Maybe a new way to verify

noober's Avatar
So I just commented on a 411 comment and was think what if verification can just come from snap chat since the videos can only be viewed once. Idunno just an idea.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 09-28-2016, 01:15 PM
Seen and recorded once with another device, that would never work for privacy reasons.
noober's Avatar
Well that was shut down quick ^.^
Laura Lynn's Avatar
A video doesnt tell me if you're a flake, if you skip out on your tab, if your rough, are funky, or just a down right asshat.
pyramider's Avatar
Just another fucktard trying to avoid screening ...
noober's Avatar
Chill out and see a provider man I stated it was just an idea, but I Must admit I didn't think this one through. And..... tread closed
Tx Noob's Avatar
Chill out and see a provider man I stated it was just an idea, but I Must admit I didn't think this one through. And..... tread closed Originally Posted by noober
Thread won't be closed until twenty other asshats jump on here and tell you how stupid you are for suggesting it in the first place. Then two or three of those will continue their flame war that has spread across multiple threads and forums, with all sorts of dumb one-liners mixed in that will have nothing to do with this topic. Welcome to eccie.

pyramider's Avatar
No one has stated noober is stupid, only that his idea was not well thought out. Other fucktards can determine his stupidity on their own.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Hey he just had an IDEA , some are bad some good you need to round table to see ?
noober's Avatar
So tread wont be close for another 20 days huh. Well then if that's the case I mind as well have fun on this tread. As stated I wrote this after I commented about a 411 account. for those who didn't wanna click on link above. I said it would be nice if providers could confirm the the review date seen. Now I know eccie isn't gonna change anytime soon but it would keep less verification traffic on emails and phone calls for the providers. Im a at the moment type of person I don't set up dates days later. If I contact a provider that's bc i wanna see her that same day or the next so less wait time for clints. Also if they can add comments such as client was clean friendly correct fee paid would u recommend this person to other providers. This would help providers out but keep it hidden from clients.
But I'm pretty sure the providers have a women's lounge or something like that commenting who not to see and stuff.
Btw I like how some guys been on here years and have done about the same or less reviews than me a guy who joined less than a year ago. To each his own but reviews are to help the other gents out. Not gonna lie i got some gems hidden away (not really just less traffic *.*).So... I can see why some girls run off here due to toxic. Oh how I love the online dramas
Tx Noob's Avatar
No one has stated noober is stupid, only that his idea was not well thought out. Other fucktards can determine his stupidity on their own. Originally Posted by pyramider
Hey he just had an IDEA , some are bad some good you need to round table to see ? Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Hey guys, I wasn't calling noober stupid, just saying that there would probably be others that would. I have no call to judge another human being and don't presume to; just pointing out the fact that there are others on this board who make it their mission in life to pass out those judgments. I was a noob too, and am not opposed to someone throwing out new ideas, well thought out or not.

I was just making an observation that I guess could have been worded better. After all, this place can get like the WWE sometimes. My apologies, Noober.
FunInDFW's Avatar
These chats that are 'secure' and 'private' aren't the end-all be-all of security. You can easily save and record what they're doing. Even though they try to prevent it, it can and is bypassed.
Just pass the screening... Give enough info. to make the Lady and yourself feel comfortable.

Some ladies ask for extra unnecessary stuff so they can save your info. to later do you harm. But the real reputable ladies will ask for just enough info. to make them feel at ease then book the appt.

Just my .02
noober's Avatar
Nah no feelings hurt here I am a noob and will proudly admit it hints the name noober >.< I got what u were saying tx noob.
Was actually responding to the fucktard comment but then he calls everyone fucktard lol "can't be a pushover"
Like I said I mind as well have fun as people shame me for my wack idea haha.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 09-29-2016, 10:32 AM
Nah no feelings hurt here I am a noob and will proudly admit it hints the name noober >.< I got what u were saying tx noob.
Was actually responding to the fucktard comment but then he calls everyone fucktard lol "can't be a pushover"
Like I said I mind as well have fun as people shame me for my wack idea haha. Originally Posted by noober
Just visit the providers that don't require.personal information that can be used against you later, and that reputable crap, things, people and situations change in this hobby in the blink of an eye. Don't be a sucker