Lake LBJ Area? Ladies? Possible LLHC Formation...

Elephant's Avatar
Have any of the local ladies played out in this area?

There are probably 20,000+ people living in the communities listed below... and as far as I know 0 providers visiting or actively advertising in this area. It's about a 50-60 min drive from the arboretum area. I would consider Marble Falls the hub of local business/activity. Several new hotels with reasonable rates. ($70-90 per night). It's a very friendly area with lots of things to do. I think the right girl could have a very successful visit... Of course this would require some amount of risk, like with any other venture... I think if you advertise correctly(don't list the exact date in public), have excellent TCB, good location(PM for suggestion), and Attractive/Fit, there is a lot of potential in this completely provider-less area... Horny Golfers, Business Men, People visiting the Marriott Resort in Horseshoe Bay......

Btw, I'm willing to sponsor the first trip for any lady that's interested in visiting the area.

My Criteria

1. $250hr Max
2. 19 - 33yo
3. HWP
4. White, Hispanic, Asian

The unofficial Lake LBJ Hobbyist Coalition....

Also looking for guys who are interested in teaming up to bring some top quality ass out to the Lake LBJ area for us to enjoy. I know there has to be several guys who either work/commute(like myself) or live in one of the communities listed below. PM if interested. I'm looking to keep this back channel & discreet.

Kingsland - Highland Haven - Granite Shoals - Marble Falls - Meadowlakes - Horseshoe Bay - Sunrise Beach

westex69's Avatar
Elephant, I feel your pain, there is a lot of money out here, one of the lovlies should take advantage of us,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,