Economist Kimberly Amadeo. The above was pretty funny! It's probably true for the one's that are not fluent in English.

Note: I did agree with you that the Gov should go the extra mile to reimburse those who lost money to the Crypto guy with the Butt ugly girlfriend. I can't remember his name. He was under house arrest at his parents house.
adav8s28's Avatar
The escort said Trump orchestrated the assassination attempt.

There are certain things I'm not able to let slide. That's one example of a comment I'm unable to let slide.
Originally Posted by AdventurousMouse
I don't want Trump anywhere near the White House again. I don't think Trump had anything to do with that assassination attempt. The kid was just one step ahead of the Secret Service. He had a range finder, he used a drone (the secret service was offered use of a drone and turned it down). Plus the kid had an assault rifle that you can take apart and put together. The kid did not need any help, he knew what he was doing.
txdot-guy's Avatar
I don't want Trump anywhere near the White House again. I don't think Trump had anything to do with that assassination attempt. The kid was just one step ahead of the Secret Service. He had a range finder, he used a drone (the secret service was offered use of a drone and turned it down). Plus the kid had an assault rifle that you can take apart and put together. The kid did not need any help, he knew what he was doing. Originally Posted by adav8s28
In my opinion the “kid” wanted to go out in a blaze of glory. It was just bad luck that Trump had a rally closer in time and distance than Biden did.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Next time say…shut up Stormy and put this in your mouth.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
here's another thing i like about AMPs besides the limited talk ... their very strict screening requirements ....

got some Benji's in yer pocket ... you are IN!

here's another thing i like about AMPs besides the limited talk ... their very strict screening requirements ....

got some Benji's in yer pocket ... you are IN!

bahahaha Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
But what if the lady supports John Adams, one of Ben Franklin's great political rivals? :-)

I kid. I get your point. Red and blue both (usually) respect green.