Don't be an ASS... OK

Oh you'll probably catch hell for that one, lol. The Libs will attack your character more than they will the video, cause it's the truth.

Oh you'll probably catch hell for that one, lol. The Libs will attack your character more than they will the video, cause it's the truth.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Jimbo, how can you attack the character of someone who has none to attack?
Jimbo, how can you attack the character of someone who has none to attack? Originally Posted by bigtex
Just like Slick Willy and Shrillary ? And odummer and Nattering Nancy pug-ugli, Hasslin' Harry Reid and ALL of the rest of the dumbascraps ! It's a prerequisite to be in THAT party !!
Jimbo, how can you attack the character of someone who has none to attack? Originally Posted by bigtex
You need to acquire some character for yourself before you start questioning other people's.
